• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
DSP farmers need to get the hell off KF. Null's an entitled fat fuck who thinks that he's the king of discussing retards on the internet.

I wish I could grab him by his 4XL t-shirt and hold him up to his own posts and make him see what a whiny hypocrite he is. Of course, I'm not Arnold Schwarzenegger, but I'd try.
"You're like feral cats that start clawing at me everytime I walk through my own fucking house"

up until a year ago it was always bad forum etiquette to waltz into a lolcow thread and ask basic bitch questions. Any normal user would get negrated, told to read the thread/skim the highlights and if being a persistent idiot then temp threadbanned. I have noticed that more and more people think its acceptable to just burst into threads and demand people spoonfeed them information. Maybe if he wasnt such a fat usless retard he could code a better highlight feature so that very long threads could be curated better so only important information got picked up.

hes getting clawed by the feral cats he let into his house because he tried to prevent them from leaving and because he keeps going into their part of his house to spray them water for no reason
"You're like feral cats that start clawing at me everytime I walk through my own fucking house"
Josh doesn't seem to understand that if the DSP board is a hoard of feral cats he's the crazy cat lady that hoarded them.

How the fuck Null expect for the DSP people to take his abuse and not retaliate is beyond me. Fat faggot has done nothing but antagonized the entire board over shit they didn't do for years.

Agent Proper should stop being a jew and pay for a xenforo license, make your forum like legit alternative to the farms, and invite all the DSP tards to join. I'm sure he can score dozens of farmers that are sick with Null.
because the DSP detractors in general have started a war with the Kino Casino, who Josh has an alliance with

I need to find that 2023 episode of MATI where Null was trashtalking Ashton, claiming that Ashton supposedly tried to steal money from him "the first time I ever made money from KF" or something to that effect. It's really funny to listen to that particular episode with the benefit of hindsight and in the context of how chummy Ashton and Null have gotten recently just because of the Rekieta court room drama. IIRC Null spent the rest of that MATI episode making fun of Adam "Abortski" for having written a pro-abortion song.

Every day I become more convinced that Null is part of a cutting edge medical experiment that tries to advance tranny science by giving biological men PMS. One that worked too well.

He's just having his andropause, try to be more understanding please. Andropause is really hard on a middle-aged obese nerd.

Josh doesn't seem to understand that if the DSP board is a hoard of feral cats he's the crazy cat lady that hoarded them.

Leaked picture of Null.
How the fuck Null expect for the DSP people to take his abuse and not retaliate is beyond me. Fat faggot has done nothing but antagonized the entire board over shit they didn't do for years.
Null has admitted to posting in certain threads specifically because he knows there's a group of users who follow him around to support him and give him positive stickers. I think he recognizes and fully embraces that his supporters see him as a savior of the west, which is why he's so comfortable admitting to being obese, so he's started to increase the pressure on what little resistance to him is left (except the Sharty, who he's probably afraid of).
DSP farmers need to get the hell off KF. Null's an entitled fat fuck who thinks that he's the king of discussing retards on the internet.
what niche is this sissy trying to create? normies have keemstar and those other worthless faggots to discuss retards on the internet. what a fat, retarded, insane homosexual like him can provide? id like to see nullo on those shows with random street whores and try his gimmick of I WORK TOO HARD AND YOU DONT DESERVE ANYTHING !lmao
I need to find that 2023 episode of MATI where Null was trashtalking Ashton, claiming that Ashton supposedly tried to steal money from him "the first time I ever made money from KF" or something to that effect. It's really funny to listen to that particular episode with the benefit of hindsight and in the context of how chummy Ashton and Null have gotten recently just because of the Rekieta court room drama. IIRC Null spent the rest of that MATI episode making fun of Adam "Abortski" for having written a pro-abortion song.

He's just having his andropause, try to be more understanding please. Andropause is really hard on a middle-aged obese nerd.

Leaked picture of Null.
Not fat enough, also there aren't children chained to the walls of his sex dungeon. Fake news!
EDit: SHieeet didnt notice that Ipreferpickles already posted. sry.
Null has once again woken up angry. Not sharing your bank details is just like a jewish trick man. Send Josh all your bank details *wink* *wink*

Oho? You dare question Jorschuas sound financial advice?


Joosh's new Gumroad content is out and apparently it's about India because Joosh is so twitter brained that he cannot think in terms outside of [current meme]. Just a guess but he probably says "DO NOT REDEEM SAHR" for 2-3 hours complains a bit and calls it a night. All of his gumroad streams lately have been extremely low effort and he seems to barely want to do it just making a single sentence post when he could feature. Heck it's "HIS FUCKING SITE" he could even make a separate feature section for the latest gumroad content not to mention updates on legal and fundraising stuff. Not to derail my own post here but stuff about fundraising or site issues are almost never featured past the initial beg for money or when the initial problem arises. Josh has gotta be one of the least transparent site owners I've ever seen.


Guy gets neg rated and called an indian but he has a point. Isn't lolcow countries something the Kiwis were making fun of Onion Farms for having? But that's besides the point. Josh as a supposed lore master of lolcow content should be able to effortlessly come up with a fresh interesting cow or even a forgotten old lolcow gem which could be a comfy stream. And yet he does very weird, low effort, uninteresting streams which aren't even about lolcows.

The whole TERF invasion angle always had me wondering because it wasn't like the TERFs just wanted lady utopia they seemed to just actively hate any user who wasn't a Josh dickrider fully or even just users that liked things that Josh doesn't. Now Josh is arguing that DSP isn't a lolcow and getting deep in the weeds about what he does and doesn't want on his site and it made me realize......


Sure Josh might like to make fun of cows he has a personal issue or dislike for but if he does not immediately see the person as a cow which after years of beefing with people like Ralph means the person must be a full out horrorshow plus personally after Josh to boot. Even cows like Kino Casino or Boss Man Jack who Null likes aren't even treated like cows.

He's just trying to make the site into everything he likes and nothing he doesn't cause secretly he really resents the site for making him break ties with Dick Masterson and Nick Rekieta. How did KF do that? Well they made Josh confront the fact that his E-daddies weren't perfect people and being that Josh is a little fetal alcohol BPD mongoloid he can only hate or love a person there is no inbetween.