you're on steam 24/7, you don't have a sibling not one. If I was your little sister I would of ran away. What happened? Your drug addict father that left you just decided to nut into your mom and leave after knowing the only thing coming out of her pussy are demons?
Pulling the fatherless jokes more are we? If you're saying I'm on steam 24/7 must mean you're watching it like a hawk. I knew deep down when I met you through here you were desperate. You think I didn't pick up on those sexual advances? You're so shallow in everything you do. As again, Rose loves to complain about stalkers but boy she deploys one after me because I have her reputation by the balls. I really don't give a fuck about what you think about my youtube channel, how I look like, what I do on steam. You can sit there and say I'm a failure at music too because I know if I ever get picked up by a band with similar aspirations you'll be the fat fuck heckling me during my performance then getting booed by my audience while being walked out by security. SO fucking seethe.