I'm convinced Trump broke Josh. The way Josh has been acting since Trump's won shows signs that not only is he seething on the inside but how he's doing his damndest to play defense for the rest of the users in the thread.
- Has gay butt sex with the blackpill in the US Politcs thread and gets told to fuck off by the users there
- Locks the US Politics thread and forced everyone to get along in the happening thread
- has gay butt sex with the blackpill again only live on stream
- locks the Trump lolcow thread to "protect the other users from infighting"
- bans people for even questioning if they're allowed to make fun of other users on the site
- US Politics thread is still locked 2 days after election night. Someone makes a new one (because everyone knows the old one ain't getting unlocked), and out of nowhere it gets deleted (if there was a reason I can't find it, seems like it happened during Euro hours when the rest of America is asleep because for me it was still around after 12am EST)
You can't chalk all of these things up as "pure coincidences", especially when Biden "won" in 2020, him and the rest of his mindless zombies were going full blown troll attack on all the people that wanted Trump to win, celebrating it like it was some sort of epic moment. Now, all of a sudden, we can't do that anymore because it's the other side that won?
The fucking hypocrasy is unreal. Josh' mind is just as broken as his dick, and the rest of his jannies are a bunch of fucking pussies for not confronting him regarding the double standards he continues to take time and time again. And i bring the jannies up becaise the users can only do so much, but the sane ones are HEAVILY outnumbered by everyone else who will just eat shit and go "may I have seconds please?"