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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
i knew you were full of shit when you posted the dick picture and refused to show proof it was his literally you should take your meds
I mean the the dick picture shit is weird and sus yeah. But the rest of it is at least worth looking into. Weird shit.
i knew you were full of shit when you posted the dick picture and refused to show proof it was his literally you should take your meds

I mean the the dick picture shit is weird and sus yeah. But the rest of it is at least worth looking into. Weird shit.
Not necessarily false though. Vordrak finally published his article with Lainey recently. He kept putting it up and taking it down to try and get her to agree it and the final version seems to have been agreed. What's interesting in this context though is that in the comments from an earlier attempt at publication are still there at the bottom and Vordrak seems to believe the dick-pics are real, whilst refusing to publish them to avoid committing revenge pornography.

There is obvious ongoing collaboration between Vordrak and Lainey. The other stuff in these two drops is quite well verified so I see no reason not to trust the dick-pick. It's circumcised. It's broke. It's Joshy.


  • FireShot Pro Webpage Screenshot #001 - 'Joshua Conner Moon, Elaine _ Echo and Sam Smith I Matt...png
    FireShot Pro Webpage Screenshot #001 - 'Joshua Conner Moon, Elaine _ Echo and Sam Smith I Matt...png
    4.4 MB · Views: 140
  • FireShot Pro Webpage Screenshot #001 - 'Joshua Conner Moon, Elaine _ Echo and Sam Smith I Matt...png
    FireShot Pro Webpage Screenshot #001 - 'Joshua Conner Moon, Elaine _ Echo and Sam Smith I Matt...png
    5 MB · Views: 139
  • FireShot Pro Webpage Screenshot #001 - 'Joshua Conner Moon, Elaine _ Echo and Sam Smith I Matt...png
    FireShot Pro Webpage Screenshot #001 - 'Joshua Conner Moon, Elaine _ Echo and Sam Smith I Matt...png
    2.2 MB · Views: 124
  • FireShot Pro Webpage Screenshot #001 - 'Joshua Conner Moon, Elaine _ Echo and Sam Smith I Matt...png
    FireShot Pro Webpage Screenshot #001 - 'Joshua Conner Moon, Elaine _ Echo and Sam Smith I Matt...png
    2.8 MB · Views: 123
  • FireShot Pro Webpage Screenshot #001 - 'Joshua Conner Moon, Elaine _ Echo and Sam Smith I Matt...png
    FireShot Pro Webpage Screenshot #001 - 'Joshua Conner Moon, Elaine _ Echo and Sam Smith I Matt...png
    272.3 KB · Views: 135
To be fair, evidently the company is owned by Zhen, but Null's name is on the whois record. And 1776hosting is there aswel. And I don't think it's impossible Null and Zhen became friends back when Null worked in australia, especially if both worked in IT.

I just don't buy the idea that there's anything nefarious going on in the background. Reality tends to be boring, if Null was selling drugs through some Chinaman owned shell company or whatever, it would've come to light much earlier. Not to mention Null would've dropped KF, because his position obviously attracts attention. And he also would've had more than 500 dollars in crypto, a fucking street dealer would earn more lol.

Like with this part
View attachment 26867

When I check some random travel/food/sports blog, it also says "wordpress" on the bottom. Doesn't mean every blog is directly owned and operated by wordpress.

The only suspicious thing is the question what exactly Flow did, as a company. But who knows, maybe Zhen wanted to have a company on his name before fully planning out what to do with it.
Flow could have crashed and burned already too. Zhen could have already moved on. like you said plenty of wordpress blogs that basically don't exist anymore because someone gave up on their dream/hobby and decided to wipe the slate. This could easily be that situation. At best we know he knew null and they did some funky stuff with hosting at one point. maybe this guy needed a webhost for some bullshit and everyone else said no like the O&A guys and null saw an easy mark and offered him a great deal to be a shell company. all this guy knows is he's saving money and all he has to do is say he owns a PO box if asked. Or it could be the reverse and an asian guy offered to pay a premium on webhosting in order to host a small clearnet website to sell drugs in asia, hell he could have even offered to be the physical location of a shell company too to sweeten the deal. Null constantly gets fooled on his own website, it wouldn't surprise me to know he has gotten fucked over in real life.

Null has to know that him running a web hosting site implies a good chunk of impropriety and presumably gets asked to host all sorts of uneasy shit, while Null has issues with hentai and lolicon, some asian guy selling weed or cigarettes or some other stuff would presumbly get a pass. Not to sidetrack the thread but the amount of shit the O&A guys have both gotten up to and away with proves Null will allow a lot of stuff, almost literally the only rule is no CP, if someone was selling any nefarious goods or posting insane rants or literally anything else its fair game.

ill defend null in saying he's clearly stupid enough to fall for a lot of shit and openly willing to put up with a lot of shit as well, meaning he could easily be an accomplice and not realize it. IIRC he admitted that the site that gives him the most problems is some russian version of craigslist he runs, so as long as you aren't bringing any more attention especially legal attention than a russian version of craigslist you're going to be ok. the fact that he does't even bother bringing up O&A forums despite blatant well known legal actions against them proves that if you did have him host your site you could get away with being legally dubious and he wouldn't even accidentally bring it up
Joshua Moon Drop 2.0, Bribery “Prizes” edition.

Flow has been posted about here before by @Sailfish .The full documents pertaining to Flow weren’t posted. Here are all the documents relating to Flow Chemical Pty Ltd.
View attachment 26816View attachment 26817View attachment 26818View attachment 26819View attachment 26820View attachment 26821View attachment 26822View attachment 26823View attachment 26824View attachment 26825View attachment 26826View attachment 26827View attachment 26828
You have probably seen variations of this before but without an explanation the information is useless.

I’m going to talk about Kiwi Farms pre-Keffals cos there have been so many changes to the infrastructure since then that it jost won’t make sense.

Cloudflare wasn’t Kiwi Farmss hosting provider, it was jost a DDOS mitigation company used by Kiwi Farms. The reason why Keffals wanted CF to drop KF was because Cloudflare is the only DDOS mitigation service of its competency. Any site that has Cloudflare is immune to long-term DDOS attacks. Cloudflare anonymizes IP addresses and Whois info. This leads to finding out the owners and actual IP addresses of Cloudflare protected websites becoming almost impossible. Without Whois information or IP addresses in this case a website becomes extremely hard to take down.

Because Cloudflare isn’t a hosting provider Josh decided to host his own website for a while. To do this he made his own hosting company and hosted himself, this had added benefits like the fact that naive lolcows would report the website to its hosting provider not knowing it was Josh himself and it would have no affect or result in further laughter.

Josh later received a canary warrant subpoena which he posted about on Kiwi for 1776hosting and shut it down instantly.

This is where things get spooky. itself needed a hosting provider and this is where Flow Chemical Pty Ltd comes into play.

What ended up happening was 1776hosting hosted Flow and Kiwi and Flow hosted 1776hosting and in turn Kiwi.

Here are the hosting/Whois records for Kiwi Farms:
View attachment 26829
The other thing I’d like to confirm is that Josh seems to own and host, the Cwcki using Flow.
View attachment 26830
This is why when Kiwi Farms was DDOSED, Cwcki went down too.

Naturally when you see the words “Flow Chemical” surface in relation to a lolcow forum you start to wonder what the fuck is up.

Here are the Whois records for Flow Chemical Pty Ltd:
View attachment 26831View attachment 26832View attachment 26833View attachment 26834View attachment 26835View attachment 26836View attachment 26837View attachment 26838
These do not match the ownership records seen in the documents earlier more on this later.

I have managed to find archives of the old website for Flow

I have spent hours looking at this and have yet a a full explanation as to what is going on but it seemed like bribery in exchange for content and potentially something to do with drugs. Lots of “packages” and “goods” being shipped.

Here are some parts that stood out to me:
View attachment 26839
View attachment 26840
View attachment 26841View attachment 26842View attachment 26845View attachment 26844View attachment 26843
Please read these archives in full if you give a fuck cos they’re all vital and this is where ur donations are going.

Home Page Archive:

Terms & Conditions:

Acceptable Use Policy:

View attachment 26846

Here is Flow calling themselves 1776hosting:
View attachment 26847
- Flow requires yearly in person check ups
  • Flow offer “prizes” in exchange for things
  • Flow ships unnamed “packages” and “goods”
  • The owner is a random Chinese born 37 year old who doesn’t have any digital footprint
  • The records show the company is BASED at its Australian address. It’s a physical company, with an actual address. This is either rented or owned, Josh has assets, these assets aren’t shown in his white pages records
Take a guess at what’s going on here, I know I have some ideas.

In some of these archives there were available phone numbers most of which are still in use:

+61 7 6593 1369
+61 8 4624 8290
+61 402 396 273
07337 10463

The number +61 402 396 273 has a Snapchat:
View attachment 26848

For those of you who don’t know, LSD is a drug

The only matching account I could find elsewhere was this YouTube:

Until I found
An Australian based company
Archive of their reviews:

Whois records show that Joshua Moon owns Flow Chemical Pty Ltd yet the company extract shows Vincent Zhen does.

What seems to be the case is that Vincent was used simply as a signature for the company so that Josh didn’t have to sign his name to it, probs for tax reasons.

I’d say what with “prizes for content” and Flow rebranding as 1776hosting at one point that Joshua Moon does in fact operate and own Flow, even if not on paper.

Someone who definitely wasn’t me went by Dropbox on Telegram and went into the Kiwi Farms Telegram channel and pushed Josh to answer questions about Flow Chemical Pty Ltd.

He accused Dropbox of being two people instantly. One was Kengle and one was Elaine Miller.

This is also something weird cos Kengle has spoken publicly about Flow and Josh’s finances, Elaine hasn’t mentioned it once and I’ve gone through her old accounts for hours looking for information on Flow.

Dropbox also seemed to have the records for Flow yet when they asked Josh about this on Telegram he lied to their face in front of everyone and claimed the owner was some made up dude called Giles something, didn’t exist on white pages.

Dropbox then posted the ownership records for Flow and Josh sperged out and banned them. Lol. He also said he didn’t own or operate Flow and jost “helped them with upstream and SEO”?????????????????????

Here’s that interaction:
View attachment 26849View attachment 26850
Flow has a PO Box which you can see in the Whois records: 16 Nobby Beach
View attachment 26851
Which seems associated with all types of weird shit with a quick Google search.
View attachment 26852
Who is Vincent Zhen?
Currently I don’t know.

Why a 37 year old man would sign his name onto document for a company he doesn’t seem to operate bares many questions.

There is almost no digital footprint for Vincent. As if he doesn’t exist.
This is something that I’ll be looking into.

(Edit: Some Onion founds some accounts of his)


Btw here’s how much is in Null’s crypto accounts:
View attachment 26853View attachment 26854View attachment 26855

Joshua is a massive alog himself.

He created the website around 2016 to post about his long term enemy, Vordrak. The funniest thing about all of this is that when you go to the website you can see that Cloudflare has blocked it and labelled it as Kiwi Farms. LUL, nice one Jersh.
View attachment 26856
Don’t worry Joshy I always keep receipts:

He talks about himself in third person and victim baits. It’s so unbearably cringe I don’t know how I even got through reading it all.
View attachment 26857View attachment 26858View attachment 26859
He even has a “Are you a victim?” tips email.
View attachment 26860
Anyone want to email in? Anyone??

Josh has a problem with attention seeking in general here is a screenshot of other websites he’s owned:
View attachment 26861
You doing ok 2Tsuki?
View attachment 26862
Merry Xmas, stay tuned.

As always you can email me anything non-public about Josh that you want me to post anonymously or sperg about in private. Taking submissions.

As Josh would say “Stay safe & God bless.”
this is on the level as that one thread where vex said that josh was funded by fancy bear and the kremlin or something
Joshua Moon Drop 2.0, Bribery “Prizes” edition.

Flow has been posted about here before by @Sailfish .The full documents pertaining to Flow weren’t posted. Here are all the documents relating to Flow Chemical Pty Ltd.
View attachment 26816View attachment 26817View attachment 26818View attachment 26819View attachment 26820View attachment 26821View attachment 26822View attachment 26823View attachment 26824View attachment 26825View attachment 26826View attachment 26827View attachment 26828
You have probably seen variations of this before but without an explanation the information is useless.

I’m going to talk about Kiwi Farms pre-Keffals cos there have been so many changes to the infrastructure since then that it jost won’t make sense.

Cloudflare wasn’t Kiwi Farmss hosting provider, it was jost a DDOS mitigation company used by Kiwi Farms. The reason why Keffals wanted CF to drop KF was because Cloudflare is the only DDOS mitigation service of its competency. Any site that has Cloudflare is immune to long-term DDOS attacks. Cloudflare anonymizes IP addresses and Whois info. This leads to finding out the owners and actual IP addresses of Cloudflare protected websites becoming almost impossible. Without Whois information or IP addresses in this case a website becomes extremely hard to take down.

Because Cloudflare isn’t a hosting provider Josh decided to host his own website for a while. To do this he made his own hosting company and hosted himself, this had added benefits like the fact that naive lolcows would report the website to its hosting provider not knowing it was Josh himself and it would have no affect or result in further laughter.

Josh later received a canary warrant subpoena which he posted about on Kiwi for 1776hosting and shut it down instantly.

This is where things get spooky. itself needed a hosting provider and this is where Flow Chemical Pty Ltd comes into play.

What ended up happening was 1776hosting hosted Flow and Kiwi and Flow hosted 1776hosting and in turn Kiwi.

Here are the hosting/Whois records for Kiwi Farms:
View attachment 26829
The other thing I’d like to confirm is that Josh seems to own and host, the Cwcki using Flow.
View attachment 26830
This is why when Kiwi Farms was DDOSED, Cwcki went down too.

Naturally when you see the words “Flow Chemical” surface in relation to a lolcow forum you start to wonder what the fuck is up.

Here are the Whois records for Flow Chemical Pty Ltd:
View attachment 26831View attachment 26832View attachment 26833View attachment 26834View attachment 26835View attachment 26836View attachment 26837View attachment 26838
These do not match the ownership records seen in the documents earlier more on this later.

I have managed to find archives of the old website for Flow

I have spent hours looking at this and have yet a a full explanation as to what is going on but it seemed like bribery in exchange for content and potentially something to do with drugs. Lots of “packages” and “goods” being shipped.

Here are some parts that stood out to me:
View attachment 26839
View attachment 26840
View attachment 26841View attachment 26842View attachment 26845View attachment 26844View attachment 26843
Please read these archives in full if you give a fuck cos they’re all vital and this is where ur donations are going.

Home Page Archive:

Terms & Conditions:

Acceptable Use Policy:

View attachment 26846

Here is Flow calling themselves 1776hosting:
View attachment 26847
- Flow requires yearly in person check ups
  • Flow offer “prizes” in exchange for things
  • Flow ships unnamed “packages” and “goods”
  • The owner is a random Chinese born 37 year old who doesn’t have any digital footprint
  • The records show the company is BASED at its Australian address. It’s a physical company, with an actual address. This is either rented or owned, Josh has assets, these assets aren’t shown in his white pages records
Take a guess at what’s going on here, I know I have some ideas.

In some of these archives there were available phone numbers most of which are still in use:

+61 7 6593 1369
+61 8 4624 8290
+61 402 396 273
07337 10463

The number +61 402 396 273 has a Snapchat:
View attachment 26848

For those of you who don’t know, LSD is a drug

The only matching account I could find elsewhere was this YouTube:

Until I found
An Australian based company
Archive of their reviews:

Whois records show that Joshua Moon owns Flow Chemical Pty Ltd yet the company extract shows Vincent Zhen does.

What seems to be the case is that Vincent was used simply as a signature for the company so that Josh didn’t have to sign his name to it, probs for tax reasons.

I’d say what with “prizes for content” and Flow rebranding as 1776hosting at one point that Joshua Moon does in fact operate and own Flow, even if not on paper.

Someone who definitely wasn’t me went by Dropbox on Telegram and went into the Kiwi Farms Telegram channel and pushed Josh to answer questions about Flow Chemical Pty Ltd.

He accused Dropbox of being two people instantly. One was Kengle and one was Elaine Miller.

This is also something weird cos Kengle has spoken publicly about Flow and Josh’s finances, Elaine hasn’t mentioned it once and I’ve gone through her old accounts for hours looking for information on Flow.

Dropbox also seemed to have the records for Flow yet when they asked Josh about this on Telegram he lied to their face in front of everyone and claimed the owner was some made up dude called Giles something, didn’t exist on white pages.

Dropbox then posted the ownership records for Flow and Josh sperged out and banned them. Lol. He also said he didn’t own or operate Flow and jost “helped them with upstream and SEO”?????????????????????

Here’s that interaction:
View attachment 26849View attachment 26850
Flow has a PO Box which you can see in the Whois records: 16 Nobby Beach
View attachment 26851
Which seems associated with all types of weird shit with a quick Google search.
View attachment 26852
Who is Vincent Zhen?
Currently I don’t know.

Why a 37 year old man would sign his name onto document for a company he doesn’t seem to operate bares many questions.

There is almost no digital footprint for Vincent. As if he doesn’t exist.
This is something that I’ll be looking into.

(Edit: Some Onion founds some accounts of his)


Btw here’s how much is in Null’s crypto accounts:
View attachment 26853View attachment 26854View attachment 26855

Joshua is a massive alog himself.

He created the website around 2016 to post about his long term enemy, Vordrak. The funniest thing about all of this is that when you go to the website you can see that Cloudflare has blocked it and labelled it as Kiwi Farms. LUL, nice one Jersh.
View attachment 26856
Don’t worry Joshy I always keep receipts:

He talks about himself in third person and victim baits. It’s so unbearably cringe I don’t know how I even got through reading it all.
View attachment 26857View attachment 26858View attachment 26859
He even has a “Are you a victim?” tips email.
View attachment 26860
Anyone want to email in? Anyone??

Josh has a problem with attention seeking in general here is a screenshot of other websites he’s owned:
View attachment 26861
You doing ok 2Tsuki?
View attachment 26862
Merry Xmas, stay tuned.

As always you can email me anything non-public about Josh that you want me to post anonymously or sperg about in private. Taking submissions.

As Josh would say “Stay safe & God bless.”
This has been posted about before and it seemed that the shell company is strictly used by multiple criminal entities for money laundering. This is from the last person who covered this

Note: he deleted everything tied to him and supposedly “disappeared”. His reasons he claims are because people came after him from various underground groups telling him to stop reporting on all of this.

My running theory is that most likely, josh has got into bed with Chinese government assets to have a way to launder his money due to not being allowed to own a bank account in exchange for data collection on his own userbase to the CCP.

Most of the flow chemicals digs seem to connect to this as well as organized crime groups.

I dont intend on looking further into this but i did feel compelled to warn you and others of what supposedly happened the last time someone did dig into joshes ties and financial section of his lifestyles.

This does prove 100% though that Null’s hosting services and websites are/were strictly honeypots by definition
Note: he deleted everything tied to him and supposedly “disappeared”. His reasons he claims are because people came after him from various underground groups telling him to stop reporting on all of this.
People who were seen posting about or mentioning this and the other companies usually stop logging on or something random happens to them.
My running theory is that most likely, josh has got into bed with Chinese government assets to have a way to launder his money due to not being allowed to own a bank account in exchange for data collection on his own userbase to the CCP.
Very close
Most of the flow chemicals digs seem to connect to this as well as organized crime groups.
The biggest red flag should have been Josh lying about Flow or refusing to answer questions in public. A screenshot can be explained away, behavior can’t.
I dont intend on looking further into this but i did feel compelled to warn you and others of what supposedly happened the last time someone did dig into joshes ties and financial section of his lifestyles.
They’re already after me anyway
This does prove 100% though that Null’s hosting services and websites are/were strictly honeypots by definition
I need a further explanation for this pls
Last edited by a moderator:
this is on the level as that one thread where vex said that josh was funded by fancy bear and the kremlin or something
Whatever happened to vex?
My running theory is that most likely, josh has got into bed with Chinese government assets to have a way to launder his money due to not being allowed to own a bank account in exchange for data collection on his own userbase to the CCP.
He wishes the CCP would put him on retainer, don't doubt he'd do a bunch of shit hopping they would though.
About some of this stuff here.

16 Nobby Beach is jost a PO Box. It doesn’t only belong to Josh, Vincent or Flow.

Hundreds of people use that PO Box, what is cause for concern is the fact that the PO Box attracts criminals, but all of the posts that user posted saying “this is registered under this address” etc pertain to nothing because so many people use the address that it could be being listed as a contact detail or as the owner of something by any one of the other people using that address.

It would be more convincing to find that PO Box being used by Josh or Vincent for other companies alongside Flow.
need a further explanation for this pls
Sure. Lets take a step back to 2017-2019 era of kiwifarms.

Josh claimed he never held any data on users completely. Even going as far as to say that the binaries on the SQL database of the root was set up to dump all user information after 24-48 hours everyday. If you understand what I wrote you’ll understand the ridiculousness of this alone. Hacker took this bold repeated claim to task and backdoored joshes site. What we saw was that Josh held into everyone’s information and even expanded upon it on various users for the sake of “halal threads”, a practice thats purpose was to punish users the staff and favored users who paid josh to be “trusted and honest” for stepping out of joshes perceived line.

Josh was forced to allow certain users to delete there accounts.

Now we go from 2019-2021 era of kiwifarms.

1. Multiple user’s experience visits by authorities over posts pertaining to kiwifarms. Users who were not targets by josh or doxed in the public sense. Most notably being SigSev as an example

2. Josh starts the practice of “canary letters” in a rushed momentary notice to suggest to users wary of josh to continue to trust he was not under the watchful eye of any government entities. At the same time during multiple MATI streams however, josh would repeatedly rant regarding government filed lawsuits against him or his llc while also dealing with Russel Greer and Melissa’s lawsuits. These slip ups would repeatedly show a contradiction to his “canary”.

3. Josh visits the chinese government for “vacation” suddenly and leaks showing josh in contact with people such as Coachredpill and others appear offering things such as “visa passports” and “travel immunity”. Josh bans any and all talks of this and waves it off as fake or gay.

4. Josh begins hosting the christchurch shooting torrent and gets directly into contact with government entities over this again. This was buried again by josh and waved off as “based” fir joshs sperging

5. Hackivist groups claim josh is involved in shady dealings in Australia. Flow chemicals lead begins.

6. Flow chemicals lead causes people to “drop it”

7. The end of 2021 josh is at war with keffals and somehow trannys get the backing of multiple goverments and ISPs to pressure kiwifarms into not existing, meanwhile sites ran by blackhat hackers such as exist without problems.

Its been clear to me at least, that for many years josh slowly started to deal with shady groups or governmental entities about kiwifarms and the only offer josh can give them is data itself. I could be wrong by this is now a 5 year running theory that keeps getting more and more accurate as time goes on.

Good luck in your finds
Thank you for that useful and matches with what I know.
This Fancy Bear thing repeatedly comes up, not sure if any merit to it as wasn’t Fancy Bear supposed to be Russian not Chinese?
Yes. I mean this could involve the russians but josh this year was booted off russian hosting sites which wouldnt make sense if he was dealing with russian assets.
Whatever happened to vex?

He wishes the CCP would put him on retainer, don't doubt he'd do a bunch of shit hopping they would though.
Vex wanted to haul ass and delete his account after his piece on Josh. This Fancy Bear story was being used by SigSegv and Cjocker to try and scare me into moving Onionfarms onto Cjockers server. Fancy Bear was a Russian Hacker team that hacked the Olympic website. Someone registered an account on KF with "Fancy Bear" as the username
Again people are reading too much into this Christchurch shooting. Yes the Chief of Police made an unreasonable request, but Josh responded the way he did so he could show everyone on the internet what a tough cool bad-ass he was. The same thing could have been accomplished with a short courteous refusal and referral to his legal counsel.