Murder Chimpanzees: Attacking villages and stealing children in Uganda


Joshua's big fat cunt
Baby Onion
why do they hate each other? they're the same
Imagine all your life people constantly comparing you and your kind to the nigger menace, saying how niggers evolved from you and other such nonsense. Eventually you'd reach a point where the next nigger you saw was going to pay dearly, which is exactly what this chimp did.

If I were a chimp I'd kill a nigger too. In fact, I'd organize all monkeykind into a National Socialist monkey ethnostate and together we'd kill every damn nigger on the continent.

Monkeys are not niggers, and niggers are not monkeys. Niggers are stupid, lazy, worthless, good for nothing, and genetically criminal whereas monkeys are civilized, social, and intelligent. To say otherwise is extremely disrespectful to monkeys everywhere.

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Crimson Fucker

An Onion Among Onions
It's common knowledge chimps steal and eat babies. They're the goblins of Africa. Niggers are orcs.
Reason: So they don't get along. But they occasionally breed.