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January 7, 2025: Nollywood actress, Toyin Abraham, has a meltdown over someone recording her new movie in a cinema
January 7, 2025: Social media personality and self-acclaimed therapist, Blessing Okoro, aka Blessing CEO, maintains there is nothing wrong with a therapist dating a client
January 10, 2025: Kim Jong Un (Supreme Leader of North Korea) visits Onionfarms

Kiwifarms Speculation Lidl Drip

Parody Threads related to Kiwifarms Satire and speculation threads related to Null or Kiwifarms go here.
Catler seems skeptical that Lidl is a girl.

It's a talking point on KF, as well as the comments section of that Elissa Clips channel, that it was Rekieta who made his wife into a pervert and a drunk like himself, so she would go along with his escapades. Kiwis insist that she doesn't want any of this and is only going along because she's a faithful loyal wife unwillingly submitting to her husband's perversions. Part of the trad-LARP is the idea that women have no personal sexual agency, and only go along with whatever their husband wants. It's never the wife in the relationship initiating anything, or getting the husband to go along with anything she wants him to do.
'Feminist" Josh, and his users by extension, believe women have no agency. For example. If it is true Rekieta abusing his wife and whatnot as he claims she is free to divorce him any time she wishes. It's obvious they don't really care about Rekieta's wife or his kids. It's just another weapon to use against him for turning on Josh. Josh also likes to say Dick Masterson is a bad man because he told some woman called MintSalad to chase her dream of becoming an artist which would require her to stop living with her parents. Somehow this is Dick's fault and MintSalad, an adult woman, is relieved of any agency whatsoever. Unlike Josh, MintSalad seems comfortable with her decision.
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'Feminist" Josh, and his users by extension, believe women have no agency. For example. If it is true Rekieta abusing his wife and whatnot as he claims she is free to divorce him any time she wishes. It's obvious they don't really care about Rekieta's wife or his kids. It's just another weapon to use against him for turning on Josh. Josh also likes to say Dick Masterson is a bad man because he told some woman called MintSalad to chase her dream of becoming an artist which would require her to stop living with her parents. Somehow this is Dick's fault and MintSalad, an adult woman, is relieved of any agency whatsoever. Unlike Josh, MintSalad seems comfortable with her decision.
Yeah if anything Rekieta is a cuck getting slapped silly as he drunkenly stumbles around plus it recently came out that a portion of his wife's family is staying with them at their house and they regularly go on trips and meetups with other youtubers. What is his wife's family just sitting there down the hall as he beats her silly?

The reality is the Rekietas are in a sham marriage that has from what I've heard and seen been emotionally abusive back and forth but there is nothing to say it has gone any further than that. Rekieta while being a pussy is still like 6'7 and his wife is like 5'2 or something if he was abusing her the world would know and from their interactions on stream together it actually seems like she wears the pants in the relationship.

Didl: Well you're a furry so you don't mind being in diapers in your 40s.

Hey Didl, why are you so concerned about the tightness of gay men's assholes? As a SUPPOSED superstraight woman, the state of gay men's asses should be no concern of yours at all. Aren't you giving yourself away yet again, hon?

Ask Didl what a woman's tits, gut, vagina and ass are like after she's popped out 10 of Null's fat Amerimutt babies in the name of saving the white race. Oh right, Didl has never seen an actual serial mother's body, so as a gay man he gets to be ignorant of what serial birthing actually does to a woman's body. He can have a look here if he wants:

Or, since Didl has fixation on torn assholes and people in diapers, he can try reading this:

Yeah, straight sex clearly has absolutely no effect on a woman's body at all! Women can just have 10 kids and look exactly the same as before they started a family.

That is, according to LARPers like Didl who have never been around IRL women, yet pretend they know everything there is to know about women on a forum where they are given free reign.
Hey lidl, it's not ALL men*. There's the broom, he's sexually attracted to (tiny) cat boys. Besides, women don't date shorter. It's ironic, considering how short, say Tom Cruise is... but then, they have to lie about his height, don't they?

*R Crumb, the guy who did Adventures of Aaron are actual het men who drew "Amazons".
joshy can't possibly win a lawsuit, `if he doesn't file. What are these "letters" that have been sent out.
joshy doesn't have nearly 200k. lidl forgets the money he has given to Zhen. Don't know how much it is... but 50% of 400k is...?
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Hey lidl, it's not ALL men*. There's the broom, he's sexually attracted to (tiny) cat boys. Besides, women don't date shorter. It's ironic, considering how short, say Tom Cruise is... but then, they have to lie about his height, don't they?

*R Crumb, the guy who did Adventures of Aaron are actual het men who drew "Amazons".
This made me laugh because it pointed out what a shut in Lidl is. In my experience very tall men and women do gravitate towards one another, Instagram and TikTok probably promote the opposite because they are essentially mobile freak shows, but I have known tall families, teeny tiny families, but very few families with a massive size difference between mom and pop.

Eurovision stanning is super gay. The only time Eurovision was funny, was a "documentary" of some camp bloke trying to find the Norwedgies act, to ask them about getting Nul Points in the comp. You have to understand, EV still is largely about small backward european countries spite voting or block voting. People have done studies on voting patterns, btw.

Look, I'll give you, there have been some good tunes (like 50 years ago). But most of it is peasant looking people making silly sounds. More so, since they let in the ex commie block in. ANd how is Israel in Europe. FFS.

Oh, lidl wanting to dress up as a cat... a Disney cat, to boot.