• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Has it even been confirmed that he's on his way to the US and not just somewhere else?

Why Charleston, WV though? Just because the Lolcow LLC PO Box is there?
Null said he has someone in that State to pick up his mail for him, so why would he need to travel there in person?

IMO, could it be that Null is traveling to the US because of the Torswats thing?

The FBI Just Called Me & They CAUGHT My Swatter & He's Getting 20 YRS In PRISON! Going To Sentencing​

Jeremy/The Quartering said in this video that the sentencing is going to be on February 11th, 2025 and that he plans to be there personally.

Could it be that Null had to travel to the US to meet with the prosecutor because KF has a thread on Torswats and the prosecutor wants to talk to Null about it?

Null speculated on MATI that Torswats was behind the SWATing of MTG, but could it be that this speculation has since been confirmed?

Alan/Torswats is from California but he is currently being held and sentenced in Florida, which makes it more likely that Null would be travelling to FL to meet with the prosecutors and not WV.
He may be flying to FL to meet with prosecutors but when he comes back to reside, I am placing my cards on WV. The sentencing per se isn't until Feb 2025 so Null is already going to be settled. Null, Matthew Hardin and another attorney were talking of starting a non-profit organization. Null's mailbox is in SD but Hardin is licensed in WV as well as DC and Virginia. He's not licensed in SD.
It's another...
...joshy is fat thread.
Eating TOO much food...
This young scamp is looking for a ban. He posts a clip from PtG. Noooooowwwww... In this clip, the broom's weight is something like 115kg, kwiffar puts it at 250lbs, so we'll go with that... I checked on the internet to see the "ideal weight" for male height 5'7". joshy is reeeeaaallllyyy fat, I mean, like PPP fat (PPP whose shtick includes binge eating for satire). Only PPP is really tall, taller than Orson Welles. And funny.
Unhinged individuals always kill any movement. Part of the reason why Occupy Wall Street died off and why the Alt-Right died off is because the grifters and lunatics from both sides invaded those spaces and made them far too toxic and laughable for anyone to take them seriously.

Occupy Wall Street died because communists began infiltrating the movement with them thinking they would lead a new Bolshevik revolution in America and make America into a communist state; everyone else started to realize how dumb they've looked and so Occupy Wall Street faded away and died out.

It was the same with the Alt-Right. That got invaded by fascists and other far-right extremists where they were delusional enough to think they could do their very own March on Rome or their own Beer Hall Putsch to overthrow liberal democracy and make America into a fascist state. The Alt-Right died out because no one likes fascists either and after the Unite the Right rally, they've looked like a bunch of fools in the end and so the Alt-Right gradually faded away and died out.

No one is going to vote for or let alone support a movement that calls for the abolishment of capitalism and no one is going to vote for or let alone support calls for another Final Solution because anyone that adopts those kinds of political beliefs will always be seen as batshit insane by your average everyday voter.
See this person gets it

Jersh can't even stop a nuclear meltdown at a nuclear power plant to save his life or anyone else's.

I'll acknowledge that Jersh is limited by the resources and options that are presented to him (just to be fair here) but even then, I've seen smaller communities that are better optimized than Kiwi Farms anyway.

Jersh is just a massive retard.
Josh is a continuous set of contrivances that are of his own making that will continuously prevent him from prospering.
They still choose to follow those extremists despite them being blatantly retarded. Never forget that people gave Null 159K because he said they'd be defending internet freedom from troons if they did.
Unfortunately that happens sometimes like with Polpot or Mao. You have an extremist position that ends up in charge of things until it completely implodes.
If Jersh is moving back to the states and starts a non-profit, how much do you want to bet he'll use that money to get rich and use it to fund a hedonistic lifestyle?

Part of the reason why many of the big organized religious groups are corrupt and even some secular non-profits are corrupt is because America's tax exemption status for non-profits makes it way too easy and tempting to get greedy.

One example is American televangelists, those guys are rich because they get to sucker money from gullible boomers to fund their millionaire lifestyles; they get to have a fancy car, an expensive house, and other luxuries so long as they count them as expenses for their non-profit. America's non-profit laws and regulations make it way too easy for some preacher or a man of the cloth to be blinded by greed and its why the big religious institutions are corrupt.

Don't think I'm going to leave out the secular non-profits because they can be pretty shitty too. Back when Gamergate was relevant, Anita Sarkeesian used her non-profit organization 'Feminist Frequency' to sucker money from gullible left-wingers where she and her dumbass friends got to travel the world and had fancy dinners at some Michelin-stared restaurants at the expense of her gullible donors (she hardly used that money for any women's empowerment or research to benefit feminism).

This isn't saying that every non-profit is evil (there's plenty of non-profit organizations that stick to their principles and do good things) but greed is often a feature and not a bug when it comes to the many aspects of American life and this sadly includes non-profit organizations.

How much do you want to bet that Jersh would use that money to buy himself a Mercedes-Benz, a big fancy house in some gated community, and some expensive bottles of wine at the expense of the Kiwis that would donate money to this hypothetical non-profit?
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If Jersh is moving back to the states and starts a non-profit, how much do you want to bet he'll use that money to get rich and use it to fund a hedonistic lifestyle?

Part of the reason why many of the big organized religious groups are corrupt and even some secular non-profits are corrupt is because America's tax exemption status for non-profits makes it way too easy and tempting to get greedy.

One example is American televangelists, those guys are rich because they get to sucker money from gullible boomers to fund their millionaire lifestyles; they get to have a fancy car, an expensive house, and other luxuries so long as they count them as expenses for their non-profit. America's non-profit laws and regulations make it way too easy for some preacher or a man of the cloth to be blinded by greed and why the big religious institutions are corrupt.

Don't think I'm going to leave out the secular non-profits because they can be pretty shitty too. Back when Gamergate was relevant, Anita Sarkeesian used her non-profit organization 'Feminist Frequency' to sucker money from gullible left-wingers where she and her dumbass friends got to travel the world and had fancy dinners at some Michelin-stared restaurants at the expense of her gullible donors (she hardly used that money for any women's empowerment or research to benefit feminism).

This isn't saying that every non-profit is evil (there's plenty of non-profit organizations that stick to their principles and do good things) but greed is often a feature and not a bug when it comes to the many aspects of American life and this sadly includes non-profit organizations.

How much do you want to bet that Jersh would use that money to buy himself a Mercedes-Benz, a big fancy house in some gated community, and some expensive bottles of wine at the expense of the Kiwis that would donate money to this hypothetical non-profit?
Josh has been quoted as saying that America is a piggy bank to be robbed he's also made this reference to his audience.
how much do you want to bet he'll use that money to get rich and use it to fund a hedonistic lifestyle?
Well, that's the plan. However, in current era, it takes a lot of money to be rich.
One example is American televangelists, those guys are rich because they get to sucker money from gullible boomers to fund their millionaire lifestyles;
God Bless America.
Back when Gamergate was relevant
Sorry to break it to you, but Gaymergate was never relevant.
a fancy house
Again, real estate is only getting more expensive, and you never really buy land outright. Still taxes and levies to pay.
some expensive bottles of Mountain Dew
the expense of the Kiwis that would donate money to this hypothetical non-profit?
It's what he's been doing all his adult life. I'm surprised you didn't mention BLM. joshy still has to file tax returns to the IRS, so he's going to need an accountant, meaning his "vast revenue stream" is going to be cut three ways.

While joshy might think that the Charity Grift is going to be the golden goose, but he's opening himself to harsher scrutiny and harsher punishment if caught. 1. A lot of people seriously dislike the broom, and want to see his shit poked in fatally. 2. He has a history of being really shady, and straight out taking peoples money, and not delivering the goods.

Notice how the "update" on the slush fund has been memory-holed? IRS aren't that stupid, and aren't going to give a fuck about being banned from Commie Farms. All this malarky about joshy needing an address, and seemingly the address and ID of someone else... joshy is in some serious shit, and he's going to be working for the tax man for the rest of his life (just like everyone else).

"You load 16 tons, what do you get?
Another day older and deeper in debt
St. Peter, don't you call me 'cause I can't go
I owe my soul to the company store"
Has it even been confirmed that he's on his way to the US and not just somewhere else?

Why Charleston, WV though? Just because the Lolcow LLC PO Box is there?
Null said he has someone in that State to pick up his mail for him, so why would he need to travel there in person?

IMO, could it be that Null is traveling to the US because of the Torswats thing?

The FBI Just Called Me & They CAUGHT My Swatter & He's Getting 20 YRS In PRISON! Going To Sentencing​

Jeremy/The Quartering said in this video that the sentencing is going to be on February 11th, 2025 and that he plans to be there personally.

Could it be that Null had to travel to the US to meet with the prosecutor because KF has a thread on Torswats and the prosecutor wants to talk to Null about it?

Null speculated on MATI that Torswats was behind the SWATing of MTG, but could it be that this speculation has since been confirmed?

Alan/Torswats is from California but he is currently being held and sentenced in Florida, which makes it more likely that Null would be travelling to FL to meet with the prosecutors and not WV.
Please use your psycho powers to find his address that's all I'm asking.
Well, that's the plan. However, in current era, it takes a lot of money to be rich.

God Bless America.

Sorry to break it to you, but Gaymergate was never relevant.

Again, real estate is only getting more expensive, and you never really buy land outright. Still taxes and levies to pay.


It's what he's been doing all his adult life. I'm surprised you didn't mention BLM. joshy still has to file tax returns to the IRS, so he's going to need an accountant, meaning his "vast revenue stream" is going to be cut three ways.

While joshy might think that the Charity Grift is going to be the golden goose, but he's opening himself to harsher scrutiny and harsher punishment if caught. 1. A lot of people seriously dislike the broom, and want to see his shit poked in fatally. 2. He has a history of being really shady, and straight out taking peoples money, and not delivering the goods.

Notice how the "update" on the slush fund has been memory-holed? IRS aren't that stupid, and aren't going to give a fuck about being banned from Commie Farms. All this malarky about joshy needing an address, and seemingly the address and ID of someone else... joshy is in some serious shit, and he's going to be working for the tax man for the rest of his life (just like everyone else).

"You load 16 tons, what do you get?
Another day older and deeper in debt
St. Peter, don't you call me 'cause I can't go
I owe my soul to the company store"
Most importantly, Jersh by law has to publicly disclose how much money his non-profit is making; he cannot hide this.

He would have to show how much money he is making off his hypothetical non-profit which means more scrutiny in regards to how he spends this money.
To control the narrative and public perception
Hard to take a movement like the alt-right serious when this is the face of it
You don't have to really do anything other then other than allow them as much free exposure while eliminating more reasonable content.
View attachment 76101

YouTube has never been pro free speech

Correction that's when the feds used the problem they helped encourage to persuade social media companies to ban hate speech.

After all never let an opportunity to go to waste
Problem/reaction/solution is definitely their style. You may be onto something there.
He would have to show how much money he is making off his hypothetical non-profit which means more scrutiny in regards to how he spends this money.
Yes, you've successfully repeated what I just wrote. If joshy thinks that he will get rich like Black Ladies Mansions, while not even informing how much of Zhen's fine he's paid. This is something that really hasn't been investigated. ChemFlow, if memory serves, was a company that sold shares. Who knows what that could have led to.
He'd eat himself to death while overdosing on Adderall.
joshy is so fat, he butters his Adderall.
It's not like it could be... joshy has a legally binding connection to Zhen/Chemflow, could it? Can't imagine the relationship, your mate, who does some vague shit... gets sued... and when he just bunks off... joshy decides to give Zhen... well... who knows? Right? But it's got to be 1000s, right? Tens of. Just because Zhen was too lazy to do ANYTHING?

joshysilverjew.png t. joshy broom (shaped like a balloon).

Why would anyone think that joshy would take peoples money, and then not deliver? **cough** Silver grabbler **cough**
Remember, asking about ChemFlow is LITERALLY GENOCIDING HIS ENTIRE FAMILY.
View attachment 76282
It's not like it could be... joshy has a legally binding connection to Zhen/Chemflow, could it? Can't imagine the relationship, your mate, who does some vague shit... gets sued... and when he just bunks off... joshy decides to give Zhen... well... who knows? Right? But it's got to be 1000s, right? Tens of. Just because Zhen was too lazy to do ANYTHING?

View attachment 76287 t. joshy broom (shaped like a balloon).

Why would anyone think that joshy would take peoples money, and then not deliver? **cough** Silver grabbler **cough**
And I thought NZXT was scummy with their scam 'rent to own' PC program they had.
Someone on Reddit claims that the BJ video is real, not a deepfake, but that the person whom Destiny is sucking off is a guy named Darius and not Nick Fuentes:

Its Darius. The gold bracelet gives it away.

So the Redditor thinks this is the guy in the video, this guy Darius that Destiny was apparently involved in some drama with a year ago:

TBH, I find the idea of Destiny sucking off this fugly guy way more likely than him getting anywhere near Nick Fuentes' crotch.

Again, I expect Null to address this on the next MATI because his forum was "patient zero" for spreading the BJ video and the claim that it was Nick Fuentes.
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