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Kiwifarms Speculation Lidl Drip

Parody Threads related to Kiwifarms Satire and speculation threads related to Null or Kiwifarms go here.
Altistic has been strange lately as well. I can't put my finger on it other than to say he doesn't seem like he enjoys posting anymore.
I can't imagine he still enjoys it all the regular gunt posters from the faith arc are either banned or left with the exception of maybe 4 no lifers who are on their 5th socks. The only ones can think of who might still be around on their account from the fai fai arc are altistic, Sam losco (maybe heard he was back) and maybe melty.
I haven't checked the gunt board in months so my info might be out of date but those were the only names I recognized back in March when the chudbud leaks happened
You mention Dyn and Lidl trying to run a work...
View attachment 37877
But also...
View attachment 37878
That broom is wop trope again... where did I hear that last.

It seems the gay-ops are afoot... I think last time something like this happened Autistic Spite was absent from the gunt board for sometime. This is why I don't post on Commie Farms no more.
This is good advice I'm sorry you are such a retard moid. When I'm dating a guy I always tell them I'm into weird kinky BDSM shit to make sure I'm getting a good man. It's their inferior moid brains that make them leave me when I describe how I like to be tied up in shibari bondage and pissed on and degraded with the exception of porn sick degens who I have to kick to the curb. I have no idea why only the most degenerate scrotes are attracted to me and I have to leave all their porn sick asses.
I haven't checked the gunt board in months so my info might be out of date but those were the only names I recognized back in March when the chudbud leaks happened
The fiasco of altistic being such a heavy part of the ChudBuds leak killed his rep as one of the more relatable mods and he still takes shit for it occasionally. IMO Altistic really wanted to bow out of his mod role at that point but after Null came in and freaked out about it I don't think he felt it was the right time.

Would not be surprised if he ditched as soon as they find some Null dickrider to take over Gunt.
The fiasco of altistic being such a heavy part of the ChudBuds leak killed his rep as one of the more relatable mods and he still takes shit for it occasionally. IMO Altistic really wanted to bow out of his mod role at that point but after Null came in and freaked out about it I don't think he felt it was the right time.

Would not be surprised if he ditched as soon as they find some Null dickrider to take over Gunt.
Those leaks were the last time gunt stuff was at all interesting to read about. The best mod was Gustav who was made a mod and just stopped using the site.
Altistic easily could just you know log out and not janny if he really was bored of the gunt board and wanted to quit and null wouldn't let him. Jewsh doesn't actually have a gun to his head. Unless of course altistic used his personal info to paypigs to Jewsh then hes fucked

Are you laughing son ?
I believe sites like porn hub have strict rules, and if anyone is found out to be sex trafficking, the so-called rape fantasy is actually a real thing. They will go to the cops . Sometimes I’ve seen comments on some videos where people say this is not a fantasy. This is an actual real event. I’m not sure if anybody reported it but it is something that’s encouraged to do .at least that’s what I noticed a few years ago on porn hub. I think I also heard read some articles on porn hub cracking down on sex trafficking and stuff. They don’t want that reputation on their website.
I don't think so. Both pornhub and XVideo have been accused of harboring CP and ignoring the requests to take them down.
Beta male degradation fetish has been a disaster for the human race. KF has always been a bit of a circle jerk but I've never seen two users openly suck each other off in the middle of a thread like this.
You don't get it retard. The gay duck is showing you how to put out disinformation.
He sure is smart nobody can just go on the internet and make shit up.
Speaking of that Daniel Stevens is not a pedophile and isn't a drunk.
This is good advice I'm sorry you are such a retard moid. When I'm dating a guy I always tell them I'm into weird kinky BDSM shit to make sure I'm getting a good man. It's their inferior moid brains that make them leave me when I describe how I like to be tied up in shibari bondage and pissed on and degraded with the exception of porn sick degens who I have to kick to the curb. I have no idea why only the most degenerate scrotes are attracted to me and I have to leave all their porn sick asses.
I bet you are as ugly as Blaine.
Those leaks were the last time gunt stuff was at all interesting to read about. The best mod was Gustav who was made a mod and just stopped using the site.
Altistic easily could just you know log out and not janny if he really was bored of the gunt board and wanted to quit and null wouldn't let him. Jewsh doesn't actually have a gun to his head. Unless of course altistic used his personal info to paypigs to Jewsh then hes fucked
Gustav quit a month or two after being "faildoxed" by Zed as a dysgenic English manlet. It was one of the last things Zed did before Josh banned him.
My problem with Lidl Drip's posts isn't that they're unfunny. I love unfunny threads; Q&A is my favorite board.

It's that she has such an annoying chip on her shoulder
Lidl workshopping their Jo Brand tribute act
"They say the quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach... I still say it's through his chest"
More on the "Tell me you've never sexed a lady..."
Y'see... The longer you fuck, the better the orgasm is (one money shot over one hour fucking better than three in the same time). Still, prem ejacs got to cope anyway they can, right?
Lidl workshopping their Jo Brand tribute act
View attachment 37913
"They say the quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach... I still say it's through his chest"
More on the "Tell me you've never sexed a lady..."
View attachment 37914
Y'see... The longer you fuck, the better the orgasm is (one money shot over one hour fucking better than three in the same time). Still, prem ejacs got to cope anyway they can, right?
It's painfully obvious this dude is trying to backdoor (no pun intended) weird sexual discussion onto the farms.
She will never be a man

She will never touch a man

She is doomed to be a pickme cock-luster hiding behind fragile misandry