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Public Figure - Niche Mormon Shaggy / Geoffrey Joseph Edevane

Public figures in internet culture that are predominately seen as part of the cowsphere community
As a Chad defender of Mormonism shaggy only wanks to buff men.
You sold me on the religion the moment I read this.


Perhaps this can be a good offering?
He has done 2 streams this week.

One calling cog a pedo for an hour, The other where is is laughing at some preacher.


His janny has been hard at work cleaning chat
Oh, look, the degenerate scum bag who defends the Norwegian Pedophile is now calling for pornographic drawings of other people's children and trying to call other people pedophiles. Truly the work of a mastermind.
Between contradicting himself with GhostOfNiccolo, Shaggy decided to post War Hammers dox on his community tab and blame Yiros.
GhostOfNiccolo responded to Shaggys claim of having him blocked by posting his block list.
Yiros responded to Shaggys claim of giving him War Hammers dox by pointing out that Shaggy is an unstable liar.
This appears, in my opinion, to be a pattern of Shaggy's where he attacks multiple people for a few weeks and cries he is a victim for the next few months.
Pretty sure this is the new Moron Shaggy handle. A moron because SHE DID NOT KNOW SHE WAS BEING VIDEOED. (From PPPs Chat)
Caught trying to e-date a married woman, Queen of Spade
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After this it gets worse as he flips out about how he thinks Dark Ninja has a crush on me, believing him to be GhostOfNiccolo and then goes on to tell me about how most men don't rape and how I don't want a man who doesn't believe in God (such as my husband) because he cannot love me truly then...
I will prepare those ones! But for now, Merry Christmas and enjoy how this began!

Mormon Shaggy and Toxic Angel reached out to me with Ear Juice and Hypa to attack Suit Yourself and that's how I was introduced to them. They were all in the Suit Yourself community - I do not know a thing about Ethan Ralph and was not around Suit for long due to him being an incel freak as well.