Newspeak for being an uppity mouthy little shit.What’s that?
Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.
Newspeak for being an uppity mouthy little shit.What’s that?
Mr Engelhardt, I’m ODDNewspeak for being an uppity mouthy little shit.
Line up ladies.
He was literally caught by ethan Ralph making shit up earlier in the week
Childhood psychopathy since you can't legally call kids psychopathsWhat’s that?
What’s that?
Technically it's a pre-diagnosis to Anti-Social Personality Disorder not Psychopathy, but there are a lot of overlaps between the two and people with ASPD tend to also get labeled as psychopaths.Childhood psychopathy since you can't legally call kids psychopaths
I was thinking most of them are anti-social or narcissistic or both, with a lot of social deprivation. One weird thing is how they all think using slurs is rebellious and cathartic or something and not just that it makes you look maladjusted to normal people.I would have thought that Oppositional Defiant Disorder would be more closely linked.
Who let you out of your cage you fat barren retard?I was thinking most of them are anti-social or narcissistic or both, with a lot of social deprivation. One weird thing is how they all think using slurs is rebellious and cathartic or something and not just that it makes you look maladjusted to normal people.
Why is this degenerate so obsessed with sex acts?Has Josh ever eaten anyone out to completion (la petite mort) as the Europeans call it.
The V-tuber thread is filled with territorial speds who seethe when you don't have Gwar guras period charted out.View attachment 8101
Null barged into a thread called everyone pedophiles pulling up some evidence of a v-tuber no-one in the thread brought up and then was shocked, shocked I say when people didn't like it and pointed out that no these anime women with giant as tiddys aren't children?
He then did the adult thing and locked the thread putting it in spergatory.
lmao holy shit i just checked. I thought it was some random small thread but it was the 1000+ page V-Tuber thread that got thread locked and moved.View attachment 8101
Null barged into a thread called everyone pedophiles pulling up some evidence of a v-tuber no-one in the thread brought up and then was shocked, shocked I say when people didn't like it and pointed out that no these anime women with giant as tiddys aren't children?
He then did the adult thing and locked the thread putting it in spergatory.
What a faglmao holy shit i just checked. I thought it was some random small thread but it was the 1000+ page V-Tuber thread that got thread locked and moved.
I'm 100% convinced he was looking to start some shit with people that were minding their own business. For curiosity sake, I checked, and he's only posted 11 times in that thread, starting on Wednesday of this week. Before that, his presence was nowhere to be found.
View attachment 8103View attachment 8104
What a fucking dick.
He got very angry put the thread back up (IE: A janny told him he was being a fucking sped) and put up a rant saying "Heres why you're all pathetic and don't you dare say Cunny."lmao holy shit i just checked. I thought it was some random small thread but it was the 1000+ page V-Tuber thread that got thread locked and moved.
I'm 100% convinced he was looking to start some shit with people that were minding their own business. For curiosity sake, I checked, and he's only posted 11 times in that thread, starting on Wednesday of this week. Before that, his presence was nowhere to be found.
View attachment 8103View attachment 8104
What a fucking dick.
Josh calling anyone pathetic is hilarious.He got very angry put the thread back up (IE: A janny told him he was being a fucking sped) and put up a rant saying "Heres why you're all pathetic and don't you dare say Cunny."
I of course replied to him just saying the word Cunny and got banned lol.
He was feeling fat that day and really needed a pick-me-upI'm 100% convinced he was looking to start some shit with people that were minding their own business.