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Public Figure - Niche Midwest College Groomer, Cyberbully, FnF Hater: Clare Ruth Gunderson/SenpaiOpps

Public figures in internet culture that are predominately seen as part of the cowsphere community


Registered Member
Hi Guys.

This is my first time posting here. But I have a pretty fucking disturbing story to tell.

I've worked with YourClairyGodmother (different Claire) for a while, and she's obviously at her wit's end. She's been the prey of this groomer for a while, and she's being chased out of social media, period thanks to C.R. Gunderson, aks SenpaiOpps.

"This is a document exposing a cyberbully and predator, Clare Ruth Gundersen/Fontenelle from Tennessee, who goes by @SenpaisOpp currently on Twitter (she goes through multiple different names online, usually involving cats and bimbo culture. She is also active on Discord, Casting Call Club, BlueSky, and DeviantArt.) And I'm not her only victim. Gathering evidence for months across various social media platforms with her other victims has revealed that Clare is more disgusting than previously imagined. With a few close friends and helpful aids, going through Clare's social media uncovered: harassment of minors, gore-spamming minors, sending rape and murder threats to minors, manipulating others to send rape and murder threats to minors, and various other heinous actions.

Primarily however, Clare Ruth Gundersen has been exposed as a pedophile.

Clare is a crazy internet predator obsessed with hating the game Friday Night Funkin' (FNF in this document) and genuinely believes people who enjoy or play the game are not human beings who deserve to get raped, including kids. She has made it her mission these past several months (alongside people like her friends and partners) to harass both fans of FNF and those who call out her behavior, regardless of how little they are actually involved with FNF or her. Clare has carried out a repulsive campaign where she has…

1. Sexualized minors.
2. Sent gore and sexual images to minors with malicious intent.
3. Sent rape and murder threats to minors.
4. Had hypersexual fetish art and porn of minors drawn and sent.
5. Stalked and harassed minors sexually.
6. Supports and befriends other pedophiles, including YandereDev."

Here's the full archived PDF, for anyone that wants to know just how bad this situation goes.

TL;DR - Same old stupid shit. Cyberbully. Diddler. Hypocrite that hates Friday Night Funkin' fans, and thinks they're not human. Will justify rape at the drop of a hat towards that fandom. Massive pathetic hater who has a hateorgasm towards FnF. Pedo and False Accuser of Pedos (projecting much, what are the odds). Active in Casting Calls and other projects. Is still active in a Tennessee college.

Is there anything you can do to help? Any info you can find on SenpaiOpps to stop her from ruining lives like YCG?

The victim, YourClairyGodmother, is about to lose it in less than 2 weeks. I ... I'm running out of options, and I don't want to lose her too. She's been through so much - loss of loved ones, being groomed before meeting this filth, and her mental health is down the shitter. I'm no simp, I don't bait and I just want to do right by her.


Ok but hating fnf and trolling people who like it is the least offensive thing in the title. In fact I would go as far to say that specific part is based. Not the grooming stuff though obviously. Either way, I don't care about this.
Reason: This isn't the site for some literally who personal army request.
They've got a deviant art thing, and they are French AND Canadian.
is about to lose it in less than 2 weeks.
Lose what? And how are you able to be so specific on the time scale here? I'm asking because I'm bored and I want to troll you.
I just want to do right by her.
And starting a thread on Onion Farms, how did you come to the conclusion that doing that would help this person?

I would recommend that you and "YourClairyGodmother" get in touch with your attorney and pursue legal action against whoever it is that is harassing her.
This is the correct and BORING! answer. Y'know what you need to do @SmithWesson ? CUT A PROMO!!!
Getting personally involved in something like this goes against our policies and is not within the scope of this forum.
Kind of repeating yourself there Ken. Belt and Braces, tho I suppose is best.
This groomer has a lot more text messages as part of her evil.
You can best help your "friend" (split personality) best, by reading these text messages out in the voices of Mickey Mouse and Donald Trump, upload them here.
Ok but hating fnf and trolling people who like it is the least offensive thing in the title.
I don't know (nor care to know) what this fnf is. If it's Gaymonging, then "Kill em all, let God decide"....
Looks like clare tried to do a number on their DvArt page...

Make. Of. That. What. You. Will.
View attachment 77897
They've got a deviant art thing, and they are French AND Canadian.

Lose what? And how are you able to be so specific on the time scale here? I'm asking because I'm bored and I want to troll you.

And starting a thread on Onion Farms, how did you come to the conclusion that doing that would help this person?

This is the correct and BORING! answer. Y'know what you need to do @SmithWesson ? CUT A PROMO!!!

Kind of repeating yourself there Ken. Belt and Braces, tho I suppose is best.

You can best help your "friend" (split personality) best, by reading these text messages out in the voices of Mickey Mouse and Donald Trump, upload them here.

I don't know (nor care to know) what this fnf is. If it's Gaymonging, then "Kill em all, let God decide"....
View attachment 77901
Looks like clare tried to do a number on their DvArt page...

Make. Of. That. What. You. Will.
It's a shitty time the button press game, I always hated guitar hero too.
I'm only here, asking for advice and what other info we can dig around for. I don't give a shit about which side of the fence it's for, so long as no one kills themselves. Politics aside, I think dealing a way around that groomer is the more important part. I've been asking around and hunting for hotlines.

The deadline is New Year's Eve.
Feel free to add new content, but as I said before politely but firmly: We are not getting involved in your personal conflict.
Fair. I thought I could give it a shot. Thanks for the feedback.

I don't know if that person, CRG constitutes a public menace in your eyes ... so if someone like EDP445 or Keffals is enough to warrant taking a stand, or at least, get everyone on the same page on how shitty they are ... what's the threshold here?