• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
I think Josh is more upset about DKF and the past few years than he wants people to believe and is hiding his desire for a personal crusade behind this idea of "activism."

The fact that he can't stop and laugh at the truly insane shit some lolcows are doing, even for a few minutes, and instead circles back around to bitching about trannies makes me think he's really entering the derangement zone. When an obsession starts taking away your joy for things you used to be into, and begins replacing your hobbies and interests, that's the sign you're in too deep.

Maybe he's deluded enough to think he's doing Kiwifarms a service by focusing on the tranny crusade so deeply but I think it's gonna backfire and blow up to the point where he can't recover if he isn't careful.
So this is just a Great Value version of OneAngryGamer’s Traitors to America list except for people and companies who are “pro”-trans.
pretty much yeah, as they say in the thread, this will be a much easier to hide nazi dogwhistle. Basically everyone knows the rise of TERFdom is literally woman's Gamergate. And as the far-right we're doing our part planting the seeds that will redpill these cunts.
Personally I don't go along with the idea of drag story hour in libraries, Maybe I am incorrect but the drag scene to me belongs in the "adult world" not the "child world". Would asking for some sensitivity from a parent's point of view and maybe having a family friendly cosplay story hour instead of drag be a more reasonable alternative?
hey dipshit, why do you assume the people doing this would want a cosplay story hour? they get off on performing for the kids. If they genuinely were in it for the kids, they'd be performing in cosplay already. Plus like everything else in our capitalistic world, you can't let anything be exclusive. They'd market beer and cigs to kids if the government allowed it. Much like Vegas or pop culture it has to be something all ages can enjoy. the under-21 population in this country is at its lowest since record keeping began but somehow we need to make sure kids experience everything as soon as possible.
Preach Pope, preach!

LMAO, you know he's referring to Null's trad-LARPing rants about anime here!

>filtering out the bullshit Onion Farms is saying about him
All they're doing is admitting they're still hate-lurking here.
Lurk some moar Kiwis, maybe you can overcome your bashfulness eventually and make an OF account too!
I know it's still scary now, but trust me, you can do it!
This anti-trans boycott has got to be the dumbest thing I ever heard of. Here is a screengrab of that website. He threw money away with all these domain names. What's he going to do, bring Disney or Forbes Magazine to their knees?

Null had another crusade a while back and it was a forum on Kiwifarms called "Shots Fired". He was sick and tired of reading about all these school shootings so he decided he had the perfect solution to put a stop to this. Anyone who attempted to shoot up a school would have a thread on them on kiwifarms that would last forever. Yes he actually believed that the threat of having a thread on Kiwifarms would have the power to deter school shootings by publicly shaming anyone who attempted to carry out a mass school shooting.

But if Null wants to make an ass out of himself with a fight the system crusade that will go nowhere, I certainly won't stand in his way.

View attachment 34860
Lol the list includes Amazon, Target, and Walmart. So where else are you going to go? For a lot, maybe even a majority of counties you can't walk into the only stores within a 50 mile radius of your home if you're participating in this boycott. Enjoy paying a premium for shipping and having limited items if you try to get away from Amazon. Sorry Josh, if there's one thing Americans love more than impotently raging about culture war bullshit it's cheap and convenient access to all the Made In China garbage they want.
All they're doing is admitting they're still hate-lurking here.
Lurk some moar Kiwis, maybe you can overcome your bashfulness eventually and make an OF account too!
I know it's still scary now, but trust me, you can do it!
People who live in glass houses should never throw stones. Apparently they didn't get the memo.
Bet every single person talking shit could be a good halal and will eventually get there if they keep it up without the "splinters" and "other sites" needing to interfere.

Josh isn't the authority on the state of internet culture either. He's just a faggot in a position where people look up to him for guidance because they're weak willed and refuse to think for themselves. They'll take whatever spoonfed garbage and accept it as law.

At least here everyone is free game if they fuck up, KF protects their slimeballs if they've been around for long enough and have the right connections.
Sorry Josh, if there's one thing Americans love more than impotently raging about culture war bullshit it's cheap and convenient access to all the Made In China garbage they want.

So where else are you going to go?
Avoiding all the big chain stores due to their TRA virtue signaling, trad-LARPers all over the US are gonna have to brave their local farmer's markets for the first time, just like Null does in Serbia where he can pay the farmers in bitchycoins.
Avoiding all the big chain stores due to their TRA virtue signaling, trad-LARPers all over the US are gonna have to brave their local farmer's markets for the first time, just like Null does in Serbia where he can pay the farmers in bitchycoins.
Some farmers markets are arguably worse because they've been gentrified by the hipsters and treehuggers.
Some farmers markets are arguably worse because they've been gentrified by the hipsters and treehuggers.
Trad-LARPers must boycott the evil TRA-invested corporations and support their local farmers, even if that means braving the hipsters and the treehuggers at the farmers' market. It's kinda like making an OF account, once you get yourself over the first mental hurdle, it's not so bad afterall.
Trad-LARPers must boycott the evil TRA-invested corporations and support their local farmers, even if that means braving the hipsters and the treehuggers at the farmers' market. It's kinda like making an OF account, once you get yourself over the first mental hurdle, it's not so bad afterall.
Big brain move is forgetting the farmers market and going directly to farms to get what you're looking for.
Null didn't make the webpage in that screenshot. He's only ripping off the idea of an anti-trans boycott from the original creator of that website.
Yeah I should have clarified that. It isn't Null's website. I apologize for the ambiguity. Null should care about Kiwifarms (his bread and butter) rather than wasting his time and money pursuing this nonsense.
Personally I don't go along with the idea of drag story hour in libraries, Maybe I am incorrect but the drag scene to me belongs in the "adult world" not the "child world". Would asking for some sensitivity from a parent's point of view and maybe having a family friendly cosplay story hour instead of drag be a more reasonable alternative?

Drag is absolutely a strictly adult thing, it's not the same thing as a silly guy in a clown costume wearing the red nose. It's not an innocent mistake to have prostitutes putting on shows for kids while wearing sexual fetish clothing. At the end of the day it is on the establishments and institutions to not do this stuff in the first place; many of the drag queens involved in these story times have been investigated and shown to be proven child predators who are registered on the sex offenders list.

However I think that "drag queen story hour" might have died an ignoble death from lack of interest if RW twitter hadn't memed it into the public consciousness because now lots of establishments are putting on shows out of spite since they know that it makes RWers angry. People attend the drag queen story hours for the same spiteful reasons. It was not a popular practice and no one really knew about it until RW culture warriors put it in front of everyone's faces, which makes me wonder if it would have any traction at all if they hadn't called attention to it.

When it comes to entertainment it is common for adults to dress up in silly costumes and do silly dances and read to the kids. My local library has monthly story times thanks to the neighborhood dentist office, they send a nice dental hygienist to read picture books to the children about brushing their teeth and flossing, nutritional facts, etc. She dresses up sometimes to match that month's theme, last year she came as the Tooth Fairy for Halloween. It was fun and cute, kids learn something, parents get to leave the house and enjoy the library, etc. But it's a far cry from drag. The people who arrange for drag queen story tellers are deliberately pretending that there is no difference between a drag queen hooker (who might be a registered sex offender!) and a 32 year old dental hygienist dressing up as a Tooth Fairy.

LMAO, you know he's referring to Null's trad-LARPing rants about anime here!

Perhaps the truth...is somewhere in the middle.

Calling anime satanic is stupid and as per usual RWers are running the word "satanic" into the ground and those of us who are old AF remember how that played out the last 50 times they did it. OTOH lots of people who watch anime are porn addicts who think watching Dragon Ball Z will defeat their political opponents.

A channel with "Law" in the name is going to attract people who like to learn about dry legal crap, so if Rackets wants to produce more "Loveline" style content then he should change his branding to reflect that and stop whining about having the wrong audience especially since he deliberately cultivated that audience for years.

Calling gamers manchildren is dumb but its also true that Western adults are way too obsessed with videogames when they should be growing the hell up.

Null is a faggot and he's telling on himself when he immediately starts screaming about how anime is pedophilia especially when he's associating with a nazi cartoon guy who is an anime fan. However he is apparently sincerely traumatized from having to deal with terabytes of CP being uploaded to 9chan so you know.
However he is apparently sincerely traumatized from having to deal with terabytes of CP being uploaded to 9chan so you know.
How do you not realize going in that you're going to be seeing lots of child porn when you start up an imageboard centered on free speech.

Beyond that how do you not realize that just because pedos might like something, that doesn't mean its bad. Teen porn is fucking great, as is kid sitcoms, especially international ones. And there are plenty of great anime out there, and ironically enough the better ones barely have any kids or teens in them.
Saw this on Sneed.soc...
How do you not realize going in that you're going to be seeing lots of child porn when you start up an imageboard centered on free speech.

Beyond that how do you not realize that just because pedos might like something, that doesn't mean its bad. Teen porn is fucking great, as is kid sitcoms, especially international ones. And there are plenty of great anime out there, and ironically enough the better ones barely have any kids or teens in them.

Honestly what it comes down to is that Null is a faggot. Could write a whole (on topic I swear!) essay about these things but it all just boils down to the fact that Null is a total fag.

It seems to me that if you want to start an imageboard in Current Year then you need a proper team. Cybersecurity, possibly paid? around the clock moderators, people to maintain the infrastructure, etc. Null decided to do all of that on his own when he is a gibbering incompetent. He may enjoy coding and that's great but his products are terrible. He doesn't have what it takes to maintain an imageboard. Nevermind the loli, what about DDoSing against 9chan? He can't cope with it happening to KF or protect KF from script kiddies, he had no hope of maintaining 9chan against the kind of attackers who go after imageboards as a hobby. He didn't bother to set up infrastructure required to maintain this kind of website. If he was serious about it then he would have done all this but since he's a fag, he thought he could do it himself. Fundamentally unserious, I say.

You know what the difference between Lolcow.farm and KF is? Lolcow has someone behind it that knows how to maintain a fucking imageboard and hasn't burned all her bridges to do so.

I think Null is an ideas guy who can't carry out these actions on his own. Can't maintain anything. He is, and always will be, a complete faggot.
You know what the difference between Lolcow.farm and KF is? Lolcow has someone behind it that knows how to maintain a fucking imageboard and hasn't burned all her bridges to do so.
LCF has its own issues that could undermine it should they be brought front and center, and also caters to the fairer sex more.

LCF also has stricter rules regarding doxes, revenge porn, violent images, etc. and quality control is always running. KF doesn't use the same discretion.