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Kiwifarms Speculation Lidl Drip

Parody Threads related to Kiwifarms Satire and speculation threads related to Null or Kiwifarms go here.
Yeah, ginger women don't make good mothers... I know one, took her kid to Pride, and that really fucked (((them))) up.
That's a lil bit previous....
lidl and (((their))) cog dis again...
Do you think joshy sided with the mentalist bf of Candy, who tried to kill them both, by torching the house? joshy admitted he wanted to kill his Moms, so, y'know. He also wanted to fuck his Moms (ewww, fate worse than death).
Josh's Pet Retard thinks Dick Masterson is announcing his wife's pregnancy without her permission.
lidl retard.png

As a woman veering fast towards menopause, announcing your pregnancy is a kind of trophy.
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Do you think joshy sided with the mentalist bf of Candy, who tried to kill them both, by torching the house? joshy admitted he wanted to kill his Moms, so, y'know. He also wanted to fuck his Moms (ewww, fate worse than death).
Candy was okay back in the day. She's fat now. Of course the problem is that Joshy's broke LIDL dick don't wurk.
lidl decides to simp for Venti (just like you-know-who), and gets BTFO'd by a non poo and ornery, of all people...
Yeah, lidl gets lore wrong... but wait...
One Autard stickie? And who could that...
You guessed it. Gonna need to weld that secret broom, make sure you don't lose control of the BPD board.
Y'know when a subject is brought up, and it's a raw topic, and it's something that joshy wants to "put the story straight", but doesn't, because he doesn't want to associate himself with said subject, and then lidl pops up...