Hellovan Onion
I have posted on KF regularly, I encourage others to sign up here to talk shit about Null.
I suspect a lot of people silently think Null is very cringe, but fear being banned so they say nothing. As a semi-oldfag, I have adopted a policy of always avoiding him in every way, because his mood is just too unpredictable to risk interacting with him (and I want to keep my account).
This works well, I can talk shit about him here, I have no problem, but I fear for the future of the site.
From a technical perspective alone, many posters would and could help the site function better. This will matter more and more as the site grows. The problem is that they would have to work with Null.
Null is a person who is so unapproachable that even a short, cordial, and well-intentioned greeting can end in antisocial rage. No one, not even other moody terminally online edgelords, really wants to deal with someone like that ever. He is just extremely unlikeable.
Thus a lot of potential contribution and cooperation is lost. Null is not getting free and valuable help/knowledge, and the site is still shitty. It is ridiculous when you consider that
Tech aside, his mental problems threaten the future of people even wanting to post on KF. His erratic behavior harms the public perception of KF and deters potential users. Even when growing despite him, people not yet acclimated into KFs power-dynamic (i.e. sucking null-dick) won't take his mental instability well.
- there are a decent amount of experienced programmers who use and love the site,
- null has no job, and the site is literally all he has in life
I predict more banned martyrs, newfags leaving KF with bad impressions, more and more people will simply think of KF as a pathetic cult.
Oldfags won't call him out at first, but more and more will loose patience. Decent posters will go elsewhere as the need for a new elsewhere arises, this thread will grow, KF will just suck more and more. All of this is already happening (as you all know).
Ironically, despite his many confident lectures regarding the rights and wrongs of human civilisation and society, shit like gender, et cetera, what he really lacks is (and look I am not even conservative) classically traditional masculine traits. You'd think that someone who spends so much time and energy criticising others for their failures and inadequacies (literally spending all their time running a forum dedicated to studying people being/doing wrong) would at least attempt to live according to some standard.
His creed is the path of the fat angry pizza monk. He spends his practically NEET existence doing two things: shitting on people to feel better about himself, or in undirected rage at literally anything which is not that.
He would not be in this shitty Low-Tax position if he:
- was at least somewhat socially predictable (in the sense that one can count on him to maintain his composure),
- had some everyday patience (like that of a good moderator in any setting),
- could be somewhat stoic (very LARPy word, but in the sense of avoiding raging at a stupid comment or minor annoyance),
- fostering and encouraging the constructive parts of his userbase (being a responsible authority)