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    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Public Figure - Niche June Lapine/Shoe0nHead

Public figures in internet culture that are predominately seen as part of the cowsphere community
Does her youtube channel have a "point" (like how Boogie is suppose to be about gaming or MundaneMatt is suppose to be about news), or is she just a more pathetic version of celebs famous for being famous?
Does her youtube channel have a "point" (like how Boogie is suppose to be about gaming or MundaneMatt is suppose to be about news), or is she just a more pathetic version of celebs famous for being famous?
Once upon a time, when GooberGape was at it's prime, she was one of the many MANY people that hoped on the Anti-SJW/Anti-Feminism bandwagon by making the same low-hanging fruit videos that everyone else made. The thing about her was that she was one of the few females doing it, which to many people was part of the appeal to her.

However, she started to loose her relevance the same time where Internet Blood Sports became popular and people weren't taking The Skeptic Community™ seriously as they used to (thanks to KrautAndTea acting like a fucking sperg against RageAfterStorm). Then all people gave a shit about was her relationship with ArmoredSkeptic and how everyone could CLEARLY see the writing on the wall that shit was going to get fucked for her because Greg is a womanizer that happens to like tranny dick too. Now to stay relevant, she sides with whatever is "popular", and for her that means making friends with the people she once "hated" long ago.
What Happened to Men?
>overall, I found the discourse about men's issues actually improved since the time I created this channel
WTF are you on about? In what way June? It's been a decade since you created your channel and men's issues still get treated like it's fucking nothing. In fact in current year + (insert number here) men are being treated WORSE than they were back when it was only SJW's and radical feminists because now said groups have the government backing up their stupid ideas. Allowing men to wear women's clothing doesn't fucking count as a "men's issue being solved" because the groups against men WANT them to turn into faggots and women, that's the whole point of their shtick and why they keep bitching about "patriarchy" and "toxic masculinity".

But no, let's make a video defending femboys and spouting some "hot takes" against twitter posts that look down on them. THAT'S the big issue that needs to be dealt with. Get fucked June.
>overall, I found the discourse about men's issues actually improved since the time I created this channel
WTF are you on about? In what way June? It's been a decade since you created your channel and men's issues still get treated like it's fucking nothing. In fact in current year + (insert number here) men are being treated WORSE than they were back when it was only SJW's and radical feminists because now said groups have the government backing up their stupid ideas. Allowing men to wear women's clothing doesn't fucking count as a "men's issue being solved" because the groups against men WANT them to turn into faggots and women, that's the whole point of their shtick and why they keep bitching about "patriarchy" and "toxic masculinity".

But no, let's make a video defending femboys and spouting some "hot takes" against twitter posts that look down on them. THAT'S the big issue that needs to be dealt with. Get fucked June.
If June actually got fucked, she wouldn't have ever made a single video in the first place.