• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
to these guys that isn't a bad thing. They think that suicide bombers, terrorists, beheading videos etc are all "based" and "fighting degeneracy" because they kill gay people and rape women and children.
I knew times had changed when I was on /b/ about 3 months ago and made some passing shitpost-y comment criticizing the Quran and a bunch of chuds started vehemently defending Islam. Since when do RW 4channers like Muslims??

Also as far as “fighting degeneracy” fundamentalist Muslim countries have some of the lowest ages of consent and many of the men openly admit they’re pedophiles, especially in Afghanistan. So um, so much for that, lol.
I knew times had changed when I was on /b/ about 3 months ago and made some passing shitpost-y comment criticizing the Quran and a bunch of chuds started vehemently defending Islam. Since when do RW 4channers like Muslims??

Also as far as “fighting degeneracy” fundamentalist Muslim countries have some of the lowest ages of consent and many of the men openly admit they’re pedophiles, especially in Afghanistan. So um, so much for that, lol.
Doesn't sound that far fetched for these chuds to support Islam when the religion gives you 72 virgins to plow.
Null may not be but Fuentes ABSOLUTELY is.
Yeah he went to a CPAC one time with "we will be the most racist" slogan and it's pretty obvious which race he vouched for because nobody in the world thinks that Mexicans are supreme races lol.
I knew times had changed when I was on /b/ about 3 months ago and made some passing shitpost-y comment criticizing the Quran and a bunch of chuds started vehemently defending Islam. Since when do RW 4channers like Muslims??

Also as far as “fighting degeneracy” fundamentalist Muslim countries have some of the lowest ages of consent and many of the men openly admit they’re pedophiles, especially in Afghanistan. So um, so much for that, lol.

It is pedo on pedo combat. When you realize that chuds and antifags are all pedophiles then the underlying logic to modern political discourse snaps into place. RWers and lefties are fighting each other because they can't agree on which children they should rape, but they all agree they have a sacred right to rape children and be pedos.
It is pedo on pedo combat. When you realize that chuds and antifags are all pedophiles then the underlying logic to modern political discourse snaps into place. RWers and lefties are fighting each other because they can't agree on which children they should rape, but they all agree they have a sacred right to rape children and be pedos.
Doesnt pedo decrying on social media all come down to moral ground games? It's one of the most favorite accusation that Americans want to make as a quick-attack on their enemies because people eat up that shit. I will go against the grains of thoughts that many KF turds share, but sex with minors, no matter how gross or unethnical it is, doesn't prove a pedophilia in itself. Its definition is, "attraction to <13 years" old, and then there are other shits like hebephilia or ephebophilia. The key word is,attraction. there are people who are bored and just want to pop cherries, or who want to be with younger people to feel younger themsselves, or they may be really attracted to those specific age regions, which then may be pedo/hebe/ephebo.
Anyways, both sides are using "what about our cheeeeldruuuun?!" as an excuse to attack others without merits, and it's so easy because children cannot articulately stand up or advocate for themselves,.
LMAO, so Null actually wants to become a publisher? What's he gonna publish? The revised and annotated edition of the Unabomber's Manifesto?

"Seeing Null doom post is one of the most depressing things. On the other hand, I'd buy a subscription to that newspaper.", I take this to mean he has not managed to get KF back online?

Oh, I see, his American ISP IncogNET has "reached out to the EFF", LMAO, good luck with that!

Oh, so the MATI channel on Youtube got banned too?

I see Null recorded a music album, through the magic of AI maybe his music career will take off:

This one is the best IMO, Null's voice best matches Lou Reed's deadpan delivery:

Oh I see, Null lost his MATI account on Youtube too, LMAO, at least I'm not this pathetic. When Null banned from KF I just moved on to another forum, I didn't try to sneak back in like he does with Youtube:

Will he create another account on Youtube or will he perish like a dog?
Get banned 100 times, create 101 channels.


Oh wow, Tanuki also got banned from Youtube?

Does anyone here know what happened to Tanuki Graham? I'm trying to find his channel but can't.

The MATI Archiver channel was apparently also targeted:

MATI Archiver
2 weeks ago
If I get sent back to the shadow realm, follow @kino-klips and @thefarmsfanarchive4514 and @skf3004 and @JCMArchives (JCM is me). Between us we'll keep archives on YouTube. Any other archives, let me know in comments.


I love how Null is barely suppressing his frustration about Rumble ignoring him during this bit:

"I don't even get dignified replies to my e-mails anymore", you mean like this dignified reply you have gave me when I asked you about my account going into read-only mode for weeks? LMAO, go fuck yourself Null. You should be glad when people just ignore you instead of respoding with the same crankiness you think you're entitled to.

Oh, and he needs a new bank to bank with, LMAO:

Someone essentially made Null's Pride Before Fall website for him and took it to the next level as a smartphone app:

Why is he surprised that he keeps getting kicked off of services after he publicly announces that he is using them? The same thing is now going to happen with that Polish company he mentioned on stream.
Do you realize his enemies are tech savvy enough to not need Null himself to announce which services he's using in order to find those out for themselves, on their own?
When Null banned from KF I just moved on to another forum, I didn't try to sneak back in like he does with Youtube:
"Needless to say... TGFLA had the last laugh"
Oh wow, Tanuki also got banned from Youtube?
Spamela Swine once thought I was them. She also thought I was Donald Trump Jr, and a couple of other people I can't quite remember (maybe Sharon Osbourne).
"I don't even get dignified replies to my e-mails anymore", you mean like this dignified reply you have gave me when I asked you about my account going into read-only mode for weeks? LMAO, go fuck yourself Null. You should be glad when people just ignore you instead of respoding with the same crankiness you think you're entitled to.
"Ah yes. I'm totally going to respond to the guy that has multiple articles against him, and openly publishes his emails so that anyone see."
"I, google employee #19,392, will surely give a proper reply that will list my full name to the community known for being absolutely unhinged."

I don't know, @The Gays From LA
I can't possibly think of any reasons for why Null's abrassive attitude wouldn't get hundreds of emails daily!
Reason: typo
Someone essentially made Null's Pride Before Fall website for him and took it to the next level as a smartphone app:

... how fucking brain-rotted do you have to be that you feel the need to go out of your way to develop a fucking mobile app that just boils down to "hurr durr far-left badd!!1!1!!"? holy shit :story:, these people are NUTS.

day by day, horseshoe theory becomes more and more truer.
I wonder if he has a driver's license and his own car.

He does have a driving license and a car. He spoke about his experiences driving on MATI. He said he wants an automatic though, doesn't like using a manual clutch. A lot of older Kiwis began making fun of him in the chat for this admission, saying Null wouldn't be allowed to enter their great big white ethnostate unless he can drive a poke car.

I can't possibly think of any reasons for why Null's abrassive attitude wouldn't get hundreds of emails daily!

Null's former(?) associate Rekieta literally cannot believe that Null would lie about his interactions with people... when that literally what he did in my own case when he posted that rant on my wall about me sending him "mulitiple crying e-mails", when I had literally only sent him one e-mail:

If Rekieta reads this: I know you don't want to believe that this is who Null really is but yes, Null will lie about his interactions with people when he doesn't respect them and wants to create a false pretext for removing them out of his milieu. Now that you're no longer trad-LAPRing like Null still does, he no longer feels he has to respect you, so he will create lie to create the pretext for removing you from his circle. He will only tolerate you to the extent that you're useful to him. When you no longer respond to his quieries, even if you do, he will use that to dump you as an associate and turn his minions against you.

Love this backhanded insult though: "I love talking to Josh, it's like talking to someone with Down's Syndrome" 🤣
He does have a driving license and a car. He spoke about his experiences driving on MATI
Ummmm.... Yeah, the driving through Syria, right?
Null will lie
Yeah, luckily for him he has loads of fucktards who believe the dinny shit he says. Even when it's been pointed out to them. But, as I say, these fucktards are too fucktarded to realize (even when it's been explained to them in plain English) that they've been lied to. I could give examples, but empirical evidence suggests it would be a waste of both our time.
Love this backhanded insult though: "I love talking to Josh, it's like talking to someone with Down's Syndrome" 🤣
I don't think Down Syndrome does it justice: The guy is a hypocrite on every front.
Somehow he hates the woke-culture, thus cancel-culture, but his site is literally the gas-station for e-celebs, like Turkey Tom, that will feed into woke-culture, thus cancel-culture. He'll even run defense for people like Turkey Tom as well.

Ummmm.... Yeah, the driving through Syria, right?

Yeah, luckily for him he has loads of fucktards who believe the dinny shit he says. Even when it's been pointed out to them. But, as I say, these fucktards are too fucktarded to realize (even when it's been explained to them in plain English) that they've been lied to. I could give examples, but empirical evidence suggests it would be a waste of both our time.
You know awhile back I had the misfortune of meeting a kiwifag, a complete moralfag as you might expect and thus a hypocrite.
I recall a conversation we had, about art-platforms and what not. I believe we were talking Newgrounds. I recall he went on an hour long rant about how Shadman was popular for awhile on Newgrounds and everything. He started pulling guilt by association, a common trend among moralfags.
I then calmly listed every single notable moment about Null's history for about 5 minutes, and when presented with all these facts all he could do is backpedal. For every bad thing he said about someone else Null was just as guilty, if not more.
If you list off Null's failings, like they do, they will say you're obsessed and should leave him alone for past mistake. (Ironic)
If you list off current failing they will dance around it.
Further I have yet to meet a single kiwifag that actually browsed the site to laugh about weird people instead of using it like a religious tome of dirty laundry. So I think a lot kiwifags will, like null does, drop him when he no longer tries and isn't useful. I think that's why Null tries so much.

I think he's aware of this, that his community will haunt him for the rest of his life if he ever stops being useful.
Whatever gossip and schizo ramblings we might conjure will likely be nothing when compared to the waves he'll generate when he finally says fuck it and ends the kiwifarms for good.
LMAO, so Null actually wants to become a publisher? What's he gonna publish? The revised and annotated edition of the Unabomber's Manifesto?
he could always publish the posts of banned users who act like jilted exes
at least I'm not this pathetic.
citation needed
When Null banned from KF I just moved on to another forum, I didn't try to sneak back
we wish you did
He does have a driving license and a car. He spoke about his experiences driving on MATI. He said he wants an automatic though, doesn't like using a manual clutch. A lot of older Kiwis began making fun of him in the chat for this admission, saying Null wouldn't be allowed to enter their great big white ethnostate unless he can drive a poke car.
don't know how it works in serbia but wouldn't null have spoken about a drivers license renewal at some point? the fact that he is driving manual proves he's at least not in the us, cars for clunkers means its near impossible to find a manual anymore

Oh, look at Mr. Encyclopedia Drama-tica Expert over here! I mean, who needs stability and trust in their userbase anyway? Clearly, the ever-fluctuating ownership game is where the real excitement is. And kudos to Null for treating his mods like secret agents from a spy thriller—clearly, they can't be trusted to even tie their own shoelaces without his impeccable guidance. It's like he's conducting a symphony of chaos, complete with the crescendo of calling his potential allies "enemies." Move over, Yandere Dev, we've got a new contender for the title of "Worst Internet Maestro"! 🎭🍿
View attachment 37855
Oh, look at Mr. Encyclopedia Drama-tica Expert over here! I mean, who needs stability and trust in their userbase anyway? Clearly, the ever-fluctuating ownership game is where the real excitement is. And kudos to Null for treating his mods like secret agents from a spy thriller—clearly, they can't be trusted to even tie their own shoelaces without his impeccable guidance. It's like he's conducting a symphony of chaos, complete with the crescendo of calling his potential allies "enemies." Move over, Yandere Dev, we've got a new contender for the title of "Worst Internet Maestro"! 🎭🍿
I used to use it back then too and still fuck with people on their forums, the only reason to use it these days is to troll everyone there like with kiwifarms. I prefer this site because it is chill. ED did used to be better than it is now but it was never "good", just less bad. I did enjoy their shitposty worded "fuck everyone and everything" mentality articles that roast everything though but most is lost to time as tends to happen. I don't consider myself an expert but i did use it back in the days of longcat and still use some of the fitting phrases they coined. Telling someone to become an hero is a good way to bypass youtube comment filters for example.
View attachment 37855
Oh, look at Mr. Encyclopedia Drama-tica Expert over here! I mean, who needs stability and trust in their userbase anyway? Clearly, the ever-fluctuating ownership game is where the real excitement is. And kudos to Null for treating his mods like secret agents from a spy thriller—clearly, they can't be trusted to even tie their own shoelaces without his impeccable guidance. It's like he's conducting a symphony of chaos, complete with the crescendo of calling his potential allies "enemies." Move over, Yandere Dev, we've got a new contender for the title of "Worst Internet Maestro"! 🎭🍿
"Life defining moment."
> assuming there was a meaningful life to begin with.

If Rekieta reads this: I know you don't want to believe that this is who Null really is but yes, Null will lie about his interactions with people when he doesn't respect them and wants to create a false pretext for removing them out of his milieu. Now that you're no longer trad-LAPRing like Null still does, he no longer feels he has to respect you, so he will create lie to create the pretext for removing you from his circle. He will only tolerate you to the extent that you're useful to him. When you no longer respond to his quieries, even if you do, he will use that to dump you as an associate and turn his minions against you.

Love this backhanded insult though: "I love talking to Josh, it's like talking to someone with Down's Syndrome" 🤣
One thing that never seemed clear to me is: what laws does he practice exactly? His website just says "many different fields," and having dealt with lawyers myself, those laundry list lawfirms are not to be trusted unless its a giant firm servicing big clients.

Ah, it's truly heart-wrenching to witness the peculiar fascination some individuals have with denying the very existence of transgender individuals beyond the year 2023. It's almost as if they've concocted a reality where progress stands still, and empathy is but a fleeting notion.

In this digital age, where information flows like a river, it's astonishing that some still choose to paddle upstream, spreading vitriol against those who have already fought so many battles for acceptance. These self-proclaimed "Kiwi fruit bird clowns" seem to relish in their own ignorance, blissfully unaware of the pain they perpetuate.

It's a bitter irony that such negative voices find comfort in spaces that mirror their own contempt. One can't help but wonder if their acerbic rhetoric aligns all too well with the desires of those who cultivate these platforms. After all, the company we keep can reveal much about our true aspirations.

Alas, the sadness lies not just in the transphobic sentiment they express, but in the fragility of their minds that allows such prejudice to thrive. In a world that's evolving towards inclusivity and understanding, they remain stagnant, clinging to a mindset that perpetuates suffering.

Perhaps, in time, the shadows they cast will be overshadowed by the brightness of progress, and the cacophony of their bitterness will be drowned out by the symphony of love and acceptance. Until then, let us continue to advocate for a world where such sad and weak-minded perspectives are relegated to the annals of history.