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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms

Reminder, nobody is above the law, including politicians, and Texas has the right to defend the border when the federal government refuses to do so and actively keeps it open.
Reminder, nobody is above the law, including politicians, and Texas has the right to defend the border when the federal government refuses to do so and actively keeps it open.
Reminder federal law over rides state law. Calling for secession is illegal as is the act itself. That was established after the civil war. Advocating for a civil war like null did will only get his forum shut down once and for all if it actually happens. It's like he is trying to give them a reason to have his forum blocked in the usa entirely and blacklisted. You can be buttmad about immigration all you want but there is legal process for a reason. You're no better than the nigs burning Wendy's if you want a civil war just because dey took r jerbs.
Reminder federal law over rides state law. Calling for secession is illegal as is the act itself. That was established after the civil war. Advocating for a civil war like null did will only get his forum shut down once and for all if it actually happens. It's like he is trying to give them a reason to have his forum blocked in the usa entirely and blacklisted. You can be buttmad about immigration all you want but there is legal process for a reason. You're no better than the nigs burning Wendy's if you want a civil war just because dey took r jerbs.
You mean like these guys? https://member.tnm.me/
Yes, and if a state vs federal government shootout takes place and escalates to a full blown civil war I'm sure it would be treated very similar since they're taking matters into their own hands at the border and would probably love to get their hands on Biden themselves.
This bullshit with Biden "threatening" Texas is just that. As a native Texan, I can tell you that America needs Texas, not the other way around. Biden already did this but about muh jets during his first few months in office, but people forget. It's some nonsense that somehow found a place in one of his decrepit brain wrinkles.
Lmao, yeah dude, tell the US military to attack Texas. There will be a bunch of nigger faggots and trannies that will do it on principle but these people forget who the backbone of this nation is.
Biden's a fucking pussy who pulled out of Afghanistan. A mean good, the Taliban has every right to rule their country, but dude, this country isn't omnipotent. Never forget, a bunch of so-called "goat fuckers" held out against THE fucking war machine and still reclaimed their homeland.
Faggots don't want to see Texan Taliban. You thought Chechens were a horde to behold? Make the average Texan go Allahu Ackbar civil war against this gay ass government.
All Biden did was yas kween himself right on out of office. How anyone gets overly caught up in these things is beyond me
America needs Texas, not the other way around
If any single state in the union seceded, they'd collapse in mere months and turn into a mexico-tier nation (if they're lucky). US domestic policy in the 20th century has made states dependent on each other and secession impossible unless a large bloc of states decide to secede together.
If any single state in the union seceded, they'd collapse in mere months and turn into a mexico-tier nation (if they're lucky). US domestic policy in the 20th century has made states dependent on each other and secession impossible unless a large bloc of states decide to secede together.
I think Texas becoming it's own country is possible.
but I won't support this shit because it can get messy when you get to international relations part
This bullshit with Biden "threatening" Texas is just that. As a native Texan, I can tell you that America needs Texas, not the other way around. Biden already did this but about muh jets during his first few months in office, but people forget. It's some nonsense that somehow found a place in one of his decrepit brain wrinkles.
Lmao, yeah dude, tell the US military to attack Texas. There will be a bunch of nigger faggots and trannies that will do it on principle but these people forget who the backbone of this nation is.
Biden's a fucking pussy who pulled out of Afghanistan. A mean good, the Taliban has every right to rule their country, but dude, this country isn't omnipotent. Never forget, a bunch of so-called "goat fuckers" held out against THE fucking war machine and still reclaimed their homeland.
Faggots don't want to see Texan Taliban. You thought Chechens were a horde to behold? Make the average Texan go Allahu Ackbar civil war against this gay ass government.
All Biden did was yas kween himself right on out of office. How anyone gets overly caught up in these things is beyond me
I would love for Biden to declare war on Texas. That will be the funniest way for him to leave office faster during his failed reelection plan. It's almost like Biden is purposely making the Red States leave America because he couldn't do the job of what Trump is doing. Make a big wall that works. And giant walls did work. Look at the Great Wall of China. It proves to keep out the invaders and it can work here in America. But you know? If Biden was smart he would have made that wall ages ago and not waste taxpayers money on crap not related to stopping illegal immigration. Like giving billions of dollars to random country people free homes and having them live in Schools. The American dream of the government is to be as dumb as possible.
I would love for Biden to declare war on Texas. That will be the funniest way for him to leave office faster during his failed reelection plan. It's almost like Biden is purposely making the Red States leave America because he couldn't do the job of what Trump is doing. Make a big wall that works. And giant walls did work. Look at the Great Wall of China. It proves to keep out the invaders and it can work here in America. But you know? If Biden was smart he would have made that wall ages ago and not waste taxpayers money on crap not related to stopping illegal immigration. Like giving billions of dollars to random country people free homes and having them live in Schools. The American dream of the government is to be as dumb as possible.
is this... satire?
Also do note I'm not even saying there will or won't be a civil war and am just speaking in hypotheticals. But that being said I'm sure him basically advocating for another civil war wouldn't look good for him in his efforts to keep his ❄️🍑 forum online if something were to happen. Like I said the larp is all fun and games until the feds are going through your devices suspecting you of treason during wartime.
Also do note I'm not even saying there will or won't be a civil war and am just speaking in hypotheticals. But that being said I'm sure him basically advocating for another civil war wouldn't look good for him in his efforts to keep his ❄️🍑 forum online if something were to happen. Like I said the larp is all fun and games until the feds are going through your devices suspecting you of treason during wartime.

Josh lives in a fantasy world where consequences aren't supposed to happen to him. That's why he got so mad at trannies shutting down his site or Epik highlighting the CP on his website. Like many rightoids he doesn't actually believe in freeze peach, he just wants to scream NIGGER online and whine about trannies while looking at hentai. When consequences actually happen to him then he just screams until it stops. He can't imagine the feds coming after him for anything, not really.
Also do note I'm not even saying there will or won't be a civil war and am just speaking in hypotheticals. But that being said I'm sure him basically advocating for another civil war wouldn't look good for him in his efforts to keep his ❄️🍑 forum online if something were to happen. Like I said the larp is all fun and games until the feds are going through your devices suspecting you of treason during wartime.
It would be the best day ever for his website to be taken down. He did this to himself

Josh spergs asbout his youtube comments
Null: No, I can't just disagree with you. Your opinion is right, therefore I am wrong, and I must be emotionally compromised somehow.

The great thing about people now saying this (and I'm starting to see it a lot), is it's an unfalsifiable hypothesis. No matter what my mother is or my relationship with her or how my childhood went, people like this would try and find some way to correlate them. Bad relationship or conservative tradwife mom? Mommy issues. Good relationship or liberal hippie mom? Momma's boy. Great deduction, jackass: I was born to a mother.
Well with things you say and the way you act we have to either assume that you are deceitful or that you are stupid. Most people here chose to believe that you are just a chronic liar pandering to the terfs but personally I think that you are just a dummy raised by a single mom.

Ill give you an example: When you say things like sluts dosen't exist or women don't like men who work out things that are just so completely out of whack that you just sound fucking crazy to anyone with just a little bit of life experience about women.

A point of reference id acutely use that you know about Null is Idubbz. Who just like you lack an identity and was raised by a single mom and just pick up the scraps of whatever crew he's hanging out with at the time which is why you are such a mess. Idubbz went from edgy libertarian to complete simp when he got his first girlfriend when he turned 30. Similiar to you and your TERF girlfriends.
Reminder federal law over rides state law.
False, as Abbott pointed out there's Constitutional protections for states, and when the president is flagrantly violating the law there's zero need for Texas to stand idly by as we're invaded.

Calling for secession is illegal as is the act itself.
No American gives a fuck, that's how America came to be in the first place. Fuck all corrupt governments. I hope Abbott never backs down because he's doing what's right and necessary. Too bad I'm not a Texan, they must feel proud to not have a cuck for a governor.

Of course, I think nothing will come from this Texas thing most likely, in fact it is probably 4D Chess to get another manufactured, overblown incident to cry about like 1/6 so they can truck retards into voting Democrat.

You can be buttmad about immigration all you want but there is legal process for a reason.
The legal process is being bypassed, hence the issue bud.

What happened at the White House was that they actually broke in and were going to find Biden and take matters into their own hands.
And when was this? Sounds like fiction to me.

If any single state in the union seceded, they'd collapse in mere months and turn into a mexico-tier nation (if they're lucky). US domestic policy in the 20th century has made states dependent on each other and secession impossible unless a large bloc of states decide to secede together.
You're an ignorant mother fucker lmfao