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    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Josh, just remove Kiwifarms if it's become a miserable babysitting website in your eyes. People will obviously cry about it, however your passion for KF obviously died off long ago. Part of me is shocked he still keeps it up, despite the constant deny of service.
One word: Spite.

Josh is easy to understand once you get how he resents people. If you speak to him nicely he very likely to act, almost, normally,. But as soon as he gets any opposition, like a joke at his expense , or an authority figure telling him what to do, his first instinct is to give you the middle finger.

Do you think he is going to give Keffals the satisfaction? Hell no.

Which is a shame because the best Josh could do with his life is to quit kiwi farms. Maybe pass the torch or whatever if he thinks the site should go on.

Burning bridges, and life opportunities, for pointless internet wars, and just to maintain a freak show/gossip forum online is the literal definition of wasting your life.
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Josh, just remove Kiwifarms if it's become a miserable babysitting website in your eyes. People will obviously cry about it, however your passion for KF obviously died off long ago. Part of me is shocked he still keeps it up, despite the constant deny of service.
i mean he could just delegate responsibility better, most website "owners" just delegate and rarely check up on the site. although that usually does mean the employees turn on you but its easier on the owners themselves; i'm honestly amazed how often he interacts with the site for a CEO, any business class will tell you that much interaction with the plebs actually hurts companies rather than helps it for the most part. if this wasn't a website but a restaurant or store with the same amount of daily visitors no bank would give him any stay either.
One word: Spite.

Josh is easy to understand once you get how he resents people. If you speak to him nicely he very likely to act, almost, normally,. But as soon as he gets any opposition, like a joke at his expense , or an authority figure telling him what to do, his first instinct is to give you the middle finger.

Do you think he is going to give Keffals the satisfaction? Hell no.

Which is a shame because the best Josh could do with his life is to quit kiwi farms. Maybe pass the torch or whatever if he thinks the site should go on.

Burning bridges, and life opportunities, for pointless internet wars, and just to maintain a freak show/gossip forum online is the literal definition of wasting your life.
A great example of this people forget is his ss13 server arc, Despite all the other shit going on, because he didn't like the updates in an open source game he decided to create his own server and try and get people to migrate over to his and have it become the dominant server, it didn't last but it just shows how off his mentality is, he was more willing to reside in a server with a dozen people tops than join with the greater community all over pretty mild slights.
I agree that he should pass the torch, but the likelihood of that happening is nilch.
its not even passing the torch, but delegating better, have other people just help him with the tech or coding and others with bans and controlling the forum. the fact that he has to argue with every asshole that emails the admin is insane, especially if the site is as big and famous as it currently is. treat it like any other website, the ceo isn't handling customer service and tech support at this size. you think Andrew Breitbart was doing customer service for his websites? when you're dealing with thousands of emails it becomes your job vs the actual site itself.

its one thing to do this when its a small forum with a userbase of less than 100, like EDF or O&A but 10k people daily and its an entirely different story, thats superwalmart territory, now imagine if a manager of a superwalmart was doing all the customer service, dealing with the cops, and answering the emails, and dealing with stock.

the difference of course is that managers of superwalmarts make 200k and don't "do it for free"
i mean he could just delegate responsibility better, most website "owners" just delegate and rarely check up on the site. although that usually does mean the employees turn on you but its easier on the owners themselves; i'm honestly amazed how often he interacts with the site for a CEO, any business class will tell you that much interaction with the plebs actually hurts companies rather than helps it for the most part. if this wasn't a website but a restaurant or store with the same amount of daily visitors no bank would give him any stay either.

A great example of this people forget is his ss13 server arc, Despite all the other shit going on, because he didn't like the updates in an open source game he decided to create his own server and try and get people to migrate over to his and have it become the dominant server, it didn't last but it just shows how off his mentality is, he was more willing to reside in a server with a dozen people tops than join with the greater community all over pretty mild slights.

its not even passing the torch, but delegating better, have other people just help him with the tech or coding and others with bans and controlling the forum. the fact that he has to argue with every asshole that emails the admin is insane, especially if the site is as big and famous as it currently is. treat it like any other website, the ceo isn't handling customer service and tech support at this size. you think Andrew Breitbart was doing customer service for his websites? when you're dealing with thousands of emails it becomes your job vs the actual site itself.

its one thing to do this when its a small forum with a userbase of less than 100, like EDF or O&A but 10k people daily and its an entirely different story, thats superwalmart territory, now imagine if a manager of a superwalmart was doing all the customer service, dealing with the cops, and answering the emails, and dealing with stock.

the difference of course is that managers of superwalmarts make 200k and don't "do it for free"
Who cares
Is it wrong I feek bad for Josh? If he could stop being blinded by spite for a second, this latest incident should be a wake up call. That having a normal life should be his priority

Keffals was right on one thing. Nobody came to help him.

I mean, yes I know people behind the scenes were throwing him money and tech support. But they did so out of convenience. The did it for Kiwifarms not for him.

By his own admission, he isnt even a free speech advocate. He just doesn't like being told what to do.

He gave everything away for stupid internet fights

Was it worth it?
Is it wrong I feek bad for Josh?
Let's break this down.
By his own admission, he isnt even a free speech advocate
No. After all those years of saying he was to defend the site... he had to admit it wasn't, just a hugbox. The "freedom of speech" was just about making money from CP.
He just doesn't like being told what to do.
Stroppy cunt, in other words.
He gave everything away for stupid internet fights
TBF He is a lolcow. It's what they do.
Was it worth it?
Only joshy knows that. Maybe, just maybe, he wonders what would have happened if he had just listened to Aunty Godwinson, all those years ago. But while joshy is a very self-absorbed cow, he isn't the most self-reflective.

tl/dr: You think joshy gives a shit about you?
Vordrak made good on his promise of exposing some ISP worker who he believes uses Josh's website. He mentioned this person this person while he was on lolcow Ethan Ralph's show last week. Josh pretends to be aloof of the validity of anything, but later concedes losing what he has at whatever ISP the woman is accused of working for would be annoying.

"If this was happening in someplace like Turkey or Russia someone would've broken this guy, someone would've cut off his hands so he could do no more evil."
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he himself personally coded
Really? I mean, what are the chances he just paid some Macedonian 12yo to do it? How open to hacks is the site due to joshy asking the internet to do his homework for him?
He and others have continually tried to blame Cloudflare and Xenforo for his failure.
Like joshy lying about ties to Russia? Say it ain't so!

Was idly looking for TWIN stuff and came across joshys YT channel and read this comment. For context.

Tell me you are an incel piece of shit that has never felt the pain of losing a loved one, without telling me you are an incel piece of shit.Mind you this is just after he lost his grandmother, so he should know how no amount of money can replace a loved one. Unless of course he never gave a shit about her. Or anyone.

I officially 100% take back feeling sorry for Josh. About him being deplataformed And wasting his life in a freak show forum.

Remember, Josh said he wanted to have a family. If he somehow manages to reproduce and he still thinks the same another his hypothetical children, then he is no better than the nut jobs trying to de plataform him. Lesser evil at best.

But, of course, nobody is calling him out on his echochamber and the /pol circle jerk he created.
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Tell me you are an incel piece of shit that has never felt the pain of losing a loved one, without telling me you are an incel piece of shit.Mind you this is just after he lost his grandmother, so he should know how no amount of money can replace a loved one. Unless of course he never gave a shit about her. Or anyone.

I officially 100% take back feeling sorry for Josh. About him being deplataformed And wasting his life in a freak show forum.

Remember, Josh said he wanted to have a family. If he somehow manages to reproduce and he still thinks the same another his hypothetical children, then he is no better than the nut jobs trying to de plataform him. Lesser evil at best.

But, of course, nobody is calling him out on his echochamber and the /pol circle jerk he created.
Close to a billion dollars in damages because Alex Jones denied the Sandyhook Shooting is pretty absurd. It's pretty fucking weird that a person can be put through a slander/libel lawsuit for saying something isn't true.
Josh, of course, expressed himself like a subhuman retard, but I get where he's coming from; I've lost a kid too, but lets say someone on this forum goes "nah you didn't Void, stop lying." I shouldn't be entitled to a billion dollars because you think I'm a liar lmao.

100% real.gif

I, too, don't really buy it.


I'll admit that it's more than possible that there's a folder full of stock images the news uses to get a story out 10 seconds after it happens because ad rev from pepsi and coke and shit; and maybe they accidentally use the same picture twice because some intern who isn't paid enough to keep track of that shit sent the stock image up to the boys in the box and in the hustle to get the story live no one double checked it. That's equally possible, probably even more possible. Still not worth a billion dollars if this is the explanation instead of crisis actors.
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