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Kiwifarms Speculation Lidl Drip

Parody Threads related to Kiwifarms Satire and speculation threads related to Null or Kiwifarms go here.
Is this... is it... just a bit... creepy...?
View attachment 51738
From "Your Fave joshy"... Who does that look like? Not really joshy... did lidl AI an image of joshy, but with the Twink filter turned up to 11... Let's face it, he never looked like that, and certainly doesn't now.
It looks like Nick Fuetes. Nick has what josh has always wanted... a jawline.
Nick has what josh has always wanted... cat boys
joshy just has cat ladies...
"Somehow I feel like the convicted violent felon..."

Ah, the "All the bad things Gunt hath done, they doth absolve the broom of everything" bit.

"... some website owner who didn't delete a 13 page gossip thread immediately upon receiving an extortion e-mail."

Hmmmmm. Being offered money, yes it's extortion... did byuu THREATEN to work for free? Was that a threat? But hey, don't worry that it looks a bit sus that you are suddenly trying to squealer sweep it all up.

btw... the brooms Mother is domestically violent, right? That mug shot, yeah?
BREAKING NEWS! Didl has joined Clithole!

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Welcome to our newest member, Lidl Drip.

Wrong webforum Didl, you should've joined Puckerhole.
Hey! That's not fair... joshy only just turned 30. And if you've ever heard him talk about his Mother, who protected HIM from lunatic men. Not the other way round... lidl sure is neurotic. Hating men... yet simping for one of the worst example of man....
Aren't people who obsess over the lying work shy fop that is Greta Tunaburger (either way)... aren't they always diddlers? This is a bit, "I'm just going to archive this pic, as so's to have a good hard long "condemning of it!" isn't it?
View attachment 52329
View attachment 52330
Aren't people who obsess over the lying work shy fop that is Greta Tunaburger (either way)... aren't they always diddlers? This is a bit, "I'm just going to archive this pic, as so's to have a good hard long "condemning of it!" isn't it?
She's 21 so fair game, but shame they didn't fix her face while they were at it.
I want to congratulate Didl for expanding his operations and launching a Man Hate franchise on Clithole.club soon.
He couldn't have picked a better forum with a more receptive, or should I say deserving, audience for his "man hate", LMAO.
Clithole.club is kinda dead right now, but I'm sure it will become a booming place once Didl and his harpy band of TERFs take over the joint.

Another very feminine womanly take from Didl who is totally not a gay man: replace all women in porn with troons


Why are you so concerned about masculinity, Didl? As a man-hating "woman", why is that so important to you?


Hmmmmm. If you want a family, the best thing is to get married early 20s, and have an heir n spare by 30. PL: I'm one of those. Y'know, parents got married and had kids, stayed together, because my Mum wasn't a drunken slag who tried to trap a man by getting knocked up.

WOmen, you really are going to find it difficult to find a man to start a family if you are over 30. Just the way it is. Don't listen to this troon.