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Public Figure - Niche MichaelMikey320/Michael Mikey/MichaelMikeyMan - Floundering commentator openly airing his fetishes and grudges.

Public figures in internet culture that are predominately seen as part of the cowsphere community

Tom Nook

Nice to meet you, yes, yes!
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Pr0n rants, digging genius.
Hentai and pr0n sections are gold for content.
Twitter: (a)
His Reddit because of course he has one.
(r) (a)
Socialblade: (https://socialblade.com/twitter/user/michaelmikey320/monthly)

(incomplete, not done, needs revising, etc.) OP Draft:

"I've come to really love reddit these past few months"

Michael Mikey is a strange, strange anomaly of a "commentary" youtuber who openly flaunts his degeneracy to his audience. As you might have guessed, Mikey is a porn addict, as evidenced by his series "Porn Rants", with another series of his being "School Rants", where he will rant about things that annoyed him during his childhood years in schooling. These two series are his bread and butter, bringing in the most views to his channel, and the ones that are a frequent mainstay of his channel. They're also some of his funniest material, featuring some of his biggest doses of autism.

When not ranting about his masturbatory material or the old days, he frequently rants about whatever he feels like in videos with minimal effort, ffrequently covering whichever topic he picks very poorly, resulting in videos that can often feel schizophrenic at times as Mikey switches from topic to topic, unlike his more concentrated autism in the School Rants and Porn Rants videos.

Porn Rants

As aforementioned, one of Michael Mikey's main series is Porn Rants, where Mikey will rant about any problems he has with porn or masturbation in general, these videos seem to bring in the most views for Mikey, with one of them even bringing in over a million views, resulting in him re-titling one of the videos to "This video got enough views", and while him being ashamed of his porn rants is common, he can't seem to bring himself to just take them off of his channel. However, Mikey is only ashamed of the rants because he no longer agrees with some of them, not because he spent his time ranting about pornography.

The topics covered on Porn Rants vary, whether it be how much he hates No Nut November, How much he definitely does not like feet, Pornhub's search feature, or whatever other topic related to pornography he feels like ranting about.

As you would probably guess, Porn Rants has led to Mikey revealing some very embarassing shit... Tons of embarassing shit. A prime example of this is the fact that Mikey would choke his shlong almost every day from 2013 until June 19th 2020.

Mikey has also talked about porn outside of Porn Rants a few times as well, just for good measure I presume, where he would also reveal facts like the fact that he masturbated four or five times a day during days where he felt like shit, that his "perception on women was kind of hindered", and that he apparently relapsed into masturbation as a coping mechanism after his aunt died, only fully supposedly quitting after doing No Nut November.

Highlights: (this section isn't started, the videos below are still the examples from last edit, this will be done next edit.

School Rants

School Rants is Mikey's other main series. You might have guessed, and been correct, that this series is home to some of Mikey's most autistic rants outside of the Porn Rants series, and it's the series he has actively continued even after "ending" Porn Rants.

This is a series where Mikey whines about having to do basic tasks at school, such as group work, class participation, the school bus, and also shit that any normal adult wouldn't give two shits about, like his rant on his second grade teacher, or his principal enforcing the uniforms rule.


In "School Rants: Group Work": Mikey details how he cannot work with people in a group because of how he is unable to compromise and wants full creative control over every aspect, and how when he gets his way, he will rub it in his collaborator's faces.

In "School Rants #11: My Second Grade Teacher": Mikey details his experiences with his second grade teacher, or rather, he spends a few minutes rambling about random shit before he describes his experiences with his second grade teacher, wherein Mikey shows that he is still bitter over getting punished for bringing his Nintendo DS to school and playing it during class.

(add more school rants highlights next edit too)
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(really rough) OP Draft:

"I've come to really love reddit these past few months"

Michael Mikey is a "commentary" youtuber who is a washed up porn addict, and cannot let his school days go, at all. Two of Michael's biggest series are "Porn Rants" and "School Rants".

When Mikey isn't ranting about porn or school, he frequently rants about whatever he feels like in videos with minimal effort, frequently covering political topics.

Porn Rants

As aforementioned, one of Michael Mikey's mainstay series is the series "Porn Rants", where Mikey will rant about any problems he has with porn or masturbation in general, whether it be how much he hates No Nut November, How much he definitely does not like feet, Pornhub's search feature... (to be expanded)

Pr0n rants, digging genius.
Hentai and pr0n sections are gold for content.
Twitter: (a)
His Reddit because of course he has one.
(r) (a)
Socialblade: (https://socialblade.com/twitter/user/michaelmikey320/monthly)
I have updated the OP with more information. my next edit will add the section on his School Rants series.
forever alone.png

... In additional news I have updated the OP again and added the School Rants section.