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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
I'm completely normal looking. I've seen multi-page threads of you morons calling highly paid onlyFans models fat too so I think you've indulged in this cliche a bit much at this point. I think you should reflect on how it makes you look like a bitter incel more than it makes any harassment target seem worse.
Will you be my internet girlfriend?
I mean , you're way nicer than nool.
Not gonna lie that i’ve not had gripes with the big K. I think he’s a fascinating and unintentionally hilarious individual and him constantly restricting me is unbearably annoying.

But he actually puts effort in unlike Nool and works a job to support his fourm instead of constantly grifting while being unbearably lazy incapable of even sending a ban explanation.
Not gonna lie that i’ve not had gripes with the big K. I think he’s a fascinating and unintentionally hilarious individual and him constantly restricting me is unbearably annoying.

But he actually puts effort in unlike Nool and works a job to support his fourm instead of constantly grifting while being unbearably lazy incapable of even sending a ban explanation.
Yeah , if I knew the reason I would've left it.
Ashley. Honey. Sweetheart. I'm a homosexual male. Do you know what that means? For one thing, I don't care if women won't have sex with me. For other, if I wanted to, I could download Grindr right now and suck more cock in one night then you'll ever see in your entire life.
With that out the way, will you please finally tell me why you keep cumming here even though you hate it? Pretty please uwu
I think you're missing the point of the post which is that all of you are mentally ill nuisances who delight in being abusive to everyone around you for no reason and would alienate anyone stupid or pathetic enough to try getting close to you. So exactly like Joshua.

Also I think a better indicator of BPD is flipping the fuck out at anyone who mildly insults you on an anonymous message board and having an emotionally disproportionate reaction to it like doxing them and following them around saying annoying shit to them.
I think you're missing the point of the post which is that all of you are mentally ill nuisances who delight in being abusive to everyone around you for no reason and would alienate anyone stupid or pathetic enough to try getting close to you. So exactly like Joshua.

Also I think a better indicator of BPD is flipping the fuck out at anyone who mildly insults you on an anonymous message board and having an emotionally disproportionate reaction to it like doxing them and following them around saying annoying shit to them.
You came here. Nobody followed you here except Karl.
alienate anyone stupid or pathetic enough to try getting close to you. So exactly like Joshua.
Hey remember when you told @Sailfish to off himself even though he might be the only person on this board who was okay with you? And that even @stargate told you to get back into your tard cage?
We all have those friends who fail to learn the social graces requisite for participation in polite society. They can be quite funny in their way, especially in the eyes of people with no real connection to them. Online, their oddball characteristics are magnified, as is the attendant humor.
Enter, a forum whose anonymous users keep a running chronicle of such people’s lives. If you are unfortunate enough to become one of Kiwi Farms’ “lolcows,” you can expect to have every move you’ve made online screencapped and archived and exhaustively commented upon. These trolls, or “k-farmers,” will insinuate themselves into your social media life and find ways to trigger you into producing milk — that is, reactions they find amusing.
You’ll find many breeds of cow at Kiwi Farms: skitzocow, lolcow, careercow, dramacow, artcow, horrorcow, cultcow, ratking, and more. Most cows attracted attention because of their outsized internet footprints and certain online behaviors that k-farmers deem to be sexually or psychologically deviant, while others seem to have been chosen because of some user’s personal animus. The overwhelming majority are innocent people who have been less than circumspect online. However, a minority really are bad actors — for example, k-farmers love to bait and doxx pedophiles — and this fact should complicate any fair moral analysis of the community. But only a little. K-farmers are wary of punishing their horrorcows too zealously, lest the community turn on them for being overly moralistic or, in their parlance, “moralfags.”

A Brief History of Kiwi Farms

Navigating the Gommorhic warren that is internet chan culture is no easy task. (I’m grateful to Margaret Pless for having provided a basic outline of Kiwi Farms’ development in her thoughtful New York profile of the community.) Originally dedicated to the trolling (and even IRL harassment) of Christian Weston Chandler, their first and greatest lolcow, Kiwi Farms was created (or at least launched in its current form) by Joshua Conner Moon, a third-rate coder who trolls under the nom de guerre Null. An Encyclopedia Dramatica page dedicated to all things “Chris-chan” was made after 4chan users discovered Chandler’s homemade comic series Sonichu — a rather depressing marriage of the Pokémon and Sonic the Hedgehog universes.
For those unfamiliar with Encyclopedia Dramatica (henceforth ED), just imagine the DC Comics’ Bizarro World version of Wikipedia. As Julian Dibbel writes in Wired, ED is “where the vast parallel universe of Anonymous in-jokes, catchphrases, and obsessions is lovingly annotated, and [where] you will discover an elaborate trolling culture: Flamingly racist and misogynist content lurks throughout, all of it calculated to offend, along with links to eye-gougingly horrific images of mutilation, sexual perversity, and, yes, kittens in blenders.”
Moon and others were dissatisfied by the ED page’s lack of detail and launched their own wiki, CWCki (pronounced “quick-ee”), which exhaustively chronicled every move Chris-Chan made online and off. The forums portion of CWCki eventually migrated to a new platform,, while the wiki itself is now housed at Moon and his fellow travelers may be thought of as a sort of splinter faction of trolls for whom ED just wasn’t intense or invasive enough.
K-farmers are generally looked down upon by the larger troll community, who seem to think Chandler has been subjected to enough abuse (or perhaps simply drained of lolmilk). In particular, there seems to be enmity between k-farmers and users of 8chan’s /cow/, and each community dedicates considerable space to bitching about and occasionally admiring the other. (It does seem, however, that there is some overlap between communities; for example, when Null boots someone from Kiwi Farms, that someone might migrate to /cow/ and begin slurring their former compatriots as “foxdicks.” (Don’t ask.))
The extent to which trolling should bleed into real-life activity is an ongoing debate among trolls. Think of trolling philosophies as existing along a spectrum: At one end, you have passive (or even principled) trolls, who merely collect and chronicle the online behavior of their targets. At the other end, you have active/invasive trolls — exemplified by the turds who shipped sex toys to Chandler’s family, baited him into having phone sex with a minor while recording the conversation, and sent prostitutes to his house. Kiwi Farms seems to float in the gray area between these two poles. The website is filled with admonitions to not contact people in real life, but these have a tongue-in-cheek feel, as if the real message is, “If you do this, you’re a deviant. Please, oh please, be a deviant.” Spend much time reading through the Kiwi forums and you’ll quickly see that the “rule” is not enforced.
There is another reason Kiwi Farms holds a marginal status within trolldom: They have a propensity to eat their own kind. Pless chronicles the fall of a particular k-farmer, Anthony Logatto (affectionately known as A-Log), whose vicious bloviations against Chandler attracted the ire of his comrades. After a little digging, they managed to unearth, among other things, A-Log’s collection of “furry” porn and some adolescent fan fiction reminiscent of Chandler’s Sonichu. The subsequent lol-milking culminated in the creation of a CWCkie called Logattopedia, dedicated solely to humiliating A-Log. This cautionary tale has resulted in warnings scattered throughout Kiwi Farms that users should take care to conceal their identities, lest they be “A-Logged.”
Pless speculates that A-Log is more rule than exception when it comes to the community’s makeup, and that “by ridiculing those they perceive as mentally ill or sexually deviant, KFers feel functional and successful by comparison. By putting these people up on their forums, they reject the notion that they themselves might share anything in common with their targets.” I suspect this is largely true. It is certainly the case for KF’s founder, Joshua Conner Moon.

Null vs. The Autistic Legion of Doom

Null — or, when the spirit moves him, Ichverbot — launched in early 2015 as a more robust continuation of CWCkie Forums. That year, he was also given the opportunity to revamp 8chan but couldn’t deliver, a failure for which he has received no end of online grief. A glance at Null’s ED page will give you a sense of how he’s esteemed within trolldom.
For an exhaustive tour of Null’s online fuckery, see the blog of his arch-nemesis, Samuel Collingwood Smith (aka Matthew Hopkins, the Witchfinder General, and Vordrak). Keep in mind that Smith is one of Kiwi Farms’ favorite lolcows and can justly be said, in troll parlance, to have a throbbing “hateboner” for Null. Some of Smith’s claims are utterly outrageous and backed by weak or misleading evidence, while others are quite credible.
Although Smith, a former member of British Parliament (yes, you read that correctly), has a history of accusing political and media opponents of pedophilia, his tarring of Null may not be entirely unjustified. This is because of some rather vile content posted to 16chan, which Null owns.
If 4chan is social media’s underbelly and 8chan is the lint caked in its navel, then 16chan is the antibiotic-resistant bacterium nestled inside said lint. The pasteboard, which is now offline, hosted groups for pedophiles, the most notorious being /phile/, where users gathered to share child-rape fantasies and homemade illustrations thereof. Smith holds Null responsible for this content, believing him to be a genuine pedophile.
But that’s not quite fair. The libertarian philosophy that Null professes compels him to host forums with as few restrictions as possible under U.S. law, regardless, presumably, of whether he endorses the content shared by users. Whether Null is earnest in his philosophy or has merely constructed it ex post to facilitate pedophile community building is anyone’s guess. If genuinely sourced, his ED page provides reason to suspect the latter. (For example, an alleged taste for “neko shota” and “lolli.” (Don’t Google.)). But I cannot stress enough how big an IF that is.
What’s clear, however, is that Null and Vordrak are obsessed with one another. While Vordrak’s blog is filled with pedantic diatribes against Null and his Kiwi compatriots, Kiwi Farms is likewise glutted with threads about Vordrak. Both Null and Vordrak seem happy to appropriate the other’s methods, though Null has a small army of shitlords to increase his firepower.
Vordrak is not alone, however, in his quest to destroy Kiwi Farms. He appears to be in league with a number of other notable lolcows hell-bent on shutting down the site, and k-farmers refer to these people collectively as the Autistic Legion of Doom. Legion “members” set up a wiki (now defunct) named after Null’s mother and dedicated to doxxing and harassing Null and his extended family—and, of course, chronicling his online behavior. Allegedly, people in the legion’s orbit have fabricated terrorist threats in Null’s name, harassed his mother’s employer until she was fired, sent Null death threats, and even accused him of burning a Quran in hopes of inspiring some radical to attack him.
At the same time, Vordrak and others, including Margaret Pless, have also received death threats from k-farmers. The sending of such threats was no doubt made easier when Null set up an anonymous email service on Kiwi Farms. K-farmers claim that the legion has utilized the service to tar their name and send death threats, while Vordrak and crew claim the opposite. Obviously, both claims can be simultaneously true. Regardless of who the guiltier party may be, Null says that his email service has earned him at least one visit from the FBI.
The rivalry between Null and Vordrak is a perfect illustration of what René Girard terms the “mimetic double bind.” As he explains in Things Hidden Since the Foundation of the World:
In rivalry, everyone occupies all the positions, one after another and then simultaneously, and there are no longer any distinct positions…Everything that one of the partners to violence experiences, thinks about, or carries into action at a given moment, will sooner or later become observable in the other partner. In the last analysis, there is nothing that can be said of any one partner that must not be said about all partners without exception. There is no longer any way of differentiating the partners from one another. This is what I call the relationship of doubles.
In other words, hatred between rivals blurs individuality. The longer Null’s and Vordrak’s mimetic dance lasts, the more they will come to resemble each other.
Null appeared on the January 17, 2017, episode of The Dick Show (“Dick on Shaved Ice”), the podcast of masculinist provocateur Dick Masterson. During the interview, Null discusses his vision for Kiwi Farms, along with several anecdotes of feuds he’s been drawn into:
Dick: “What does your site do? And how do you justify it to the world? Cause the idea of it is kind of horrifying to me. Like, putting up people’s pictures they put online, basically researching everything they do online and putting it up. The idea of it is horrifying, but there’s no way to stop it…You can’t get yourself off of it; how do you keep yourself from getting on it in the fucking first place?”
Null: “We do remove content in a specific situation, and it usually involves a person being a minor, or the person not being funny. And that’s completely up to my discretion. I’ve removed threads about 10 times out of about 1,500. And I don’t have to justify it. I don’t owe an explanation to anybody. It’s not against the law.”
The most interesting feature of the interview was how normal Null came off. After researching him and reading more of his posts on Kiwi Farms than is healthy, I was expecting someone angry, frenetic, somewhat unbalanced. And perhaps he is all those things, but his voice is steady, droll even. He could have been anyone.

“How Our Community Deals with Death”

Given the propensity of k-farmers to target individuals who suffer varying degrees of mental illness and impulse control, along with the ruthlessness of their attacks, it was only a matter of time until one of their marks committed suicide. When Ophelia — a pseudonym I’ve chosen — hanged herself in 2016, k-farmers were given a serious opportunity to evaluate their behavior, perhaps relitigate their dispute over passive and active trolling, or even abandon the practice altogether.
Null, however, will not tolerate any self-recrimination. Posting in the thread “How our community handles death,” Null writes:
This is an entertainment forum and we like to be entertained, which is why we actively discourage people from becoming emotionally involved. This most frequently means “don’t get angry”, but it should also extend to sorrow and guilt. It is incredibly arrogant to think that your account on this irrelevant, obscure Internet forum has somehow ended someone’s life. If anything, our member’s involvement of the police at her prior suicide threats prolonged her existence and exposed her to members of society and law enforcement that could provide pathways to a happier life. She, unfortunately, made the conscious decision not to take those avenues for help.
Note the implicit admission that k-farmers are assuredly not “members of society” capable of providing “pathways to a happier life.” Rare indeed is the person whose sense of self is quickened by revenge porn, doxxing, or the knowledge that a web forum of trolls is cheering on your domestic abuse. Still, Null continues:
Suicide is a markedly selfish thing which is characterized by extending prolonged suffering to everyone except the person who dies. It is not an end. It’s not a fix. It’s a retaliation, and imbibing the notion that anyone besides [Ophelia] could have prevented her death is impertinent and outright wrong. You are free to shift blame in whatever direction you please but she is the one who made and carried out her final decision.
If you’re thinking this undermines his earlier “if anything” protestation, you’re not wrong. More Null:
We have locked threads about her and her suicide because, first and foremost, there is very little left to be offered for discussion other than condolences. We are also afraid of seeing messages wrought with unnecessary and frankly embarrassing expressions of guilt. You were not important enough in her life to be even partially responsible, and believing you were is self-aggrandizement. There is enough selfishness involved in the act alone; no one needs you playing up your shitposts as murder weapons to complicate matters.” [Emphasis mine.]
The ambivalence is breathtaking. Null declares an end to the trolling by locking down old threads at the same time he inaugurates a new thread largely committed to trolling the poor woman’s ghost. Fifteen pages of comments follow, in which you’ll find gems such as this one by “Cuck Norris,” uncontested master of written English:


Reading the thread, you’ll discover that the k-farmers seem to accept implicitly what Null claims explicitly — that Ophelia’s life was made more meaningful in some objective, almost metaphysical, sense by the attention lavished upon her. This reveals something significant about the psychodynamics of the Kiwi Farms community, something best illuminated by René Girard’s theory of mimetic desire.

Sacrificial Victims

The responses to Ophelia’s suicide constitute a form of mythmaking. The k-farmers are not only hashing out the meaning of her death; in a real sense, they are creating that meaning for themselves. Reflection upon her death leads to establishing new norms for the community. The fact that Null has locked the threads on Ophelia lends her an aura of mystery. In effect, it sacralizes her.
The idea of Ophelia as sacred can be read through the lens of Girard’s theory of mimetic desire, in which Girard understands all human behavior to proceed from our propensity to imitate the desires of others. An individual identifies with a particular model (for example, a parent, mentor, friend, etc.) and desires what that person desires, not because the thing desired is inherently desirable, but because it is desired by the model. This in turn intensifies the model’s own desire for the object. Rivalry between the individual and the model ensues.
(Seem too abstract? An example from Star Wars might be instructive. The disciple of a Sith lord desires mastery over the Force because his lord desires such mastery. The mimetic relationship goes both ways: The Sith lord’s desire for mastery is reinforced as he comes to identify with his disciple. The catch is that once the disciple begins to achieve mastery, he becomes a rival to his lord. This rivalry inevitably leads to the violent death of one or the other. (Star Wars fanboys will recognize this as a feature of “The Rule of Two.”))
Because all desire is mediated by relationships, rivalry spreads as a contagion throughout a society, resulting in periods of “mimetic crisis.” The crisis is resolved only when the community off-loads its violent energy onto a sacrificial victim, who is declared responsible for the crisis. This process becomes repeated as ritual, and because of its role in unifying the community, the scapegoat is sacralized, even divinized.
We see this process repeated time after time on Kiwi Farms: Users vent their frustrations and insecurities on a lolcow with varying degrees of success; they learn from the experience and construct more efficacious means of harassing their marks, means which are then more widely imitated and repeated. In effect, trolling is ritualized. Key to this process is the belief that the sacrificial victim is guilty, that the abuse is merited. Even in the case of Ophelia, we see the community struggling to convince itself that she brought their trolling on herself. Girard writes:
[T]he false accusation…spreads mimetically throughout a disturbed human community at the climax when scandals polarize against the single scapegoat whose death reunites the community. The myth-making machine is the mimetic contagion that disappears behind the myth it generates.
No online community exists in a vacuum. Online identities are necessarily embedded in larger webs of social connection: family, neighbors, church, school, work, etc. Along with the anonymity and the intermittent nature of participation on Kiwi Farms, this embeddedness explains why the solidarity generated by scapegoating lolcows is so fleeting, regardless of the importance any given shitlord may attach to their handle. “The more radical the crisis of the sacrificial system becomes,” Girard writes, “the more men will be tempted to multiply victims in order to accede, finally, to the same effects.”

Look to Thyself

If we accept Girard’s theory as applied to Kiwi Farms trolls, we must acknowledge that it applies to us as well. We are no less susceptible to rivalrous desire. Our very identities are, without exception, constructed through mimesis. This applies equally to our virtues and our vices. We learn to desire the good through our identification with good models. When we identify with malignant models, our desires will be malignant. We are all, it should go without saying, a feverish mixture of both.
You, dear reader, are a troll.
Perhaps your troll-nature has not yet manifested. Rest assured that it will, someday. Recent research from Stanford University confirms it: Given the right circumstances and mood, even the gentlest empaths among us are capable of lashing out online. According to Jure Leskovec, the study’s senior author, “Just one person waking up cranky can create a spark and, because of discussion context and voting [in CNN’s comment section], these sparks can spiral out into cascades of bad behavior. Bad conversations lead to bad conversations. People who get down-voted come back more, comment more and comment even worse.”
If you happen to be high in cognitive empathy (the ability to understand, but not necessarily internalize, others’ emotions) but have a somewhat muted conscience, you’re even more likely to troll, given the opportunity.
Digital communication has a tendency to dampen affective empathy. It shields us from the gut-punch of guilt that comes from seeing the face of the person we’ve harmed. We’re left with only the fun of it, only the lolz.
As you reflect on the behavior of Kiwi Farms’ shitlords, bear in mind that we are all capable of similar viciousness. This has certainly been borne out in my own life. I experienced a perverse pleasure at times as I explored, a sensation not unlike the voyeuristic thrill one gets when passing a particularly gruesome accident on the highway. Call it vicarious trolling. Like gossip, it’s as seductive as it destructive, which is why I’m grateful my involvement with the site is at an end.
We all have a small, Null-like homunculus hidden away inside us. We can’t kill it. But we can choose not to feed it.