How would he know the email threatens him without first reading it? Sounds like he didn't want to confirm reading it for some reason.
Why does this quote about how he will only read e-mail when someone is threatening him remind me of that other post where he said that he was sending threats to Clara Stockings because she would only pay attention to him when he was threatening her? It's like he's taking something he said about her but here he's saying it about himself.
Anyway, this claim is obviously bullshit, he does actually read his e-mail. He might not respond but he does read it. When he banned me he left an angry rant on my profile wall claiming that I had sent him
"multiple crying e-mails about being SHADOWBANNED". I had actually sent him only one e-mail about being shadowbanned (with screenshots so that he could see what this looked like on my end and how literally
every possible input field was disabled, not just the comment text box), which e-mail he definitely read cos he responded by telling me that my cache is broken (it's not, classic Null deflection bingo), that I should flush the cache (already did that, more deflection bingo) or cycle through five browsers to find the one that works (no, deflection bingo), and that I'm a stupid bitch who shouldn't even bother returning to his website (alright, whatever). He never did respond to any of my earlier e-mails (back in Oct-Nov of 2022) reporting the issue with the disappearing text box early back then. He coud've responded to those earlier e-mails by simply saying:
"The disappearing text box doesn't mean you're shadowbanned, it's just something that XenForo does when it's getting DDoSed. I don't know what's causing this or how to fix it.". But no, he had to gaslight, guilt-trip and act belligerent.
Word to the wise: don't ever bother e-mailing Null about any issue with KF. He just doesn't give a fuck and he will try to use against you the fact that you naively reached out to him for help. Even if it's 35+ of you complaining about the same thing. Then he will lie and claim he doesn't read his e-mail anymore because he's so popular now.