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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
It's too late, we're already in the hole.
We're bringing funposting back to the seething forum and we're the best for that 🤭
View attachment 53939

People want to seethe over their daddy null kicking them from kiwi, and we are just here farmin onions and having a blast.

People obsessing over kiwi farms is exactly what fag boy wants. People having fun on here and not thinking about those losers is the business we're in.

And brother business is BOOMIN!

Another reason among the myriad of reasons that I don't like my girlfriend's parents is because they will literally pay a $60.72 bill with $60.72

They consider tipping "wasteful"

Asians are as bad as niggers when it comes to tipping. I always slide 25% underneath one of the menus when they're not looking because I'm a cool customer.

If this unpatriotic goy is to be believed, Chinks don't tip and don't expect tips from other Chinks, but they do expect a tip from Whitey :thinking:

Have you tried tipping your wife girlfriend? Also, is the slanted pussy thing real or myth?

Woah there, this is a time you should slow down and appreciate what they're saying. Tipping is fucking retarded. Why can't the restaurant pay them a fair wage? A server's wage down in Texas is $2.13. Does that seem right and do you think it's your job to be more magnanimous than the shithead you just paid a 300% mark-up to?
They're getting niggermum wage regardless of whether or not you tip.

Not tipping will do nothing to change their situation, except that they made a little less money that day, you fucking penny pinching kike-alike.
Reason: I didn't realize they were non-commital, guys. Relationships aren't my strength, I'm too busy making gold out of smurfs...
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We're bringing funposting back to the seething forum and we're the best for that 🤭
View attachment 53939
Such fluffy pants filled with a sock smell like a poop fart echoes in the morning coffee fisting a Ganondorf dick riding every donkey drinker from condom mints on a gossip forum about lolcows years ago in a galaxy far away from the outside of nowhere fast food burgers boiled but burnt
If this unpatriotic goy is to be believed, Chinks don't tip and don't expect tips from other Chinks, but they do expect a tip from Whitey :thinking:
That is 100% correct yes.

Have you tried tipping your wife?
Girlfriend, and I haven't tipped her since the day I met her. Her family owns a (say it with me everyone) Chinese restaurant.
Also, is the slanted pussy thing real or myth?
It's not slanted but I'll tell you this: it's tighter than the skin on a hot dog.

They're getting niggermum wage regardless of whether or not you tip.
Exactly. If they stopped paying them like $3 an hour and just gave them minimum wage that would make LESS money.

Not tipping will do nothing to change their situation, except that they made a little less money that day, you fucking penny pinching kike-alike.
People in the food service industry rely on their tips and count on them.
I never put my penis in a hotdog skin so I'll take your word for it. :trollface:
Let me tell you why that analogy is so funny to me:

First of all the phallic symbolism makes people uncomfortable, and second of all a hot dog is literally liquid pig feet and rat meat held together by the skin. So that skin's probably tighter than a freshman prom date if it's holding in all that hot doggy goodness.
Let me tell you why that analogy is so funny to me:

First of all the phallic symbolism makes people uncomfortable, and second of all a hot dog is literally liquid pig feet and rat meat held together by the skin. So that skin's probably tighter than a freshman prom date if it's holding in all that hot doggy goodness.
No need to get defensive. I wasn't judging. :trollface:
*word snip*
I don't put anyone but Null on ignore but my eyes did glaze over with whatever you typed
Such fluffy pants filled with a sock smell like a poop fart echoes in the morning coffee fisting a Ganondorf dick riding every donkey drinker from condom mints on a gossip forum about lolcows years ago in a galaxy far away from the outside of nowhere fast food burgers boiled but burnt
Swipe posting? Love it

People want to seethe over their daddy null kicking them from kiwi, and we are just here farmin onions and having a blast
Why would anyone effort post when our shit might get gone at a moments notice?