• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
You'd have to have been there.
Source: trust me bro. Sorry man, I'm all out of credit to give to "lurk moar" posters.
You're also forgetting about the lidl account defending the null accounts bad takes on women
You're all also forgetting how gay and obnoxious women can be, especially when they're only pretending to be gay and obnoxious
Source: trust me bro. Sorry man, I'm all out of credit to give to "lurk moar" posters.

You're all also forgetting how gay and obnoxious women can be, especially when they're only pretending to be gay and obnoxious
You say this and yet post retarded scizo theories that @universe adventurer is some else gate chink? Bro needs to get on his meds ASAP. All your scizo theories are dude trust me. There are multiple witnesses for lidl being a retard and not understanding basic biology but I'm not your teacher and don't get paid to educate some retard on the Internet I don't care for the opinion of. You can believe what you want because I discard your opinion most of the time anyway. You not believing it gives it more credibility anyway.
Reason: Bro doesn't even believe in a legal document that shows Issac Flores has a CPS investigation for csa but calls all furries a pedo without evidence.
kek jersh had a change of heart

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maybe he has searched int his heart that he does in fact has a sexual atracction to my charm and witty humour

2 bad josh is fat and i woudlt have sex with him
My ban also got removed shortly (within an hour) of me reeee'ing about it here. Makes me wonder if someone is monitoring this thread, and if so, what other threads on here are they monitoring?

Also seconded that fag is FAT and needs to hit the gym
I think Null's new found feminism has to do with his want to be a contrarian. He is just like his e-daddy Dick Masterson in this regard. Before, when the Left had absolute control of the culture, it was easy for Null to be a contrarian. Null violently hates the LGBTQ+ which I, and many others here, believe stems from repressed self-hatred. He, like an autistic man child, enjoyed seeing the shocked looks on the faces of people whenever he would say that all members of the LGBTQ+ are pedophiles and groomers. It helped that social media at the time would repress and censor any criticism of the LGBTQ+. Now though? Not anymore. Over the past year the Right have begun to regain a foothold in the culture and the pendulum is swinging the other way. Elon Musk buying Twitter, Trump's failed assassination and the Chris Tyson fiasco have only accelerated things. No longer is criticism of the LBGTQ+ censored nor are people shamed now for having criticism of the LGBTQ+ ideology. In lies a problem for Null.

Null can no longer be the edgy contrarian who goes against the group think. His views, to his chagrin, are now mainstream and that pains Null. So now Null has become anti-Right Wing and a male feminist. Going on and off about how the Right mistreat women, how they want women to be sex slaves and just all this other nonsense. He doesn't believe in any of it of course. He just wants to be the edgy contrarian which shows how Null, despite being over 30 years old, is still mentally a 15 year old edge lord.
Would make a lot of sense as a lot of stances he takes are inherently contradictory like his support of nazism and feminism. In yesterdays MATI at about 3:07:00. He goes on a long rant about how white women are some of the most non catered to in society and how family court and divorce is based cause Hitler used it to raise white birthrates.

That is an argument that is full of holes and appeals to nobody but I think most important to Null it's original. I have certainly never heard of another retard trying to convince people family court is based cause Hitler liked it.
All your scizo theories are dude trust me.
Yes dot chad
There are multiple witnesses for lidl being a retard and not understanding basic biology
And yet the only thing anyone can point to is a bait post and a question about dairy cattle 🤔
You call all furries pedos without evidence
Again, yes. This is common knowledge to anyone without sus sympathies towards freaks who get boners for dogs
Yes dot chad

And yet the only thing anyone can point to is a bait post and a question about dairy cattle 🤔

Again, yes. This is common knowledge to anyone without sus sympathies towards freaks who get boners for dogs
Nah, just because they fuck dogs doesn't mean they fuck kids. For all you know they lost attraction to humans completely. You're just reaching. There is often an overlap but it's not always the case. You just come off like a pearl clutcher at best or sus projection at worst.

It's not our job to find things you ask for. Isn't that what you got annoyed at @universe adventurer for doing. At least when he does it he asks nicely.
Reason: I hit enter too soon.
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>Pearl clutching about dog/child fuckers in mascot costumes
Oh geeze Crimson, you've totes convinced me to embrace nihilism. Love is love, eh?
Like I said, pearl clutching at best. It actually looks more like projection. Like those "think of muh children" posters on kiwifarms who always end up getting outted for liking Loli or something. People who cry about it the most are often the ones overcompensating. You cry about it a lot.
Josh makes an absolutely crazy pickme post to the TERFs in the manhate thread and talks about Mummy. Broken and bruised from his week of spergouts he seeks female validation. The post is wild and talks about how both the Nazis and the Commies gave women medals just for being like women and also lumps in rosie the riveter. Naive Josh doesn't realize these were for propaganda purposes and bore little resemblance to reality.

he's trying very hard to let the women of BP know he values them though. :feels:
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Congrats Null for posting the most autistic thing currently on your site.
Getting banned from Twitter mind broke him. That is what happens when a twitter addict gets cut out from the source
Getting banned from Twitter mind broke him. That is what happens when a twitter addict gets cut out from the source
This wouldn't surprise me in the least. What's good for the goose is good for the fatass. The truth hurts, doesn't it?

He bans people every day for much less than what he got banned from Twitter for. Karma's a bitch, don't you know?

From his experience as Head Broom In Charge, he should know all the tricks to ban evasion. So what really is the problem, @Null?
Man imagine running the Null account here and logging in to see tons of people @ing you? lol
Imagine if they came on here bitching and moaning about it?

Too bad they'll never know.

Guys, I just got back from the other side of cringe after catching up on Null's latest batch of spergouts.

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Reading that insane diatribe he wrote for the BP deathfats is legitimately one of the most embarrassing experiences of my life. He's somehow less of a man than the troons he hides in the bathroom from.
Most people would just ask a girl out, Null writes an essay to compare Hitler and Stalin's views on mother's day.