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Kiwifarms Speculation Lidl Drip

Parody Threads related to Kiwifarms Satire and speculation threads related to Null or Kiwifarms go here.
>forward to 3rd party
Already this screams "security nightmare". Why the fuck would you not just handle the data yourself after what keeps happening every year with companies left and right getting hacked because some dumb fuck clicked an email they weren't supposed to?

So the token is meaningless to hackers. O.K. and? That third party still has people's information. How reliable is this 3rd party that you would trust them with said information to where they wouldn't just sell it to marketing spammers? Do they follow GDPR standards too or fuck them, because america?

I hope to hell people are grilling him on this shit and not just going "WOW JOSHY VERY SMART, HE KNOWS THINGS!!!" (who am I kidding, they most likely are)
Always creepy how interested Josh and crew are in kids. Not saying Dax or Nick or Ralph are parent material. But it's REALLY creepy out and out homosexual/pedophile adjacents like the Farms, Casino, and Metokur (all childless or homosexual/trans related) are so interested in other peoples children.

It's one of those moments where I go back to the Farms terf problem. You can't simultaneously claim to care about white people and young white boys and simp for the number one group responsible for the problem.

None of these fucks should have kids. But if you don't have your own, where do you get off criticizing other people? The Farmers are worse than Dick and Ralph because they can't even meet the low functional bar of procreating.

To be fair children are now a desperate obsession for any and all internet territories. The human race is still at peak population and boomers aren't going anywhere for the next 30 years, they're shitting their pants that their pensions might run out of money. So they've created this existential boogeyman where "the children are running out!!! wypipo and ayy-zuns are going extinct!!!! we're dying out!!!!!" Mix that in with millennials and zoomers often being sexless freaks and you get this situation where everyone is pissing their pants freaking out about children and who is having them.
>forward to 3rd party
Already this screams "security nightmare". Why the fuck would you not just handle the data yourself after what keeps happening every year with companies left and right getting hacked because some dumb fuck clicked an email they weren't supposed to?

So the token is meaningless to hackers. O.K. and? That third party still has people's information. How reliable is this 3rd party that you would trust them with said information to where they wouldn't just sell it to marketing spammers? Do they follow GDPR standards too or fuck them, because america?

I hope to hell people are grilling him on this shit and not just going "WOW JOSHY VERY SMART, HE KNOWS THINGS!!!" (who am I kidding, they most likely are)
He caught a lot of flak for it, and rightfully so, as it is glaringly flawed.

The most significant issue is the female-only safe space he's isolating from the rest of the community. It raises numerous concerns.
"All I wanted was to spend my day organizing everything neatly into my drawers." Phnaarrr. Also, a furniture website not giving the dimensions of product... pressing X.
View attachment 78788
"All I wanted was to spend my day organizing everything neatly into my drawers." Phnaarrr. Also, a furniture website not giving the dimensions of product... pressing X.
How much shit does "she" own that "she" needs dresser organizers?

None of my ex's ever had to use dresser organizers, and almost all of them had a fuck-ton of clothes.