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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
I'm not against the doxes but SSNs is too far, all that's going to do is empower pathetic weens like the reddit one who took out an online loan in Daniel Larson's name to commit identity theft. Same with banking info. That shouldn't be out there for anyone.
leaking someone else's SSN isn't illegal but I'm sure as hell it can get someone in trouble. why he hasn't prohibit people from posting SSNs is beyond me.

Not even computer science.
Josh isn't a computer scientist, he's more like a backend web dev. he even suck at that
Josh isn't a computer scientist, he's more like a backend web dev. he even suck at that
Josh isn't a computer anything. He's one of those people who peaked at "being the family IT support" and then they stay at that level because they've either been mummy's special smart boy for so long that they no longer think they have anything to learn and they become unteachable entry tier computer-toucher drones, literally just there to field the "turn it off and on again" support calls, or they weren't any good to begin with and they never advance.

If I were him, I would be sweating about the future of Kiwi Farms every day. He's firmly in the cohort of people whose jobs can be automated away by an averagely-well prompted LLM-style AI, or a room full of pajeets.
I'm not against the doxes but SSNs is too far, all that's going to do is empower pathetic weens like the reddit one who took out an online loan in Daniel Larson's name to commit identity theft. Same with banking info. That shouldn't be out there for anyone.
Overall, from a moralistic "in a better world" mind frame, I am actually against doxing in its entirety, especially from a site than wants to pretend it's just a gossip forum. Very proudly publishing people's IRL contact info doesn't improve the discourse about the subject and is only offered to assist trolling efforts, regardless of the kayfabe Kiwi rules/"culture" against touching the poo.
It's dumb shit like what KF does that actually shrinks American freedom of speech. Push against the walls of the playpen our panopticon has offered, eventually they will break. And when they do inevitably break, the playpen will be built back smaller.
Which fine, ends v. means with something like WikiLeaks then good but KF is ultimately organized by a soyboy who doesn't want to go back to wage slaving while also really "appreciating" the many normalfag normalbucks that flow to him
Disrespect for the paypigs and superchats
null 1.png
null 2.png
null 3.png
DO NOT bring up that Null used to watch anime.
broom complains that Effluentes has a hugbox... that will forgive any sex wrongs committed by the short, but not morbidly obese Nick (and/or his orbiters). Grass is always greener, innit.
Josh pretends to care about professionalism.

Why do these guy always pretend to be professionals whenever someone calls them out on their bullshit?

@thefrogninja I finally got around to reading the rest of his Substack article, and I almost can't believe Null was able write this down with a straight face:

At a very basic and fundamental level, the key players in anti-censorship are fractured and isolated from one another. They do not have cohesive goals and frequently allow irrelevant personal issues divide them. At best, their efforts are split and duplicated, and at worst, they are openly hostile to one another.

I would like to end this article with a call to action. “Here is the problem, here is the solution.” While I would generally encourage intelligent cooperation between Anti-Censorship movements, I have no hope for that. Anti-censorship is inherently individualistic, as those types benefit from freedom the most.

Some cohesion is necessary. The anti-censorship crowd is mostly preoccupied with lining their own pockets. Every anti-censorship startup seems hellbent on being the first person to “solve” the censorship issue, without any cooperation from others, so that they may take in all the “glory”. There is no conservative think-tank doing what the pro-censorship camps do every day: combining intelligence, power, and money. Instead, we each run our own race, and make less progress overall, falling further behind in our endeavors every day, winning only superficial victories with video games and in local jurisdictions, while pro-censorship wins on the big stage and behind the curtains of the international organizations who actually make decisions.


For those with resources, I emphasize that confederation is required to survive the next decade. There are companies making up the Internet which are toxic and needing to be scraped out, and companies which are principled and needing to be built up. The good is out there, and good people are trying, but they don’t get the attention they need. A serious person with serious aspirations could start a pro-free speech trade organization or coalition, but it needs to be done in earnest and with resources out the gate, and it cannot exclude members and what they would bring to the table simply by the negativity of their Wikipedia article.

How many of these hostilities amongst pro-free speech ICT companies has Null himself actively fostered? Null has used MATI to discourage people from using other freespeech platforms and to sic them onto people active in that milieu. He sic-ed his stans onto Graf, onto Andrew Torba, @Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt and yes, even onto Rumble for refusing to divest from Path. Indeed, why the fuck would anyone at Rumble ever listen to someone who has a public reputation of milking his wrecked personal association for MATI content?

LMAO, he's literally quoting from his post to Clara Stockings here, where he told her that they were such a matching couple because they're both "cruel and unusual":

I also stress that the Kiwi Farms has been unusually flexible and able to resist deplatforming, in no small part because I as an individual am very unusual. Most people would have the good sense to quit and abandon their projects well before it gets to the point it has with the Kiwi Farms. This is doubly true for websites which must operate cash positive as a successful business, whereas the Kiwi Farms lives off cryptocurrency donations, a privilege unique to dedicated communities with very tech-savvy users.


As for this part:

They live in penthouse suites outside of San Francisco calously deciding which small, atomized, defenseless component of anti-censorship they will tie up in litigation and defame next.

Oh look, fat foxy has sour grapes because someone else is living the highrise lifestyle he once imagined for himself:


"You live in a highrise/Flying first class/Between cities made of glass"...

How are you enjoying your new crypto-bought former crack-den in Western Texas, Null?
Imagine being so fucking stupid, Amerimutt public school sub-educated and reactionary that you don't understand why the fuck I would mention Graf in the same list as Kenneth, and Andrew Torba. The point of that listing was to illustrate what an utterly bullshit idea it is of Null to suggest that all these different people, who are into free speech platforms for completely different reasons individually, should get together, somehow find a common ground (literally impossible) and "confederate" (as he calls it in his article, no idea what he means by this specifically) so they can speak as one voice against online censorship. It's Null himself who has ensured that they can't speak as one voice, because Null thinks that only those who are as ideologically far-right as himself should be part of this "far-right EFF" he wants to bring about.

I have pointed out to Null, on this thread amongst others, that one of the communities on the internet that has suffered a lot internet censorship and is hence has the most institutional experience trying to bypass internet censorship is, whether he likes it or not, the online porn community. Is Null willing to allow the porn industry to be part of his "far right EFF"? Of course not, which is highly ironic given the fact Null's own forum is filled to brim with porn - go into any troon thread on KF to see examples of this - but he doesn't see how the same rules that are used to crack down on porn websites can be used to crack down on his forum for hosting the same material.

@thefrogninja have you figured out yet what Null means with this "confederation" he advocates for without explaining what it is?
A lot of what Elaine wrote in those posts is bullshit actually. Like her insistence that Fancy Bear is a Chinese hacker group. All the infosec experts agree that Fancy Bear is a Russian hacking group, not Chinese.

Here you go, this is where you go to get the infosec industry consensus:

Here is the MITRE ATT&CK entry for Fancy Bear:

There is literally no evidence that Fancy Bear has anything whatsoever to do with China.

On the topic of Fancy Bear copycats:

If Elaine purported to have evidence that Fancy Bear is Chinese and that Vincent has anything to do with them, why didn't she pass that evidence along to the infosec community so they can update this page?

I guess it's because all the real infosec experts would've looked at her evidence (or sorry lack thereof) and just shook their heads.
I made this account purely to respond to this because it’s false information that could muddy the waters and further assist Josh in not being subjected to the same scrutiny as those scrutinized by Kiwi Farms.

I did attempt to login to my prior account, and was told by @Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt that he would look into it. I come in peace, purely to state facts.

I ceased posting previously because of ongoing court proceedings between Liz Fong Jones and Joshua Moon, but something did happen prior to those which I thought I’d share with you all:

This was an email I received from Vincent Zhen on. January the 3rd, 2023, from the email address:

The email I sent was the following on the December the 27th, 2022, to the email address:


I only sent an email to

He even signed it too!

You may be wondering why the email is so vital in connecting Fancy Bear to Vincent Zhen/Chen, well, you’d never guess what Fancy Bear’s Kiwi Farms signup email was (courtesy of the 2019 KF Breach)


As far as I know, neither “Chen” nor “Zhen” are particularly Russian surnames.

Maybe @The Gays From LA knows something I don’t about Slavic Surnames.

So we’ve proved the following so far:

- Fancy Bear’s signup Kiwi Farms signup email was
- Vincent Zhen/Chen owns this email
- He even replies to this email with Fancy Bear references “Bear who cooks ketamine”

I feel like I’ve already gone over this so times I’m losing my mind at how people STILL are confused, but pushing on…

Now to connect Vincent Zhen to Vincent Canfield, the owner of

Remember the domain ending for Fancy’s email (
Visiting will redirect you to Don’t believe me? Here are the domain records (again):

But wait. There’s more.

A single google search of “Vincent Canfield Fancy Bear” will point you to an article where even LITERAL US CISA infosec agencies claim that is a Spyware for APT29 (Cozy Bear, another name for Fancy Bear, APT just means Advanced Persistent Threat.) @The Gays From LA Google is always a useful tool I find. 🙄




Most of these Infosec people think Fancy Bear is Russian because of a few coincidences such as sharing PO Boxes with actual Russian hacking groups, but also because Vinnie likes to larp as a Russian because he’s cringe like that. Yes, they’ve managed to tell that is wrapped up in everything but that’s not saying much. It’s fucking obvious.

I hate to tell you this as I know it’s shocking, but most of the time, most federal agents, journalists have absolutely no grasp on reality.

I’m sure we remember this incident:
(Bear in mind it’s literal intelligent agencies that give these journalists the stories to post.)

I’ll see myself out.
Stay Safe & God Bless.