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Kiwifarms Speculation Lidl Drip

Parody Threads related to Kiwifarms Satire and speculation threads related to Null or Kiwifarms go here.
Didl got upset at some pooner in chat and posted her photo as revenge.

chat bugged out so I didnt get screenshots but the chat then began to roast EvaXephon for her hairline.
The queen feminist of the BPFats, who will definitely be made a moderator on Joselyns app if it ever comes to fruition, will humiliate another woman to a group of men if that woman dares aggravate her in any way.

🎵 Oh she may turn out to be,
The queen of Pick Me!
There she is, Miss Kiwifarms.
There Lidl is, sovereign of schoolmarms 🎵
Yes, more of this!
Fuck this woman, fuck her struggle, fuck her genetics, if some lonely fag masquerading as a Belgian Hamplanet finds her unworthy, I guess she's unworthy and should kill herself.

This is some Reddit/Facebook Group level tranny jannying, find the girls who would most benefit from the online community, in this case a girl who was swept up by the trans agenda, and neutralize her, leaving only handmaidens who coo to the troon. This is very obvious, I can't wait for the ladyapp, I'm so excited, it hurts to smile.
Reason: snip
Doesn't look like a pooner to me in any case. Sounds like Lidl is just jelly. Also since Lidl is just Josh we now know he is storing the photos of what looks like underage female users. The disaster coming from his underage harem site is going to be massive.

So she wants to LARP as Joey Ramone? So what?
Didl got upset at some pooner in chat and posted her photo as revenge.
View attachment 65104
chat bugged out so I didnt get screenshots but the chat then began to roast EvaXephon for her hairline.
The queen feminist of the BPFats, who will definitely be made a moderator on Joselyns app if it ever comes to fruition, will humiliate another woman to a group of men if that woman dares aggravate her in any way.

🎵 Oh she may turn out to be,
The queen of Pick Me!
There she is, Miss Kiwifarms.
There Lidl is, sovereign of schoolmarms 🎵
Honestly not even an own on this girl. Has she seen 95% of the other posters who have been face doxed?
They look like propaganda caricatures come to life