• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Archiving Nektar Geist's retardation
What retardation? Being able to read? Having critical thinking skills? The guy had killed some people unrelated to Effluentes, he then went on the run, Nicky-noos was a victim of living in a place with an embarrassment of violent crime. His dox being online had nothing to do with it. The killer didn't get his address from Commie Farms. He wasn't hired to whack the manlet.

This is the eternal war, what the slush fund will need to be regularly topped up for. It's bollocks. joshy has admitted guilt, by removing the offending material. Now it's about "reputational damages". tbh, Greer is on a hiding to nothing if he thinks there is going to be some massive pay day, if he wins or settles. It's in joshy's overall interest to settle ASAP. Like I said, him removing the copyrighted material shows that he was in the wrong. He should just say "Opps sorry", the Judge will say "Don't do it again" and that will be it. Hardin won't be happy, this is easy money.

Maybe joshy is just lazy, and doesn't want to accept that, yes, this means he will have to remove all other copyright infringing material on Commie Farms. Yes, that will be a pain in the arse, and yes, the kwiffar won't be able to earn asspats from ripping of stuff, but in the long run, it's better than the real slow death of lolsuit after lolsuit (which will happen more now, since the broom has, again ADMITTED GUILT).

I think there is also the "reputational damage" from kwiffar mocking Greer, for being really shit (never heard, read, whatever by the man, but it's probably awful, isn't it?), which will be the interesting part, if it ever goes to trial (and from what I know of Greer, I think that what he wants, he wants "His Day In Court", he wants to represent himself, do the RUmpole bit and cross examine joshy, etc), some poor bastard of a judge will have to read through all the shitposts. Greer will get upset, when the judge keeps smirking.
Even if Josh isn't guilty, he's guilty of something else. And with the way the court system works nowadays, I can see him getting the Alex Jones treatment
Even if Josh isn't guilty
He is/was guilty. That's why he removed Greers stuff from Commie Farms. Anything else, we'll see, if Greer doesn't fuck it up (odds on fave result) it would be interesting to see what happens in court. As I say, I think Greer is not going to be reasonable either and settle, it's like two massive autards, both with life destroying ODD, it's "Who will not fuck it up?".

If it does make it front of the Beak, there could be video. It'll be like the shittiest ep of Matlock, assuming Hardin will be there, to defend the broom.
Ethan, you think that reading and critical thinking skills are retarded. How about hanging out with "Ironic Internet Nonces"?
He is/was guilty. That's why he removed Greers stuff from Commie Farms. Anything else, we'll see, if Greer doesn't fuck it up (odds on fave result) it would be interesting to see what happens in court. As I say, I think Greer is not going to be reasonable either and settle, it's like two massive autards, both with life destroying ODD, it's "Who will not fuck it up?".
I'd have to say the both of them are massive autistic faggots. It would be interesting to see if Josh gets called into testify? And no I don't think Russell is going to just settle he's got enough of an ax to grind that I don't think he's just going to let it go. Not that Josh would himself either
Someone tried to shoot Nick Fuentes,
They didn't.
he is now the center of attention and relishing every moment
The Sun, well US version, but hey, nothing actually happened apart from Nick deciding to not move from Ape War Central. Dude, Chicago.
Why must Fuentes Mog Joshua at every turn?
Because Effluentes is thinner. And that's why his milk shake brings all the cat boys to the yard, he could teach joshy, but joshy is too fat. (Yeah).
They didn't.

The Sun, well US version, but hey, nothing actually happened apart from Nick deciding to not move from Ape War Central. Dude, Chicago.

Because Effluentes is thinner. And that's why his milk shake brings all the cat boys to the yard, he could teach joshy, but joshy is too fat. (Yeah).
Josh's is quite jealous over the fact that Nick Fuentes has far more catboy twinks groomed then he could possibly ever hope for.
Because Effluentes is thinner. And that's why his milk shake brings all the cat boys to the yard, he could teach joshy, but joshy is too fat. (Yeah).
Nick also puts more effort into his appearance, the article I saw had old photos with his old hairline, but I think he went too low with the transplant, it makes him look more Mexican.
Josh's is quite jealous over the fact that Nick Fuentes has far more catboy twinks
Nicky had his Lolisocks, when will joshy get his shotasocks?
Nick also puts more effort into his appearance,
It's only to be expected. The problem with joshy is, tho, you can't polish a turd. Even if you put him in a nice suit, wrangle the hair, joshy is still FAS faced. It's like TR(S) Sartor, no amount of collar studs, vintage hats... he's still a ginger.
There was a possible attempt on Nick Fuentes' life. Josh and his users are attempting to say Nick is making it up for sympathy and money to cast doubt on the story.
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Thankfully Nick has evidence that what he's saying is true.
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This is definitely interesting, to say the least.

This guy is clearly a Kiwi Farmer (or at least an orbiter). First off, he's a scrawny, pale white guy in his mid-late 20s with autistic body language, which almost exactly fits the profile of a typical Farms user. Also, he's wearing a snowmobile helmet and a crossbow, which indicates he's from a more rural area and enjoys more outdoor (and traditionally conservative leaning) activities like snowmobiling and hunting. It's possible the guy is a leftist of some sort, but the "your body, my choice thing" is already weeks old and Nick has been making more waves with his anti-Wifejak sperging lately, which is causing massive seethe among the wignat "tradcons" that make up sites like Kiwi Farms.

The most likely scenario is that this guy is a basement dweller who shot his family for some stupid reason like his parents telling him to get a job or his sister bringing home a minority boyfriend. He then decided to travel two hours to Berwyn to assassinate Fuentes because his e-daddy Null told him that Nick is a homosexual, misogynist, anti-family pedophile federal agent who needed to be killed in order to create more white babies and save the white race. The sperg, following Null's orders, rang the doorbell, anticipating Nick would try to spray him with pepper spray like the Jewish lady. His helmet would block the spray, giving the sperg a chance to put bullets into Nick and rewarding him with all those sweet Kiwi Farms upboat stickers. Unfortunately, Nick called the cops, causing the sperg to short circuit, break into the neighbor's house to flee, murder their two dogs because their barking triggered his 'tism, before getting ventilated by the police.

If the above scenario is accurate, then Null and Kiwi Farms could actually be in severe legal trouble. It's one thing for Farmers to sperg out and make death threats, but Null has spent hundreds of hours a-logging Nick on Mad At The Internet, making all sorts of crazy, borderline defamatory allegations and saying that Nick deserves to be murdered, raped by nigger cock, forced into sex slavery by a Navy SEAL, etc... Unlike with Kiwi Farms, Null is 100% liable for what he says on his podcast. If the shooter is revealed to be a fan of Kiwi Farms or MATI, Null could possibly face legal repercussions for this incident, similar to Alex Jones with Sandy Hook. And since Nick's family has much deeper pockets than Null, Null is likely going to get fucked in this scenario and be on the hook for millions of dollars. Null might even be forced to sell Kiwi Farms to cover the lawsuit, which will have no shortage of left wing activists trying to buy the site like how The Onion tried to buy Infowars. All in all, it would be fucking hilarious and cause nuclear seethe from the joyless, fuddy duddy Redditor wannabes at KF.
WHTposters: discuss random stuff in a civil way
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He totally has that thread marked as watched, because unless someone in there is beating the ever-loving shit out of the report button (which is also a possibility as a "le epic troll" move or his new female cult members are still seething at the fact that it still exists), there's no other explination as to why he so often acts like a passive aggressive bitch to anyone that participates in that thread.

If it really bothers him and the BP'ers that much, then just fucking nuke it. After all, it would just confirm what everyone knew deep down anyways. It's not like he's doing a very good job at hiding it.
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Null is declaring open season on the Woman-Hate thread.
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Null is repeating himself.
The woman-hate moids deserve to be punished, Jocelyn has been very vocal about wanting them gone, and it's her site, she bought it, so they should probably go.

Edit - Just to clarify, the Woman-Hate moids don't even troll, they just bellyache and yearn for the return of Freeze Peach Daddy, as he was. If they caused a commotion I'd appreciate it, but they just squat on an eternally moving thread, afraid to speak out, like a pack of battered wives. Give'em Hell Jocelyn!
Reason: elaboration, life is your creation.