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Kiwifarms Speculation Lidl Drip

Parody Threads related to Kiwifarms Satire and speculation threads related to Null or Kiwifarms go here.
The reason her mode of speaking is conflated with Josh is that it is not designed to be responded to. It is all designed to be read and complied with. You're just supposed to agree and not ask any questions. That's why I also included the way Josh often interacts with others is exactly how Lidl does. Namely, he uses vague generalities lacking in anything substantial or remarking on lived experience.

Same with HHH. Same with Android Raptor.

Here's another example:
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Lidl remarks on an act of crime and immediately concludes the motivation must necessarily coincide with preconceived notions as to how men behave. This is exactly what Android Raptor would do. They never waver from this, they never welcome any other perspectives that would otherwise arrive at any other conclusions other than their own.

In a nutshell, all this does is shut down any conversation and narrow things down to one specific conclusion over and over again. Every major news media industry works this way. There's no actual freedom of discussion when people are allowed to behave this way and berate everyone else who disagrees with them.

By the way, notice how Lidl specifies that this was men who not only have animosity towards women, but Taylor Swift fans in particular. It's one of those things where you can't really pinpoint why that's even a thing and how it would even be measured. This is such a loaded assertion as to beg why it even needs responding to. Nevertheless, she proceeds to talk as if she has somehow proved anything at all by saying this.
I genuinely believe that Liddrip and Josh share a similar mindset, characterized by narrow-minded, childish absolutism. Consider the example of Taylor Swift and the stabbing of those three little girls, as mentioned by Liddrip, and compare it to Josh's absolutism regarding American cheese and bread, despite allegedly not having lived in the United States for over a decade. This mindset is common among terminally online individuals who lack social skills and personal experience, rarely interacting with people who challenge their worldview or personal beliefs. This is why I believe Josh is attracted to Liddrip, who is likely a terminally online shut-in who is not conventionally attractive. This dynamic gives Josh a sense of equality in the relationship, and moreover, she is more than willing to feed and stroke his ego relentlessly. As we know, Josh loves this; he thrives on it.
The reason her mode of speaking is conflated with Josh is that it is not designed to be responded to. It is all designed to be read and complied with. You're just supposed to agree and not ask any questions. That's why I also included the way Josh often interacts with others is exactly how Lidl does. Namely, he uses vague generalities lacking in anything substantial or remarking on lived experience.

Same with HHH. Same with Android Raptor.

Here's another example:
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Lidl remarks on an act of crime and immediately concludes the motivation must necessarily coincide with her preconceived notions as to how men behave. Like, there can't be any other explanation other than Lidl's convoluted projections. And this is exactly what Android Raptor would do too. They never waver from this, they never welcome any other perspectives that would otherwise arrive at any other conclusions other than their own.

Nick had a very good summary for how Josh's brain works in this regard:
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In a nutshell, the manner by which Josh, Lidl, HHH, Android Raptor and a number of others on the Kiwi Farms engages in "conversation" is to shut down any conversation and narrow things down to one specific conclusion over and over again. Incidentally, every major news media industry works this way which is very telling. It's why a lot of people think Josh's brain lives in the late 2000s, early 2010s and Fallout New Vegas is the modern metric for how politics works.

There's no actual freedom of discussion when people are allowed to engage in "conversation" this way.

By the way, notice how Lidl specifies that this was men who not only have animosity towards women, but Taylor Swift fans in particular. It's one of those things where you can't really pinpoint why that's even a thing and how it would even be measured. This is such a loaded assertion as to beg why it even needs responding to which is also why a lot of people don't. It's like, where do you even start? Nevertheless, she proceeds to talk as if she has somehow proved anything at all by saying this.
"Lidl Drip" is a term that originated on TikTok as a humorous way to describe someone with a fashion style that's considered low-budget or of lesser quality, often comparing it to the discount supermarket Lidl. The term itself doesn't refer to a specific person being bad but rather to a fashion trend or style that’s seen as unfashionable or cheap.

However, if someone is referred to as a "bad person" for having "Lidl drip," it's likely meant in a lighthearted or teasing manner, not as a serious criticism of their character. The phrase is more about making fun of fashion choices rather than making judgments about someone's morality or behavior.
I wouldn't say that about AR, she replied to people a lot. She was just set on her conclusions but she did engage.
Engaging with others implies you're actively invested in anything they have to say. If you've been on a forum and held to the same views you've always had for over a decade and repeat the same script for over a decade, that would be a clear indication you never really engaging with anyone at all. This is majorly why a lot of people would get fed up with AR--it wasn't just because of her views but because she would continually repeat the same script over and over again no matter how anyone interacted with her.

She couldn't even turn her off NPC brain in a private DM for women talking about kinky porno shit.

But this is all just an example to bounce off and use as an example for how Lidl also converses with others on the Kiwi Farms.

This is what a lot what the Kiwi Farms has devolved into. People aren't conversing there, despite the intention of a forum to be a place of discussion. Instead, it's a bunch of weirdos shouting into the void to the accolades of whatever hugboxes they've established there.
This is majorly why a lot of people would get fed up with AR--it wasn't just because of her views
I do think a lot of it was her views setting off anti abortion spergs and she shouldn't have been banned.
She couldn't even turn her off NPC brain in a private DM for women talking about kinky porno shit.
At least she said being a futa would be swell? It's on topic, at least.
For a moment, let us ignore the idea that there's some gay ops going on with Lidl and consider the context of this and most of anything she says.

This kind of script-following is exactly the same kind of thing you see issued from Hollywood Hulk Hogan and Android Raptor. This is a gimmick. It is designed to get under your skin and halt any productive discussion.

The problem a lot of people have with Lidl is that everything she says is just baiting a fight with her. In almost every one of her reams, she makes several unbacked assertions that continually go unchallenged. In part, nobody will challenge her because doing so has repeatedly brought about the ire of Null. Also because BP users will sic Stan on other users and threaten them with doxes if they fly too close to the sun.

Because of how the Kiwi Farms works, Null will shrug off any users doxxing other users. This is the price you paid for putting your name on the Kiwi Farms. This is how Lidl gets her way every single time. She makes a gimmick scripted "femoid" post that is designed to bait a fight. Regardless if a fight happens or not, she goes and cries to Null who then white knights her and BP in general.

"Stop harassing or I'll destroy the Woman-Hate thread!"

Over and over and over again. It's always the men that are at fault for Lidl's constant sperging. What a poor, hapless victims!
Why is it that everyone except for Null can see how one-sided the whole "gender war" thing is?

Anyway, I've brought this up with other former Kiwis and they've issued Lidl is just some ultra feminist. I disagree. Say what you want about the politics of feminism, at the very least a feminist might actually have some kind of goal by the end of the day and would engage in conversation in such a way as to achieve that goal without obligatorily being a bug others along the way. Even if one assumes a feminist has crazy ideals, at the very least they actually have ideals, right?

With Lidl the only thing that's consistent is that she invents wild stories which repeatedly belittle men and talk about how unfair it is for women. All stories or instances she refers to are anecdotal or otherwise strawmen. There is never anything substantive.

Let's take, for example, the fact that she didn't know that only livestock that give birth can produce milk:
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Has no clue what she is talking about. But goes unchallenged because nobody wants to poke the lion. If you read most if not all her posts, she has very little real-world experience and, instead, most of what she says is something you would see promoted by 6B4T types.

A lot of what she posts regularly anything that fits a "men bad. women are oppressed" narrative. Take this recent example:
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Right off the bat:
"Just look at the men on this website"
Okay, how? All anyone can see on KF are pfps. How the fuck does anyone "just look at the men" on the Kiwi Farms?
But what really gets me is nobody challenges this. Not even Null.

In fact, Null even engages in this kind of thing himself:
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Let's go off on that tangent for a bit...
Null has essentially made a the case for intersectionality here.
"Waaah!! White women get all the anti-white racism from the Left and real mysogyny from the Right..."
"Women are the most un-catered to demographic! Waaah!!"

I dunno Josh. Ever think a man doesn't wonder how he will find a woman that won't fuck him over?
Both parties, men and women, have to put up with this shit. This is life.

Null obligitorily references Ethan Ralph as if Ethan is some kind of a paradigm.
Got news for you Null, not every man is Ethan Ralph.
And, shocker, few (if any) men even want to be Ethan Ralph.

Next, Null says, "...you fall in love, but your man troons out..."
Yeah, I suppose that can happen, but, how often does that even happen?
What exactly are the stats on that?
Imagine if someone said women shouldn't get married because, "What if a meteor hits the church as you say your vows?!"
Why is Null making sweeping judgments based on what affects a fraction of the general population?
Because Null lives in a bubble where the only "people" he can judge are lolcows. That's his reality.
He doesn't live in the real world. He thinks Ethan Ralph represents a demographic.

Null cannot even be bothered to remember Stephen Crowder's fucking name, but still believes he is so informed about women and Crowder's marital relationship as to cast judgment on him.

Null then retreats into, "You need to look at this from the woman's perspective."
So, is Null some kind of "woman whisperer" now?
Are we really taking advice from a single, childless, fatty who claims circumcision is to blame for his inability to orgasm inside a woman?

But on the forums, how does Null react whenever he is confronted with any of this?

"Bruh! It's 60/40. You're eliminated from the gene pool n' shiet. I'm right and high IQ. And if you disagree it sucks to be you."
Good logic, there Null. Totally on board with this clear line of thinking.

Okay...let's bring this back to Lidl and this screenshot:
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From the get-go, this opinion should discarded because nobody knows who is or isn't a man on an anon website. Duh.

Next, "I get called a man all the time."
Never happened. Prove it.

"I am openly racist and homophobic. This is ok for men..."
No, half the population is not out and about being openly racist or homophobic. This is insane to assert.

"If a woman acts like she's selfish, she is judged for being selfish but If a man does this, he is admired."
This is generality that cannot really be proven either way.
I could say the exact opposite and it would have the same affect.

Despite that, as I said before, Null also engages in unproven generalities.
"This is just how the world is. Deal with it."

Then, there's last bit where she says, "at least online where men can't hurt you."
This is what really makes me think she is just begging for someone to say something she can complain to Null about.
This is baiting a fight.
She desperately wants someone to challenge what she says so she that can run to daddy.
This is her entire shtick. Her gimmick is to just bait people into getting angry, therefore giving her a reason to report to Null or to dox.

Incidentally, this attitude of "online where men can't hurt you" conflicts with the fact that BP users do actively engage in doxxing other users.
Why claim that being online is safe but when anyone talks back to you, you then resort to involving the real world as reciprocation?
Get ready for dumb and dumber pouncing on you and call you Lidl cause you don't agree with their genius theory that Lidl is just Null on a sock account.
These individuals are engaged in doxing other users, honey potting, and in some cases, I've been told, extorting.
Do you have more information on this?
I saw a post rumor about that JambledWords or w/e hiring a private investigation into another user

Another fantastic description of Josh by "Lidl"
null takes his broke dick frustrations out on women, kids when younger and now on his users.
he is particularly savage when a woman on the farms annoys him. i remember him saying he was glad his cat died when the boyfriend of his roastie whore mom burned down their house.
and again we see ethan ralph used as an example even though there are plenty better examples of misogynistic men. ethan ralph realy gets under nulls skin.

and the second paragraph is word for word a description of null. remember his thing about Cody Wilson raping a kid "I don't care about whores".
Spiritual homosexual indeed.
I do think a lot of it was her views setting off anti abortion spergs and she shouldn't have been banned.

At least she said being a futa would be swell? It's on topic, at least.
I was no fan of Android Raptor because honestly our paths didn't cross much if ever. But I do know she could take bantz and jabs well and role with a joke at her expense. Better than most of the BP users in fact.

I hope driving off older users was worth the influx of femcels banned from Reddit Jewsh.
Get ready for dumb and dumber pouncing on you and call you Lidl cause you don't agree with their genius theory that Lidl is just Null on a sock account.
I don't have an opinion either way. What is clear is gay ops are ongoing, especially with regard to Lidl having an active but "silent" account until approximately three years ago. Really bizarre stuff that begs further questions.
Do you have more information on this?
I saw a post rumor about that JambledWords or w/e hiring a private investigation into another user
Sadly I got kick out of their telegram chat once It become clear I wasn't willing to sext with them. I found out about it because I was invited into some dm chains. These are the same dm chains jesh completely nuked once he realized some prominent users where sharing all kinds of rather offensive porn with a with an alleged underage user named bargain bin laden.
I have an audio of them talking about Jeff the killer porn.
Some people here already know this, but Lidl's account is shown as having joined the Kiwi Farms in January of 2019.
The account didn't start posting until almost 4 years later (December 14, 2022).

Why would an account that was dormant for 4 years suddenly start chatting with folks about Ralph and Pantsu?

Within a few weeks of posting, Lidl already had her tongue up Josh's ass:

There's a theory that she is a rapefugee of the spinster.xyz fediverse instance that was being interacted with when Josh first created the kiwiarms.cc in 2019.

If you've ever interacted with spinsters on fediverse, almost all of them are a carbon-copy of Lidl Drip. They're people trapped within an echo chamber where they just read cliff notes of feminist literature back and forth to each other all day long.

I think this checks out. Josh won't ban or discipline her because she is an oldfag. Josh has repeatedly made it clear how much he hates new users shitting up his site. He prefers to keep the oldfags around and so he caters to them. In turn, Lidl is also extremely enabling when it comes to Josh. She is incredibly useful to him being a female who legitimizes his retarded takes on women. This means he can deny fact that he remains a sexually impotent, childless fatso because his echo chamber will always support him no matter how retarded he sounds.

That's my take. If you think she's Null that's only because, in spirit, she pretty much is. I don't know if she's a sock puppet but I don't necessarily think she needs to be. What's clear is that, on the Kiwi Farms, some pigs are more equal than others. This is continually made clear as Josh makes regular visits to the Woman-Hate thread just to assert his orgasmless, circumcised male dominance and tell everyone there to respect whamen, dammit! Or, by golly, he'll shut it all down!
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Do you have more information on this?
I saw a post rumor about that JambledWords or w/e hiring a private investigation into another user

Another fantastic description of Josh by "Lidl"
View attachment 61467
null takes his broke dick frustrations out on women, kids when younger and now on his users.
he is particularly savage when a woman on the farms annoys him. i remember him saying he was glad his cat died when the boyfriend of his roastie whore mom burned down their house.
and again we see ethan ralph used as an example even though there are plenty better examples of misogynistic men. ethan ralph realy gets under nulls skin.

and the second paragraph is word for word a description of null. remember his thing about Cody Wilson raping a kid "I don't care about whores".
Spiritual homosexual indeed.
Another prime example as to how Lidl is either a Null puppet or is simply channeling his sentiments by projecting a hatred of Ethan Ralph onto "many men."

Like I mentioned previously, Null is under the inane assumption that Ethan Ralph represents a demographic. Because all Null does on his website and on his stream is eat, sleep, and breathe lolcows. Because he hates Ethan Ralph so much, he projects Ethan's face on anyone else who he considers is a bad person. Lidl's tendency to do the same is why it's easy and may even be appropriate to say she's just a sock puppet.

This is myopic. It is egocentric. Plain and simple. Nick Rekeita was spot on when he said that Josh is absolutely incapable of looking at the world through any other perspective other than his own.

Note also the way she talks about men is basically her writing her own fanfiction as a basis for what motivates "many men." Note even the descriptor "many" which entails she isn't actually tying herself to this opinion. She claims no stats, no demographics, nothing of any substance. Just "many men." This is what I meant before when I said it's a generality which really only deserves an "opinion discarded" type of response.

By the way, it's really easy to do this. If you see a story about a woman doing something wrong, just invent your own fanfiction that falls in line with your own myopic perception of the world. Take that singular woman who did "bad thing" assign it to "many women" so you don't have to tie yourself to anything you say. Like this:

"Many women lie and cheat because they know they can get away with it by saying they're on their period and are not in control of their actions. They are usually women who feel inferior to other women (like Pantsu for example) so they take out all their wild emotional frustrations on everyone around them simply because it is that time of the month and women don't even think logically anyway. There's a reason women end up stabbing their husbands or boyfriends with kitchen knives or some other deadly implement and that's just because women go berserk whenever they're constantly enabled by society to act like deranged lunatics and never have to be held accountable for their actions.

A lot of woman are also spiritually lesbians. They hate men, they don't ever fall in love with men, but they still have sexual urges and so they often sleep around as much as they can and seek out dykes or black dudes in particular because they can hit and quit without a guilty conscience. These women are very racist, but they're in denial because we live in a society. Sometimes the dykes and black dudes will abuse them too, which these women actually enjoy because these women secretly believe they ought to be punished for misbehaving. These women are masochists and need psychological intervention. It's sad how many men don't realize this is the way these women are and often involve themselves in these relationships expecting the woman wants actual purpose in her life when all she wants is sex, money, and drugs."

See? I didn't have to research anything or actually put any amount of thought or effort into any of that. I just wrote a fanfiction that appeals to a "woman bad; men good" archetype. All men in the room, please clap.

But what Lidl is doing here is basically the same as PLing through generalities. Here's what I mean:
Minus the PLing, this is essentially no different from Lidl's fanfiction. It is more and more of this projection of one's own life experience into a "women good; men bad" narrative. And, at the very tail end of it is this "moral of the story" thing that is just begging for a fight.

Again, this is also what Josh does. He sets up his own "argument" using anecdotes from lolcows, vague generalities, and then cuts off any discussion with, "This is how it is and you're a retard if you disagree and I will ban you if you @ me."
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it sure is easy to make money off stupid people
Frankly, litigation ought to be levied against Epik and other faggy corporations who engage the kind of scummy unprofessional behavior they did. But there, I'd rather not support such litigation at the behest of someone as equally faggy. Anyone with half a brain would likely prefer to know where their money was going and have full disclosure as to how it would affect the goal overall.

What kind of oversight has Josh provided his donators, if any?
What kind of oversight has Josh provided his donators, if any?
Essentially none. In fact, he lets them make shit up when it benefits him.

I remember somebody saying that he's converting all crypto donations (from the fund site) into cash that he then donates to the fund. I pointed out how illegal that sounds and a bunch of people said no way, Hardin is a super smart lawyer and everything they're doing is legal, and @Null is totally converting the crypto to cash and donating it to the fund and definitely not putting it in his own pocket.

@Null has never said anything about him doing this by the way. In fact, he made it painfully clear at the beginning that all crypto donations will go straight into his pocket, period, and that he cannot legally accept crypto donations to the fund because it's an IOLTA. Of course, he did this to legally cover his ass. It did not stop people from sending him crypto. I'm 100% sure he knew this would be the case.

The group thought what it wanted to think, apparently. But what do Jews know about laws and money, anyway?