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    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Ashley, she 100% fucked (five) guys for positive reviews. This is a stupid take like when you whined about Kyle Rittenhouse
She did it for her career, but anti-GG has for years now responded to this with "Use Google Chud! No reviews exist!" They're right about that. She was sleeping her way to the top, but her boyfriends weren't writing reviews of a Twine game.
Only one of the five was a game journalist. She's just a BPD whore fucking anyone willing to put up with her bullshit.
Two of the five.
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Translation: "I was always a right-wing dipshit, but I didn't want to admit it until Gamergate."
I know this is Ashley so it's a bit silly responding, but in case anyone was curious:

Gamergate had literally zero impact on my life.
In fact, it was only after it was mostly over that I learned about it, because I saw people posting stuff online about how they had voted for Obama or whatever other left-wing activity before, but were now "aware of SJWs" or whatever.

To me, it's like if someone started posting about how they finally looked up and realized the sky was blue. Like no shit retard, this has been a thing for a while.
I know this is Ashley so it's a bit silly responding, but in case anyone was curious:

Gamergate had literally zero impact on my life.
In fact, it was only after it was mostly over that I learned about it, because I saw people posting stuff online about how they had voted for Obama or whatever other left-wing activity before, but were now "aware of SJWs" or whatever.

To me, it's like if someone started posting about how they finally looked up and realized the sky was blue. Like no shit retard, this has been a thing for a while.
A normal upstanding person without a political paranoia probably doesnt even know what a gamergate is, let alone get affected by it whatsoever.
That said, Zoe Quinn is a whore
We are really off topic, but half of GamerGate was basically all of 4chan. Shortly after the controversy started moot banned any conversation about it and showed he was on the anti-GG side. This resulted in the 4chan Exodus to 8chan which was kind of expected to be the successor to 4chan. The complete free speech there was perfect for organizing and it's where Jim became famous.

The other half of GamerGate were cringy Internet atheists and sceptics on YouTube. Of which I was one. To attempt to head off the argument from Christians that they were just the religion of lefists, YouTube atheists like Sargon had long done segments on feminists and leftists who they felt had stepped out of line. That was why they started to cover the GamerGate controversy in the first place. It's also why they had already attacked Sarkeesian's movie review channel. The moment the controversy started, Sarkeesian heard a dinner bell and started to grift, saying "Oh look! These evil chuds have already attacked me!"

So GamerGate was always half right-wing (4chan/8chan) half left wing (YouTube).
I'll touch grass when Zoe admits that she sucked dicks to get game journos positively review her shitty HTML game. Throw in an apology for pushing Alec Holowka to suicide while she's at it too.

Like many suicidal depressives Alex killed himself because he wanted attention and sympathy and for everyone to feel sorry for him. His fellow devs on the gay furry game all hated him because he was constantly suicide baiting them and put them through development hell with his narcissistic tantrums. I feel sorry for him because people shouldn't commit suicide and he could have become a better person but he had a death wish and mistreated everyone around him so badly that none of his colleagues were sorry when he died. It is sad and awful that Zoe contributed to that and I'm tempted to heap all the blame on her...but then obituaries for Holowka started rolling in and they all talked about what a massive piece of shit he was. Every time he was asked to produce for a deadline he would scream pitch tantrums threaten to off himself like a tumblrina the whole bit. He was actively looking for a reason to kill himself because he was a vindictive asshole who wanted to hurt the handful of people who liked him.

The amount of simping for Holowka, who was a raging faggot who put his co workers through constant tantrums and verbal abuse, is really retarded. The fact that so many GG babies identify with him just shows how many gamers are failsons infected with BPD.

Zoe Quinn handed Holowka the gun but he didn't have to pull the trigger on it. The sad fact is that suicide is a spiteful narcissistic act intended to cause hurt and to get back at God. Nothing will change the fact that almost no one liked Alex because of what a bitchy BPD case he was. Very reminiscent of Null as a matter of fact.

We are really off topic, but half of GamerGate was basically all of 4chan. Shortly after the controversy started moot banned any conversation about it and showed he was on the anti-GG side. This resulted in the 4chan Exodus to 8chan which was kind of expected to be the successor to 4chan. The complete free speech there was perfect for organizing and it's where Jim became famous.

The other half of GamerGate were cringy Internet atheists and sceptics on YouTube. Of which I was one. To attempt to head off the argument from Christians that they were just the religion of lefists, YouTube atheists like Sargon had long done segments on feminists and leftists who they felt had stepped out of line. That was why they started to cover the GamerGate controversy in the first place. It's also why they had already attacked Sarkeesian's movie review channel. The moment the controversy started, Sarkeesian heard a dinner bell and started to grift, saying "Oh look! These evil chuds have already attacked me!"

So GamerGate was always half right-wing (4chan/8chan) half left wing (YouTube).

Gamergate was retarded and cringe. It accomplished nothing and game journalism is more powerful than ever. The only thing GG did was cut out the middleman and raise Twitch streamers way above their station so we get cringe shit where they get on their knees for developers for the sake of review copies. It's no surprise that Gamergate failed so utterly abysmally because atheist/"""""skeptic""""" Youtubers were always the retards of the bunch. Look at how little they accomplished and hard they failed. Utterly pathetic behavior all around, so much energy expended for absolutely no gains whatsoever.

snipped this paragraph because it was stupid and cruel.
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Whoa have you guys ever seen a post like this before?

Here's another from the same the the Poast/chudbuds thread. I was reading back through the Chudbuds hack saga.
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As I say, I've little knowledge of the it Crowd, outside of Dilbert (it was in the paper as a kid), and aforementioned sit com. The "I'll run updates" means "I have to switch it off and back on again".
The thing is, when someone in IT says they will run an update, that's exactly what they are doing. The "turn it off and on again" meme only works when your computer is running slow as fuck due to either having a bajillion programs running at the same time or if you're one of those people that never shut their computers off but leave it "hibernating".

At this point everyone knows by now Josh is tech-illiterate. Even if he can "code", he fails at basic entry-level shit... things that someone else with his years of skills would know by instinct what the real issue(s) would be rather than blaming everything on his users.
Whoa have you guys ever seen a post like this before?
View attachment 63622
I've seen this before.

I think he took something down, like a video of a partially clothed fat kid reacting to a video, because Company X said it was child porn or something. But instead of deleting the post, he turned it into what you see in the screenshot. I think the company might've been Epic but I just can't remember.

This might be the only post, or there could be two or three, but I don't think there are any more than that.
The "turn it off and on again" meme only works when your computer is running slow as fuck due to either having a bajillion programs running at the same time
Windows is well known for having issues with memory management if you leave it up for too long. Even if you close every user-facing program it's still slow as fuck but, as if by magic, it runs just fine after a reboot.
or if you're one of those people that never shut their computers off but leave it "hibernating".
Funny, Windows, since version 8, by default hibernates instead of shutting down when you hit Shut Down. The only difference is that it goes through the logoff process first.
At this point everyone knows by now Josh is tech-illiterate. Even if he can "code", he fails at basic entry-level shit... things that someone else with his years of skills would know by instinct what the real issue(s) would be rather than blaming everything on his users.
Disk administration seems to be a particularly hard one for @Null.
I've seen this before.

I think he took something down, like a video of a partially clothed fat kid reacting to a video, because Company X said it was child porn or something. But instead of deleting the post, he turned it into what you see in the screenshot. I think the company might've been Epic but I just can't remember.

This might be the only post, or there could be two or three, but I don't think there are any more than that.
Lol that's interesting cause if you go to the posts that quote those posts you can see that they still exist inluding the content but have just been sent to the shadow realm. Is Null keeping all the illegal content up hosted on the farms for just the select mods and admins to see?
Lol that's interesting cause if you go to the posts that quote those posts you can see that they still exist inluding the content but have just been sent to the shadow realm. Is Null keeping all the illegal content up hosted on the farms for just the select mods and admins to see?
View attachment 63625View attachment 63626
He didn't say he was removing the content, only censoring it.

Find the MATI from right after Nov 7 2023. I distinctly remember him bitching about this.
Like many suicidal depressives Alex killed himself because he wanted attention and sympathy and for everyone to feel sorry for him. His fellow devs on the gay furry game all hated him because he was constantly suicide baiting them and put them through development hell with his narcissistic tantrums. I feel sorry for him because people shouldn't commit suicide and he could have become a better person but he had a death wish and mistreated everyone around him so badly that none of his colleagues were sorry when he died. It is sad and awful that Zoe contributed to that and I'm tempted to heap all the blame on her...but then obituaries for Holowka started rolling in and they all talked about what a massive piece of shit he was. Every time he was asked to produce for a deadline he would scream pitch tantrums threaten to off himself like a tumblrina the whole bit. He was actively looking for a reason to kill himself because he was a vindictive asshole who wanted to hurt the handful of people who liked him.

The amount of simping for Holowka, who was a raging faggot who put his co workers through constant tantrums and verbal abuse, is really retarded. The fact that so many GG babies identify with him just shows how many gamers are failsons infected with BPD.

Zoe Quinn handed Holowka the gun but he didn't have to pull the trigger on it. The sad fact is that suicide is a spiteful narcissistic act intended to cause hurt and to get back at God. Nothing will change the fact that almost no one liked Alex because of what a bitchy BPD case he was. Very reminiscent of Null as a matter of fact.

Gamergate was retarded and cringe. It accomplished nothing and game journalism is more powerful than ever. The only thing GG did was cut out the middleman and raise Twitch streamers way above their station so we get cringe shit where they get on their knees for developers for the sake of review copies. It's no surprise that Gamergate failed so utterly abysmally because atheist/"""""skeptic""""" Youtubers were always the retards of the bunch. Look at how little they accomplished and hard they failed. Utterly pathetic behavior all around, so much energy expended for absolutely no gains whatsoever.

snipped this paragraph because it was stupid and cruel.
Each of the YouTubers who started out as Gamergate commenters has ended up with serious personal issues. Many have been accused of misconduct, including predatory behavior, substance abuse, and mental instability. Some have even been accused of serious crimes, including child exploitation. In short they are bad as the people they claim to be fighting against.
I don't know. I can't say. That's past my time. If so, it would match ZQ's history of praying on weak men. Like people don't know, but Eron Gjoni, the guy who wrote The Zoe Post and started this whole thing... he's not what you might call a chud or a dude bro. He was cuck meme before the cuck meme even existed. He's spent the last ten years trying to pretend like he has nothing to do with GamerGate at all.
ZQ is scum, either way. I don't think we should celebrate someone's suicide or excuse her bullying. But I'd say it's pretty likely that she targeted this guy because she knew he was weak and someone who she could hurt emotionally. It's her MO.

You are an idiot and you're one of those people who overly identifies with Holowka because you have an emotional disorder. You're imagining ZQ as being much more powerful than she actually is instead of admitting that she was just a whore who hooked up with other whores and that journalism has been based on this whoring for as long as there has been journalism.

ZQ did not target anyone. She found a like minded soulmate in Holowka and they happily tormented everyone around them. He knew exactly what he was doing and loved doing it. Even killing himself was one last stab at hurting people which was what he loved to do.

Saying that Holowka is a "victim" is a disservice to the people he hurt and whitewashes his cruelty and the happiness he found in hurting people.

So you guys are young, and you maybe don't know how things were back then. We're talking about the Obama administration years, so I wouldn't expect you to know. But back then, there was this concept going around of "New Media". The idea was that newspapers, and even cable TV channels were "Dinosaur Media" that was about to be replaced by always online journalism. And the same thing was in gaming media too. I don't know what you're talking about Twitch. Twitch was still Justin.tv at the start of Gamergate. And you didn't even have things like YouTube game reviewers yet. That hadn't really happened yet. Instead Kotaku, Polygon, Giant Bomb, these were the just about the only way people got game reviews.

And the hilarious joke about New Media is that it was trying to be EXACTLY like old media. These companies were just trying to be an always online version of Game Informer. They were trying to be magazines. EXCEPT when it came to ethics policies. Then they wanted to pretend to be hobby blogs again.

The lawsuit we brought against the Kotaku's parent company was for 50 million dollars. You think Kotaku is pulling in 50 million dollars these days, hell no. We accomplished a lot. Gawker Media no longer exists, these game journalism companies basically don't exist, with YouTube reviewers picking up the slack for them. And like do you know who Leigh Alexander is? Miss "I am gaming" Leigh Alexander? Of course you don't.

The problem is we crushed these people. 50 million dollars is a lot to come back from. But they have come back and this is what they've done to gaming and to the Internet.

This proves I'm older than you are, I remember how Bill Clinton was glazed by the news media and how they covered up his rapist past. You're just rattling off names and marketing buzz words without understanding what they mean or where they came from. Kiwifails is right, you were never involved that deeply in GG. And you utterly failed to crush anyone because Kotaku et al. are still extremely important and are back to their old ways with no issues.

I don't know. Honestly Josh seems closest to the spirit of what we were doing back then. I don't really have much of a problem with him.

Josh is an active pedophile who collects child porn images on Kiwifarms and has admitted to keeping a personal child porn archive.

This is what's really wrong with GG and why you failed. Because you encouraged grifters and abusers to join your movement and all over pixel tiddies and bad vidya that ended up not mattering.

I'm trying to think who else. TotalBiscuit. That's a real obvious one. First leader we had. And then he proceeded to back out as hard as he possibly could because of things getting to right for him (and they weren't really that right wing at the time). Then died of ass cancer. I used to watch his Secret Hitler videos religiously. And Hearthstone.

"The first leader we had" this has got to be a joke, cmon.

God listen to those lyrics. We were so fucking dumb. "The extremist boat was a sickening sight." "But with moderate opinions Jon sowed them in."
We really thought we were "moderates" fighting "extremists". We had no fucking idea what the fuck was going on.

You were children saying mean things on the internet. You weren't fighting anyone.

e: mods, please move this post!
Each of the YouTubers who started out as Gamergate commenters has ended up with serious personal issues. Many have been accused of misconduct, including predatory behavior, substance abuse, and mental instability. Some have even been accused of serious crimes, including child exploitation. In short they are bad as the people they claim to be fighting against.

It is a big theme with the internet in general, even Josh himself. All these people who pretended to take principled and nuanced stands on things ended up being abusers and even criminals who engaged in law breaking behavior. And it showcases how these show boaters were actually sociopaths who used the situation of the day (first Gamergate, now Josh pretending to be fighting for free speech against tranny pedophiles) to benefit themselves.

It's easy to dunk on the camp followers but tbh these ring leaders are the ones who send mentally unwell people into these flights of fancy. Josh is bitter about GG because he didn't grift off desperate people as well as Sargon et al. did.