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Technology MSNBC smears Elon Musk claiming he's "becoming pro-Putin"

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The Gays From LA

The Gays From LA Took My K.Flay Away
Hellovan Onion
Joy Reid is such a fucking clueless dumbass. Elon Musk has stated multiple times that he fears the Russians want to assassinate him over his space exploration programs and ESPECIALLY because of Tesla.

Fuck yeah he's "sad, lonely and isolated". When Russia wants to kill you, you kinda have to do that to stay alive. Dumb fucking MSNBC smear merchants.

Why the fuck would Elon Musk ever become "pro-Putin" if he knows he's likely to be assassinated by him? If Elon Musk is pulling Starlink out of Ukraine, it's most likely because his security apparatus (and you better believe that a multi-millionaire like Musk has his own "private CIA" of "private spooks" investigating threats against him and his businesses) has likely warned him that the Russians are planning to punish him for helping Ukraine with Starlink.

If he's discontinuing Starlink in Ukraine, it's likely because there's an imminent assassination threat being made against him, that he's not talking about so as to give away information that would compromise his security. Not because he's all of a sudden pro-Putin.

Ronan Farrow is an idiot too for not knowing about the assassination threats from Russia against Elon Musk, which go back years and predate the war. There is no fucking way Elon Musk is pro-Putin or pro-Russia when they've been threatening him and his families for so long.

Let me spell this out one more time for all the idiots at MSNBC:

- Russia wants to enable global warming, mostly by denying it, because the melting of the ice in the Arctic will allow Russia to gain access to the minerals and oil fields in the far North of their country, which are currently covered by ice and hence mostly inaccessible. Once the ice melts due to global warning, these hidden riches will become more easily accessible and mineable. Russia already tried to populate the North in Soviet times with their trans-Siberian railway system but had a hard time achieving that and getting people to move to the North because it was so remote and cold. Global warming will make living in the far North of Russia more tolerable and accessible to Russians who might want to move there to work in the future mines and oil-fields.

- Russia hates the idea of "divestment" because for them to be able make money in the future from these mineral and oil fields in the North, the main source of energy around the world has to remain fossil fuels. Divestment and electronic cars are a threat to that future where it's "business as usual" and everyone is still buying oil guzzlers instead of relying on "cleaner" sources energy for their transportation.

- Elon Musk with Tesla is inventing increasingly affordable electric cars. Right now these cars still are only available to the rich, but if this trend continues and the average Joe is eventually able to buy a cheap Tesla, Russia's future oil-fields in the North will be mostly useless to them. They will have to use that oil for domestic consumption, or they can try to sell it to BRICS for cheap, but they won't be able to sell it to the West or America. They will thus lose a source of control over the West.

- This is likely one of the main reasons that Putin, for years, has been threatening to assassinate Elon Musk, same way he just did with the Wagner leadership, to send a clear message to anyone working on electronic cars (especially his Chinese "allies" who are also producing affordable electric cars for the internal market): do not even think of making electronic cars affordable in a way that enables Western economies to abandon fossil fuels.

This is what's actually happening and you will never read this on MSNBC or any of the global MSM.

Crimson Fucker

Hellovan Onion
There are plenty of reasons to not like the guy but being a Russian puppet isn't one of them. They seem to be over using the tactics they used on Trump but applying it to everyone they don't like. There are plenty of reasons to not like him as well but they often gaslight when they don't even have to.

The Gays From LA

The Gays From LA Took My K.Flay Away
Hellovan Onion
There are plenty of reasons to not like the guy but being a Russian puppet isn't one of them. They seem to be over using the tactics they used on Trump but applying it to everyone they don't like. There are plenty of reasons to not like him as well but they often gaslight when they don't even have to.

It's such a ridiculous accusation to level at him. It's a matter of public record that Russia has been threatening him and his businesses:

Elon Musk says he faces 'quite significant' risk of being assassinated

"If I die under mysterious circumstances, it's been nice knowing ya": Elon Musk embroiled in war of words with Russian space chief

The Gays From LA

The Gays From LA Took My K.Flay Away
Hellovan Onion
I highly recommend reading the article below in full, it explains a lot of the material issues that are at stake in this war, including the very future of electronic cars:

A move away from oil, something that is happening much faster than most presumed, is a great threat to the Russian economy, and thus to Vladimir Putin. Perhaps Putin did see this threat arising and decided that he would pursue his dream of expanding Russia before it was too late. Perhaps he thought, alone in his bubble of emptiness and callous “nationalism,” that he had better “return Russia to its former glory” now, before dying of COVID, a coup, or a citizen uprising.

Fast forward to 2022, and just about every carmaker bar Honda and Mazda have committed to majority electric or all-electric lineups by the next decade, Tesla is the most valuable carmaker on Earth (worth more than the next several automakers combined), and even the blue chips like Ford are looking for ways to run their companies like Tesla.

And, yes, it’s noteworthy that none of those automakers — not a one — can build the millions of electric cars they’ll need to stay profitable without a bunch of rare natural resources. It is also true that Ukraine has an abundance of the very kind of natural resources that the EV revolution needs.


Gallium, titanium, lithium, rare earths … it seems like there’s a lot worth fighting over in the Ukraine — especially if you’re the kind of person who values the upward trajectory of your stock portfolio over decency or human life. And, while some companies are bending over backwards to ensure their EV materials are ethically sourced and part of a closed-loop system to minimize their long-term environmental impact … others are not.

But, again, those minerals have always been there — and the calculus of the past, at least, balanced out “against” invasion. That may have changed, and a trillion-dollar valuation may have had something to do with that.

On the topic of lithium, The Indian Express writes, “Ukrainian researchers have speculated that the country’s eastern region holds close to 500,000 tons of lithium oxide, a source of lithium, which is critical to the production of the batteries that power electric vehicles. That preliminary assessment, if it holds, would make Ukraine’s lithium reserves one of the largest in the world.

Here's the Twitter thread embedded into the above article, it's worth reading in full:

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TLDR, Russia hates Elon Musk and wants to kill him because he's threatening their fossil fuel based economic model with Tesla and the advancement of electronic cars. Ronan Farrow is a fucking idiot if he thinks that Elon Musk would simp for the ones threatening to kill him and his businesses.