• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Why does everything you type sound like you want to eat joshys cumdrip from lidls plappy folds?
Because you have a weird psychology where everything loops back to a threesome with Josh and Lidl 🤪
you are embarrassingly cringe
Unrestrained by other's perceptions of me 😎
Kiwi Farms should be treated like the alcoholic, AIDS ridden Nigerian men with Acid burns on their face and missing limbs who hang around the train stations of Europe, you mustn't directly address them, nothing good can come of it.
Ah yes, these must be the Nigerians @Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt keeps talking about.
The response Tom did was basically groveling to them what else do they want?
they want tom to suck kiwifarms so hard and praise kiwifarms.

remember: this is all coming from the last bastion of free speech™ while doing everything they can to violate the freedom of others and free speech as a whole
the cunting death once again show himself to be one of the biggest nool cocksucker on kiwitardfarms.

lmao, that's so sad. imagine crying over muh freeze peach getting censored while getting turbo butthurt over people respecting other's freedom.

daily reminder that Null and other muttmerican right-wingers never genuinely believe in free speech. their version of free speech goes something like this:
View attachment 60417
in other words: special type of right-wingers like null want free speech but doesn't want anyone practicing their free speech. free speech doesn't shield you from criticism, so keep that in mind
He's not only a nool cocksucker he openly simps for a sperg-woman who thirsts over the Scarecrow from Batman. He wants that aspussy bad.
You know how they say never apologize to the mob because it's never good enough... they keep demanding more and will destroy your life anyway. That's KF. "Bloo hoo hoo how come nobody ever thanks us for the info?" The few times someone did you hounded their asses for not doing enough or not doing it exactly how you like. They did it to Turkey Tom and Some Pajeet Gaymer - why would you ever give props when it results in more hate from all sides and most people get on fine not naming KF as their source.

Have you heard the tragedy of Just a Worm? Its not a tale Joshy will tell you. He sought to make money from dumb sketches but made the mistake of starting out on Kiwi Farms. They tried to hide this fact but it was too late - the woke mob ripped him apart while the Kiwiggers sat and cheered.
"The issues with Lt.Corbis/Logan is that censoring the image does destroy the information of it."

You will look at Shadman's disgusting artwork and you will like dislike it.- Null

I think one can still understand the context of the situation even with a blurred out image. One doesn't have to show it because people have the cognitive function to understand drawing a kid in a sexual position is pretty fucked.
That'll show them stupid normies, we'll host literal child porn on our website to own them shadman

Should it be renamed the "Null hate thread"?

I love how they're still acting like Null is some formerly respectable political figure who's losing his way to feminine wiles instead of a grifter who's trading them in for a new model, just like how he traded in his original userbase for /pol/ posting incels.

In hindsight, SailorCosmos420 or whatever her handle was did a smart thing leaving the site right before Null did his whiny rant about he needed to have a family and that women's places are "in the home" and blah blah right wing ranting. She was a decent sort, better off not getting caught in Null's desperate political flipflopping.

Yes, I've noticed that too. I think it may be indicative of his own personal issues. I highly suspect that Josh is struggling with infertility and is unable to have children. Because he brings up the empty egg carton thing a lot, in regards to being angry about it and I think that's him projecting.

He is unable to get it up and doesn't enjoy sexual stimulation at all according to that chat leak. A lot of infertility is male factor such as the vas deferens not connecting to your balls. Most incels are anxious about their loneliness and inability to have "a legacy." (They don't value children for themselves.)

Null wants a family so he'll stop being alone and thinks that a wife and kids would never leave him if he just finds the right script that will make them stay. He tried right wing sperging but then realized that's a pussy deterrent. Now he's trying radical feminism hoping it will bring pussy to him. And if Lidl is e-dating him then he may think that he's found his magic spell. Many lonely men and women go through these political changes hoping to get a partner. The radfems themselves on KF are examples of lonely women hoping for connection by changing their political expression to "edgy."

You'll notice how Null and the radfems have "terminal insecurity" as their defining features. They're not brave enough to stand on their own and be themselves which does attract a mate.
Should it be renamed the "Null hate thread"?

In hindsight, SailorCosmos420 or whatever her handle was did a smart thing leaving the site right before Null did his whiny rant about he needed to have a family and that women's places are "in the home" and blah blah right wing ranting. She was a decent sort, better off not getting caught in Null's desperate political flipflopping.

He is unable to get it up and doesn't enjoy sexual stimulation at all according to that chat leak. A lot of infertility is male factor such as the vas deferens not connecting to your balls. Most incels are anxious about their loneliness and inability to have "a legacy." (They don't value children for themselves.)

Null wants a family so he'll stop being alone and thinks that a wife and kids would never leave him if he just finds the right script that will make them stay. He tried right wing sperging but then realized that's a pussy deterrent. Now he's trying radical feminism hoping it will bring pussy to him. And if Lidl is e-dating him then he may think that he's found his magic spell. Many lonely men and women go through these political changes hoping to get a partner. The radfems themselves on KF are examples of lonely women hoping for connection by changing their political expression to "edgy."

You'll notice how Null and the radfems have "terminal insecurity" as their defining features. They're not brave enough to stand on their own and be themselves which does attract a mate.
That's a lot of words to call him a needy bitch, but it's a fitting description. He wants a woman to validate his inane opinions and make him feel like Mommy's special little boy. The children are a captive audience, moldable humans who are unlikely to call him out for being a complete idiot. Being alone means that for him, there is nobody there but himself, and he hates himself more than anyone else could."