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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Josh acts like getting an autonomous system number (ASN) is the key to him getting to "sit at the table" as he said in his KF post "Where the Sidewalk Ends" (archive), which itself is a reference to a blog post on his MATI page (archive). However, that doesn't mean that his hosting is really good (it's not - look at and how shitty that site runs, especially when KF is getting "DDoSed"), or even that it's immune from being removed from the Internet.

In technical terms, all autonomous systems (AS) on the Internet are linked using border gateway protocol (BGP). Hurricane Electric maintains a website that you can use to determine an ASN for an AS based on its name or any of its IP addresses, as well as other systems that link to that AS. 1776 Solutions, LLC (parent company of 1776 Hosting) has the ASN "AS397702". Here (archive) is the BGP routing rundown for AS397702. Look at IPv4 peers. There is one listed: VegasNAP, LLC (AS53340). If you go under the "Peers v4" tab, that will be the only AS listed there as well. That means that 1776 Hosting has one single point of failure. If VegasNAP is somehow forced to depeer from 1776, then it's gone from the Internet until Josh finds a new peer, as no traffic will be able to go to or from that AS. On the other hand, VegasNAP peers with a lot of different networks as well as some big Internet backbones, as can be seen here (archive).

If Josh really wanted a more robust solution, he would strike up agreements with other networks with their own ASes, but it's Josh and he has terrible people skills, plus many of those are expensive and/or probably won't do business with a network with KF on it. This is before we even broach the topic of Josh's incompetence as a system/network administrator.
From Josh's article:
To recap: I own my own servers (roughly $20,000 in equipment). I also own my own IPs and ASN ($2,000/yr). I have my upstream ($500/mo). I could become my own .NET domain registrar ($3,500 + $4,000/yr). I have, to the best of my ability, within the limits of a 28-year-old's budget, "built my own Internet".
Despite all that, the Internet has one more weak point: Denial of Service Attacks. These attacks use compromised computers to send massive amounts of junk data to a single point, blotting out legitimate traffic and potentially overwhelming target devices.
DoS attacks are cheap. Botnet resellers are easy to find. They're easy to use. However, they are not cheap to mitigate. A 10Gbps attack costs less than $100 for a month, but a 10Gbps line costs $750/mo. 10Gbps-capable routers costs thousands. That is already excessive, but attacks frequently top 100Gbps or even 1000Gbps. Few companies can handle this job. Those companies come under intense political scrutiny. Cloudflare is the biggest, and I use them.
Recent image of Josh.: That face. There is a look of hopelessness staring outward.
Joshua now.jpg
As long as Jawsh can keep reposting old MATI articles on ZeroHedge to get a dozen pages of asspats, he'll keep KF going. As long as he can act like a total pants-on-head retard with his random chimpouts at longtime members and get attention, he'll keep KF going. As long as he can use the Melinda Scotts and Russell Greers of the world with their constant and frivolous legal bullshit to generate enough anger and/or sympathy so that the T&H people keep opening their wallets for him and KF month after month, he'll keep KF going.

Yes, KF is replaceable, but I don't see it going away anytime soon. JCM can't let that happen, because if he did, then everything he's done in the last 10 years would mean exactly shit. He needs the validation so he can keep seeing himself as the savior of the "free speech" internet, and not as a kissless virgin-with-rage lolcow who burns bridges with everyone who ever crosses his path.

Meanwhile, he's giving us one hell of a show to keep watching!
I checked my email. Yes, I did spot the letter from MATI notifying that I would be issued a refund. It has not yet appeared on my current bank statement because my current statement started and ended on the 8th. But I will assume it will show up in the next one coming. I consider this matter to be over and done with.