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McDonalds vs. Burger King Feud

Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt

Global Moderator
The battle Burger King vs Mcdonalds is older than the dirt on the battlefield. Mcdonald’s and Burger King launched around the same time, 1955 & 1954 respectively.

While both brands’ products are distinct in taste and appearance, them being from the same sector – Fast Food and them launching around the same time has arisen unavoidable competitiveness.

Fast Food Sector does not brace much innovation because of the products being limited to burgers, fries, and beverages. As a result of this and the factors mentioned hitherto, Burger King and McDonald’s have engaged in a rivalry spanning over six decades to gain the lion’s share of the Fast Food sector worldwide.

Both of the brands are of reputable stature, with ample resources to support flamboyant advertising with a global presence. Over the years, Burger King Vs McDonald’s has become an online crusade in itself and is one of the frequently discussed topics. The feud has bred several pieces of user-generated content too.

burger king is garbage literally the worst one you could choose
I am afraid I must disagree quite wholeheartedly with this stance, sir fagot with your lovely duck pfp! I assert that you just wound up with one of the "bad" Burger Kings, it is of course well known that every fast food chain has its good locations and bad locations. Why, just to compare Wendy's, I have access to two of them within 20 minutes of each other, and the difference in food quality between them is STARTLING!

We're talking the difference between stale tasteless fries VS fries perfectly salted and fresh. If your only experience with Burger King was at its worst, I implore you to give other locations a try because they have the following;

-Chicken Fries, one of the best inventions ever despite them not even focusing on chicken
-One of the btter premium chicken sandwiches, again, surprisingly
-Top 3 fast food burgers easily

We may agree on a lot of things, sir fagot of the lovely duck pfp, but on THIS I must respectfully disagree!


Literally Ashley Hutsell Jankowski Address in my banner
Hellovan Onion
Burger King- Whopper
McDonalds-Chicken Mcbuggets

Truly a fight for supremacy.