Nektar Geist
An Onion Among Onions
"The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act was passed by MSPs in 2021, consolidating existing hate crime legislation and creating a new offence of stirring up hatred against protected characteristics, although sex has been omitted in favour of a standalone Bill designed to tackle misogyny."
Men not protected, and women who deny men are women not protected.
"But Police Scotland Chief Constable Jo Farrell, speaking at a meeting of the Scottish Police Authority board, said the force would apply the Act “in a measured way”.
She added that there would be “close scrutiny” of how the legislation is being enforced as well as what reports are being received."
"Close scrutiny"? X. Nicky Kranky bought herself a RV with taxpayers money, amongst other things. Mc Rozzers didn't give a shit.