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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Kiwi law school students discuss ways to subvert leftist institutions and eventually defend Null.
WTF Null - Is this a community or a personality cult? The jannies on your forum shouldn't be enforcing the content the way you want it. They should be enforcing on what the community wants.
It’s ironic how that retard became the biggest lolcow on a site that was supposedly about laughing at lolcows at some point.

If I wanted ceaseless politisperging and political article spam, literally any mainstream platform already has you covered, trigger happy jannies and all. so what the fuck is this glownigger personality cult doing besides destroying their own niche?

Been here two years and haven’t been banned once. Meanwhile on KF you never know when you will log in one day to a random half assed excuse for a ban like “spam” or “rules violations” despite not ever spamming and not breaking any rules or doing any sketchy shit. That’s if you even have a ban reason at all.

Then i hear about all this random gayop shit going down in DMs over there and it comes off like a ton of projection from powertripping retards and actual useless posters. At least the jannies seem to eat their own over there so there’s some form of karma in play.
There must be some fuckery afoot here cause the way Josh was explaining it the legal fund would only really be accessible by Hardin for the purpose of legal shit. Even with some of the leeway writen into the contract is Hardin really allowed to just cut checks for five figure amounts? I don't know this all seems really sus.

Makes me think Hardin is not involved or that he set it up as a financial shelter of some kind in the Caymans or something. Josh clearly has access to the full thing and is pretty casual about it so its a normal thing for him. Gays from LA thinks he owns or has a connection to some shell corporation for money laundering purposes. His obesity demonstrates that he has plenty of money to waste on pizza and junk food, why can he do that if all he has is bitcoin which is not easily converted to real money? And then he said he left Serbia after he wrote a post in the KF chat box about fighting with a "friend" during Lent.

Gays from LA thought this was Josh's Serbian girlfriend and that they had a secret love child but what if instead Josh got hooked in with organized crime who helped him set up offshore bank accounts or something like that? He """left""" Eastern Europe and he has a financial nest egg that he's spending freely.

Did he actually leave Serbia? Was it due to tensions with the local pimp or whoever set up his offshore account? Or is he still there? Even if he's in the US he's clearly got access to an illegal fund of money, which he definitely is not paying taxes on.

Josh is not just a faggot, it seems to me that he is actively involved in criminality. This is a a dangerously stupid person to talk to and kwiffar are such dumbasses that they post their selfies and personal information all over the site. And they do this because Josh is right wing and talks up "freeze peach" on his site. Being a criminal is the apex of conservatism. Lol.

Josh is right. He's no lowtax.
Lowtax, despite all the wine and pills, managed to get it up with a woman and procreated.

Lowtax was also smart about his finances because his lawyer mommy set him up well. He also stole from his userbase but all he did was whiff on the promised upgrades, not spend it on his lazy ass do nothing friends hiding from trannies in Aussie toilets.
Josh clearly has access to the full thing and is pretty casual about it so its a normal thing for him.
He said very clearly on the griftraiser site that he would have 100% control of how the money is spent. He knew people wouldn't read or comprehend the implications of that, and he was right. Though it was probably Hardin's words, and not @Null's. The text reeked of CYA.

I'm not so sure it's legal for IOLTA funds to be spent however he sees fit, though. It might very well be, but I have my doubts. I would hope that Hardin, being a lawyer, knows what @Null can and can't get away with. But there are countless cases of unscrupulous lawyers doing stupid things with money. There is almost certainly a mandatory audit trail on the IOLTA, if Hardin is doing his job. If there's anything hinky going on in the background, the truth will come out eventually.
He said very clearly on the griftraiser site that he would have 100% control of how the money is spent. He knew people wouldn't read or comprehend the implications of that, and he was right. Though it was probably Hardin's words, and not @Null's. The text reeked of CYA.

I'm not so sure it's legal for IOLTA funds to be spent however he sees fit, though. It might very well be, but I have my doubts. I would hope that Hardin, being a lawyer, knows what @Null can and can't get away with. But there are countless cases of unscrupulous lawyers doing stupid things with money. There is almost certainly a mandatory audit trail on the IOLTA, if Hardin is doing his job. If there's anything hinky going on in the background, the truth will come out eventually.
Yeah so Josh might've been talking about the funds not donated to the IOLTA but to him directly. However the vast majority of the money donated has gone to the IOLTA. I haven't really kept up on it but as I remember Josh received less than 10k in funds directly and realistically it was something like 6-7k.

In any case it's his complete lack of transparency around this whole thing which has made any of this speculation possible. I just thought that an IOLTA would pretty much make the majority of donated funds untouchable.

This really is starting to look super nefarious.
Gays from LA thought this was Josh's Serbian girlfriend and that they had a secret love child but what if instead Josh got hooked in with organized crime who helped him set up offshore bank accounts or something like that? He """left""" Eastern Europe and he has a financial nest egg that he's spending freely.
The Mob? Josh isn't going to be directly involved with that. An offshore bank account? Yes. I am sure he had that set up somehow with Hardin's help. Josh may be involved in questionable dealings but from a legal standpoint he's probably on safe ground.
Ralph shares his notes on the Kiwis he saw "A fat bitch, a tranny and a black guy" and apparently they all gave themselves away by autistically taking notes during the hearing.
Ralph shares his notes on the Kiwis he saw "A fat bitch, a tranny and a black guy" and apparently they all gave themselves away by autistically taking notes during the hearing.
I told you guys they were all trannys.