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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
just shows that he has some sort of guilty conscience towards the situation
>feeling any shred of remorse


No wonder null supports the other suicide forum considering his now qualifies as one.
reminder that this fat retard once offered that lamacrus nigger a hosting solution. i don't know if he's willing to offer it for free (lmfaooo) or he's offering a paid hosting service to lamacrus. if he goes for the latter then it really suits him tbh. a scamming anglo with a kike tendency.

he's not suicidal at all. an anti-social shithead like him with a massive ego will never an hero himself unless he has nothing else with him and nothing to live for.

this guy, time and time again, proves to everyone how delusional of a person he is. he also demonstrates to the public how he has no self-awarness what's so ever like certain someone with an infamous reputation of being extremely insufferable and annoying
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Bruh, just call him a pedophile at that point.
I'll have you know he likes shortstack goblin girls... and Tacoma wept.
he was puppy dogging me around the site really hard so I put him on my ignore list.
Blocking people is considered cringe on this site and by Kiwi oldfags, just so you know. Especially announcing it.
I'll have you know he likes shortstack goblin girls... and Tacoma wept.
lmao extremely common Captain Manning L
He did seem to blow up and go full angy mode easily. Makes sense he's bipolar.
It's just a reference to two Vaush memes, one when he called his loli porn stash "shortstack goblin porn" and one where he claimed the whole city of Tacoma, Washinton wept when he got off Tinder for the panini.
He did seem to blow up and go full angy mode easily. Makes sense he's bipolar.

It's just a reference to two Vaush memes, one when he called his loli porn stash "shortstack goblin porn" and one where he claimed the whole city of Tacoma, Washinton wept when he got off Tinder for the panini.
I know I just wanted to make fun of the fact that Tacoma wept lol.

Also, "Tacoma Wept" and "Shortstack Goblin Porn" sounds like the names of shitty punk bands I would have paid $10 to go see on a weeknight when I was in high school.
I'll have you know he likes shortstack goblin girls...

Blocking people is considered cringe on this site and by Kiwi oldfags, just so you know. Especially announcing it.
"Shortstack Goblin Porn" sounds like the names of shitty punk bands I would have paid $10 to go see on a weeknight when I was in high school.

A shortstack tried to cosplay as an orc, but she looks like a goblin

Blocking people is considered cringe on this site and by Kiwi oldfags, just so you know. Especially announcing it.
Which is why it's funny. Not only does the ignored party get butthurt, everyone bitches about how you shouldn't do it. I don't do things because they amuse all of you, I do things because they amuse me.

You really think I care what people think is cringe? This forum is literally comprised of the scorned lovers and unwanted children of an asexual fat man child who watches animated homosexual child porn and blames his lack of sex on his circumcision.

Your boos mean nothing to me, I've seen what makes you cheer.

A shortstack tried to cosplay as an orc, but she looks like a goblin

View attachment 52979
I don't do things because they amuse all of you, I do things because they amuse me.

You really think I care what people think is cringe?
I'm just telling you why it gets a negative reaction from many. I don't have a strong opinion on it but it can be annoying when conversation flow is messed up because people aren't seeing all the comments anymore because of blocks.
I'm just telling you why it gets a negative reaction from many. I don't have a strong opinion on it but it can be annoying when conversation flow is messed up because people aren't seeing all the comments anymore because of blocks.
Well I like to use all different methods of fucking with people at my disposal. I find that anus squirter dude to be the most unbearable annoying motherfucker on this forum, and the fact that he threw a bitch fit because I ignored him confirmed that I made the right choice, because it got the most reaction.

It's not like I went on a block spree or anything I ignored one person to irritate the fuck out of him and it worked. It tickles me to no end to know that he actually seethed over the fact that I can't see what he types.

If anybody has a problem with that, they can cringe and oldfag or whatever til the cows come home. It made me laugh my ass off and it was successful in getting under his skin, so for me there's no downside.
Blocking people is considered cringe on this site and by Kiwi oldfags, just so you know. Especially announcing it.

"considered cringe" by whom? Not by me! I think entitled goatfuckers wasting everyone time with their retarded flamebait are cringe.
Which is why it's funny. Not only does the ignored party get butthurt, everyone bitches about how you shouldn't do it. I don't do things because they amuse all of you, I do things because they amuse me.

You really think I care what people think is cringe? This forum is literally comprised of the scorned lovers and unwanted children of an asexual fat man child who watches animated homosexual child porn and blames his lack of sex on his circumcision.

Your boos mean nothing to me, I've seen what makes you cheer.

I entirely endorse your right to curate your experience on this forum.

I'm just telling you why it gets a negative reaction from many. I don't have a strong opinion on it but it can be annoying when conversation flow is messed up because people aren't seeing all the comments anymore because of blocks.

"Many" = just a handful of inbred goatfuckers in white garbage bags in a hole in the ground. They don't matter.
People who can't take no for an answer deserve to have their coordinates forwarded to the IDF.

Well I like to use all different methods of fucking with people at my disposal. I find that anus squirter dude to be the most unbearable annoying motherfucker on this forum, and the fact that he threw a bitch fit because I ignored him confirmed that I made the right choice, because it got the most reaction.

It's not like I went on a block spree or anything I ignored one person to irritate the fuck out of him and it worked. It tickles me to no end to know that he actually seethed over the fact that I can't see what he types.

If anybody has a problem with that, they can cringe and oldfag or whatever til the cows come home. It made me laugh my ass off and it was successful in getting under his skin, so for me there's no downside.

You know, once I tried to read whatever the goatfuckers on this forum were posting, but when I unblocked them all I saw was this:


Literally every single one of their posts was like this, so I just blocked them again.

@VAIDS Victim Lmfao look at him downvote like an angry tranny on Reddit. It's literally all he can do. Impotent rage 😂 he responds within like 5 minutes every time, too.

If you can't see why that's funny I don't know what to do with you, bro.

LMAO, I say let them impotently rage while they still have the time to do it. Goatfuckers are upset because they know the IDF has their coordinates and are on their way.

Anyone know where this photo came from? Or how recent it was?

That's not a recent picture, Null was still a teenager in that picture. Almost all of the pictures you will see online of Null are from when he was a teenager or an adolescent. Null is terrified of anyone seeing him the way he is now.
"considered cringe" by whom? Not by me! I think entitled goatfuckers wasting everyone time with their retarded flamebait are cringe.

I entirely endorse your right to curate your experience on this forum.

"Many" = just a handful of inbred goatfuckers in white garbage bags in a hole in the ground. They don't matter.
People who can't take no for an answer deserve to have their coordinates forwarded to the IDF.

You know, once I tried to read whatever the goatfuckers on this forum were posting, but when I unblocked them all I saw was this:

View attachment 53049View attachment 53048View attachment 53047View attachment 53046View attachment 53045View attachment 53044

Literally every single one of their posts was like this, so I just blocked them again.

LMAO, I say let them impotently rage while they still have the time to do it. Goatfuckers are upset because they know the IDF has their coordinates and are on their way.

That's not a recent picture, Null was still a teenager in that picture. Almost all of the pictures you will see online of Null are from when he was a teenager or an adolescent. Null is terrified of anyone seeing him the way he is now.
lol does gays think everyone he's blocked is a jihadi?
Will that broom ever be free of the demon anime? btw some people have inferred joshy burnt some Chris Chan letters... someone said they were worth 10k (big ol' X). So much for ARCHIVE EVERYTHING.
I dislike anime and don't watch it, but I can't see burning an effort mail like that. I would think it was funny and would probably keep it somewhere even if I was like, nah, not watching that. Thanks for the letter anyway though, appreciate the thought.