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Christory Latest Letter from CWC Dated November 30th: Barbara Injured in a Automobile Accident

Onion Null

Daddy Null
I just got this in the mailbox written by one of her alters (Angelica Rosechu). She asked me not to post this online, but here are some of the more important details. Barbara has not had many visitors to the house, nor has she received any donations.

Christine is asking for more donations. Apparently Barbara was in a automobile accident with a tractor-trailer and it was pretty serious. She suffered two broken ribs and a concussion. The van is totaled. It happened on November 24th. I'm assuming she was in the hospital over this but maybe she might be home now because Christine mentions a few family relatives that have stepped in to help. I am going to keep any names off to respect their privacy.

Most Recent Letter.jpg
Excellent, no need to dox those who are helping but Jesus it sucks Barb had to crash before her family decided it was time to put her in a damn home.
They may not necessarily put her in a nursing home. They may just decide to take care of her directly and let her move in with them. I agree with you 100%. Barbara needs to get out of there and into a healthy environment. Christine has mentioned that what he did was necessary to save her life. If she did not do this soul bonding or whatever crap, Barbara would have passed away back in August.

Christine isn't a sociopath, she's psychotic. Christine doesn't have any remorse because she genuinely believes this soul bonding & she is Jesus crap. And it makes sense why the guards at the jail have kept her segregated from the rest of the inmates as well.

I have a feeling that CWC knows her gig is up because she has mentioned judgement day is coming in 2021 and has asked to "Step Up The Game" basically with the donations and repentance.
too bad that old retarded fat whore borb didnt die in that crash hope she suffering a lot tho

also spit on bobs grave hope you watched your retarded son pork your retarded wife from hell
Christine is asking for more donations.

Even when locked up, Chris will always ask for donations. It's probably how Chris is still buying useless crap at the commissary, though after this case wraps up, depending on what level of contact they allow Chris to have with anyone on the outside, begging people for money via jail letters may not be a viable source of income anymore.

Apparently Barbara was in a automobile accident with a tractor-trailer and it was pretty serious. She suffered two broken ribs and a concussion. The van is totaled. It happened on November 24th. I'm assuming she was in the hospital over this but maybe she might be home now because Christine mentions a few family relatives that have stepped in to help. I am going to keep any names off to respect their privacy.

That's pretty wild. If you get into a wreck with a big truck like that, you're lucky to walk away from it at all. Of course, given the fact that Barbara is 80, any major injuries should be considered very serious. At least it got some relatives back in to help, so hopefully she doesn't screw things up with them again. Chris is probably not going to be allowed to be physically anywhere near Barb anymore, so she's hopefully getting used not to having Chris around even for the paltry level of help that Chris was doing.
Even when locked up, Chris will always ask for donations. It's probably how Chris is still buying useless crap at the commissary, though after this case wraps up, depending on what level of contact they allow Chris to have with anyone on the outside, begging people for money via jail letters may not be a viable source of income anymore.

That's pretty wild. If you get into a wreck with a big truck like that, you're lucky to walk away from it at all. Of course, given the fact that Barbara is 80, any major injuries should be considered very serious. At least it got some relatives back in to help, so hopefully she doesn't screw things up with them again. Chris is probably not going to be allowed to be physically anywhere near Barb anymore, so she's hopefully getting used not to having Chris around even for the paltry level of help that Chris was doing.
IIRC @Regina said this incident occurred before, but who tf knows