Her bitch boy loves to rip into me about what I do on steam but if you go and check it now I've actually reduced my time on the computer gaming. Let's say that she does make a comeback somehow. Getting a job, sleep gets better, going outside. Doesn't mean she has went anywhere in life. Rose will be stuck with the rats that work side by side having work politics against one another. Her mental state can't handle politics in a network of people. Rose may think any criticism on the internet is bad wait until she gets back into the world at the age of 27 mind you and other girls talk about her behind her back, how will she react then? But with the amount of times bitch boy has to bring up my hours on steam, I actually work and not obsess over stupid shit and trying to win an uphill battle on onionfarms through another person.
Rose will be miserable until she actually dies. I can't sit here and say I'm happy every time my feet hit the floor but I have self-respect, modesty about my body, cut off fake people and a long list of things I do to keep going. Here's a riddle. There is one song I played guitar hero on called "E-Pro" by Beck.
The song talks about the repetition of life being bad but there's lyrics in there that use colorful metaphors that tell the listener to keep being you despite things being bad. Rose fails at this everyday of her life. There is so much rage built up in her she has fits of rage and impulsive beliefs spilling out of her mouth. Rose shows herself through the phases she's been which while I was making that meme picture I noticed that there is a strong collumn in her but when any kind of feedback that isn't to her liking is thrown her way, demons probably circle around her and she lashes out in anger and fear against anyone who contests how she lives, speaks, whatever. SO her bitch boy stalking my channel watches my shit, shits on my performance but doesn't know the meanings to any of the songs I played. It's like they think they are trolling me but they are trolling their selves because the music is describing them while I had fun on the fake guitar.