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Christory July 25th Letter Full Contents

Onion Null

Daddy Null
Here is a rundown

Appreciative of the open-hearted kindness of all of her supporters over the years.

Claims that over 100 people have written her letters.

Names and addresses will remain private

Claims to have heard the billions to infinite prayers of all well-wishers that have prayed for her safe return to the Sonichu Temple for Barbara’s health and well-being and envisions a reunion between her and Barbara.

Claims to have known in advance that she would be separated from Barbara long before the events of July 30th 2021 as well as her eventual car accident

Mentions about saving her soul and guiding it to the Rosechu body from her human body. Mentions her human body is stubborn and continues to live on in the Sonichu Temple with “Redneck” who refuses to leave.

(My interpretation of this paragraph is that she is waiting for Barbara’s human form to croak on her deathbed so she can guide Barbara’s soul to its Rosechu body)

Barbara’s dementia has progressed to the point where she is in a zombie-like state.

Has a restraining order against her going back to the Sonichu Temple because Barbara is still there and CWC is not a happy camper over this and wishes for the one last in-person visit with her and wants your prayers over this.

More happenings on the timeline I guess that are indicative of coming prophecies

WW3 between Russia and the Ukraine

Virginia had a cold Spring with snow in April.

Record breaking heatwave

Mentions again that she wants to return home to the Sonichu Temple and get things in order. Hopes you will keep her in your prayers for her to return home to the Sonichu Temple with or without Barbara there.
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