• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Special "Advent of Code" Challenge for Null: every time you want to argue with a Kiwi on the forum over some irrelevant bullshit, you're gonna log into GitHub instead and write 100 lines of Sneedforo code (and no ChatGPT cheating allowed) to challenge yourself. This has to be more productive than these endless stupid arguments you're getting into with Kiwis on the forum.
Special "Advent of Code" Challenge for Null: every time you want to argue with a Kiwi on the forum over some irrelevant bullshit, you're gonna log into GitHub instead and write 100 lines of Sneedforo code (and no ChatGPT cheating allowed) to challenge yourself. This has to be more productive than these endless stupid arguments you're getting into with Kiwis on the forum.
But then how would he continue to stroke his ego?

I wonder if any of the money Josh grifted has gone towards Ozempic and surgery for excess skin? He's almost pushing 35: it isn't just gonna snap back into place. Empty tiddy flaps, sagging butt cheeks, melted inner thighs. Excess skin is always so fucking gross. Looks like a serial killer's duvet or something.

It's obvious his teeth are also utterly fucked, so he should consider braces, a palate expander or veneers. Then he'll be able to smile properly in photographs for once.

And hairplugs. Get it all done in one day in Turkey. Try and recapture the glory years of 2007-2012.

Hope that helps 🙏

I wonder if any of the money Josh grifted has gone towards Ozempic and surgery for excess skin? He's almost pushing 35: it isn't just gonna snap back into place. Empty tiddy flaps, sagging butt cheeks, melted inner thighs. Excess skin is always so fucking gross. Looks like a serial killer's duvet or something.

It's obvious his teeth are also utterly fucked, so he should consider braces, a palate expander or veneers. Then he'll be able to smile properly in photographs for once.

And hairplugs. Get it all done in one day in Turkey. Try and recapture the glory years of 2007-2012.

Hope that helps 🙏
Josh hates Turkiye

I wonder if any of the money Josh grifted has gone towards Ozempic and surgery for excess skin? He's almost pushing 35: it isn't just gonna snap back into place. Empty tiddy flaps, sagging butt cheeks, melted inner thighs. Excess skin is always so fucking gross. Looks like a serial killer's duvet or something.

It's obvious his teeth are also utterly fucked, so he should consider braces, a palate expander or veneers. Then he'll be able to smile properly in photographs for once.

And hairplugs. Get it all done in one day in Turkey. Try and recapture the glory years of 2007-2012.

Hope that helps 🙏
I think he's still fat because he got mad at a thread a few months ago for giving him weight loss tips. If he lost weight, I don't think he'd get skin removal surgery because after you get it you have to commit to staying a stable weight.
Veneers I doubt because he admitted he let a tooth rot and need to be pulled. For all we know, he could have lost more than one tooth and even some closer to the front. I don't know if you can get veneers with missing teeth.
He probably does have hair loss, many men at his age do have androgenetic alopecia/pattern hair loss but I can't figure out how he'd try to treat it. Finasteride and related drugs? Topical minoxidil? Surgery? Quack remedies like peppermint oil and scalp massage? I do remember him admitting to taking supplements a while ago and getting advice from the forum on that.
Remember when KiwiFarms was about laughing at Lolcows not becoming them?
At least it's seasonally humorous,
As of lately I'm sick of hearing about this pasta eating fuck who shot up a CEO as if he's a modern day Robin hood.
This rich vs poor mentality is pinko Reddit behavior.
It's also been annoying lately. People making Merch out of the guy. He makes School Shooters look like Beta Cucks. He gained a fanbase he never thought was possible in his lifetime and all this because he shot a CEO of some health insurance company no less.
It's also been annoying lately. People making Merch out of the guy. He makes School Shooters look like Beta Cucks. He gained a fanbase he never thought was possible in his lifetime and all this because he shot a CEO of some health insurance company no less.
While I can sympathize with those who are angry about the healthcare system, shooting a random CEO is irrational and counterproductive. If they truly want to effect change, they should target the systemic issues that allow such parasites to thrive.
While I can sympathize with those who are angry about the healthcare system, shooting a random CEO is irrational and counterproductive. If they truly want to effect change, they should target the systemic issues that allow such parasites to thrive.
That being said... I would say It's not wrong if you don't feel bad for the guy who made millions of the deaths of Americans. Maybe a little bit for the family but it's basically known that the guy was a piece of shit in general and probably had it coming. I personally think it would have been funnier if it were a final destination freak accident instead of an assassin. Because the health insurance didn't cover it memes would have worked better.
Reason: He didn't feel bad about denying life saving medical treatment to make a profit so I don't feel bad his health insurance didn't cover assassinations.
That being said... I would say It's not wrong if you don't feel bad for the guy who made millions of the deaths of Americans. Maybe a little bit for the family but it's basically known that the guy was a piece of shit in general and probably had it coming. I personally think it would have been funnier if it were a final destination freak accident instead of an assassin. Because the health insurance didn't cover it memes would have worked better.
All in all, some health insurance companies feel like scams designed to take money from people who are already in need. Remember Obamacare? So many people fell for it.
That being said... I would say It's not wrong if you don't feel bad for the guy who made millions of the deaths of Americans. Maybe a little bit for the family but it's basically known that the guy was a piece of shit in general and probably had it coming. I personally think it would have been funnier if it were a final destination freak accident instead of an assassin. Because the health insurance didn't cover it memes would have worked better.
Luigi isn't a hero; he's a coward who took the easy route to solving his frustrations. A true hero is someone like Trump. Despite three assassination attempts, numerous legal battles, and the wrath of the entire U.S. government, he still won twice. Bigly indeed.
And he's changing what really matters: the federal government's policies.
Luigi isn't a hero; he's a coward who took the easy route to solving his frustrations. A true hero is someone like Trump. Despite three assassination attempts, numerous legal battles, and the wrath of the entire U.S. government, he still won twice. Bigly indeed.
And he's changing what really matters: the federal government's policies.
Three? i saw the news about the redditor sleeper cell but what were the other two?

Trumps way is better and actually long lasting. Since people are replaceable, but the system that spawned them is not.
Luigi isn't a hero; he's a coward who took the easy route to solving his frustrations. A true hero is someone like Trump. Despite three assassination attempts, numerous legal battles, and the wrath of the entire U.S. government, he still won twice. Bigly indeed.
And he's changing what really matters: the federal government's policies.
Interestingly, Luigi's Steam account includes a game featuring Mr. President himself.

Reason: Skip to the 9:38 mark
i saw the news about the redditor sleeper cell but what were the other two?
There was news of a couple of people arrested for planning plots against Trump.

"Prosecutors allege Shakeri – who participated in recorded conversations with law enforcement – was originally tasked by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps to carrying out other assassinations against US and Israeli citizens inside the US. But IRGC officials told Shakeri on October 7 to focus only on Trump, court documents say, and that he had seven days to formulate an assassination plan."
"US prosecutors have charged a man arrested near Donald Trump's Florida golf course with the attempted assassination of a presidential candidate.
It comes a day after a court filing showed Ryan Wesley Routh had written a note months ago saying he intended to kill Trump.
Routh, 58, already faces up to 20 years behind bars on two gun-related charges."