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Laughable Vordrak Blog post...

Nektar Geist

An Onion Among Onions

Naming the Abusers: Casual Nausea’s Zoe Barrow, Shawn Fendley, Matthew Kemp, Edward Mackenzies-Kitchen, Simon Kelly and Ian “Tree” Robinson of Manchester Punk Festival​

"MHN had never heard of z-list band" Gives you an idea of how catty Sam is.

"until he was provided documentary evidence of band members’ complicity in sickening abuse." Gosh.

"Your author is a proven victim of sex crime, in an actual court not a Tumblr post and MHN feels morally obliged to expose those who misuse such allegations. In your author’s opinion, such conduct amounts to abuse in itself." Victim of sex crime? Oh yes... ofc... it's really about Sam and Commie Farms, isn't it?

"In 2016 I was a victim of crime perpetrated by members of a vile terrorist, stalking, forum who created revenge pornography of me and also made false allegations. I obtained a court judgement against them. So I was horrified to learn that members of the band, Casual Nausea, had been part of a similar cowardly campaign to help an openly malicious..."

See? Some people might point out Sam's OWN hypocrisy, tho. Like how Sam didn't give a shit about this "stalking and harassment site", when he was gay oppin' with Dyn... Sam was fine with the site... until Dyn started trolling him...

Remember that, and how Poulton was treated...
I am kinda amazed that to this date, Dyn's identity stays nebulous. The most convincing one I have read is that he was an Australian middle aged man.