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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Null has a bit of a messiah complex going on.
This is just so retarded. He's using the word "conservative" to describe people that actual "conservatives" (Fox News boomers, etc) despise. Tate, Fuentes, etc are not conservative - they're either right wing or completely apolitical grifters depending on who you ask. I could go on about how retarded the rest of his political takes here are, but it reads so much like typical libshit claptrap that I've got vomit in my mouth. Basically he is missing the point entirely about how right wing people view women.

With that said, I can understand why he's spouting this nonsense. I'd guess that the kind of degenerate fujoshit women he's courting (and protecting via moderator power) are more likely to paypig for him. Also, as an unmarried and physically repulsive man pushing 40 (right?), I am guessing that a lot of this is just him doing a Kiwi-Farms-ified version of the "male feminist" gambit in order to secure female attention. Sad!

FWIW -- it's true that women aren't the enemy, but that doesn't mean that giving them political power was anything other than a mistake. You give women the vote, and suddenly every single political issue becomes about what's best for women. This is how the human race operates on an evolutionary level and we really didn't need to exacerbate the problem by codifying it into our political system. Giving women the vote has led to a lot of fucking problems.
This is unbelievable, I don't even know where to start. At least he's finally admitting he is doing some weird white knight shit. What is his deal with Pearl anyway has she even been a thing since like a year ago? I haven't heard of her since then. The whole tirade is all over the place. He's fucking lost it fo real this time.
This is unbelievable, I don't even know where to start. At least he's finally admitting he is doing some weird white knight shit. What is his deal with Pearl anyway has she even been a thing since like a year ago? I haven't heard of her since then. The whole tirade is all over the place. He's fucking lost it fo real this time.
Android Raptor absolutely hates her. I personally believe that Null has some kind of weird creepy crush on AR. You do the math.

Pearl is so boring and dumb, so unbelievably irrelevant to anything that it's hard to imagine that anyone would organically be so angry at her. Anyone, that is, other than a libshit woman or a simp trying desperately to impress a libshit woman. And this Null X-post is just dripping with genuine rage.
This is just so retarded. He's using the word "conservative" to describe people that actual "conservatives" (Fox News boomers, etc) despise. Tate, Fuentes, etc are not conservative - they're either right wing or completely apolitical grifters depending on who you ask. I could go on about how retarded the rest of his political takes here are, but it reads so much like typical libshit claptrap that I've got vomit in my mouth. Basically he is missing the point entirely about how right wing people view women.
Yeah I am super confused as to where this is coming from and who it is for. Null and his audience have never claimed traditional conservative so I think you must be right about this being a performance for the TERFs. I don't even think Pearl is poltical at all either so its weird he tacked her on to the end like that.
Yeah I am super confused as to where this is coming from and who it is for. Null and his audience have never claimed traditional conservative so I think you must be right about this being a performance for the TERFs. I don't even think Pearl is poltical at all either so its weird he tacked her on to the end like that.
The cops call this a "spontaneous utterance." I'd guess that Pearl is on his mind a lot lately because it's a subject that's near and dear to his e-crush's heart.

Pearl really, really, really makes a lot of women angry because she has stepped entirely off the female reservation with the opinions she voices. Even if the whole thing is a grift or an act, it is kind of funny to watch the angry reactions to her shtick. TERFs in particular seem to hate her a lot, the same way trannies react to that one anti-trans short-haired author lady whose name I can't remember right now. It's an interesting phenomenon, but Pearl herself really is not interesting or relevant to anyone other than these women who despise her. Makes this very sus if you ask me.
Null talks about donating towards his legal funds:
null 1.png
This is such a transparent grift it's barely above indian tech support scams. Wait for the announcement to be "Oh no guys, Epik didn't settle, the lawyers are telling me we have a slam dunk case but we need another $75k to take this all the way."

If it's not a grift, why is he able to get his hands on th money? Why can't it be earmarked for legal costs only and any leftover returned to the donators? There will be no accounting of this money, where it went and what it was spent on, but all of it will mysteriously be spent regardless of whether null ever waddles into a courtroom or not.
Null talks about donating towards his legal funds:
null 1.png
I'm working on the fundraising page now. We have the account setup and are waiting for access to the API.
i'll bet 1 grand that this will not only backfire but the page he's working on will be absolutely dogshit. i can't wait to see the ugly ass design his lolsuit fundraiser page will have once it comes out :story:
And there we have it folx. joshy is still such a faggy leftist, he makes the common mistake (amongst the political fuckwits) of calling the Nazi's VERY far right... They were an actual socialist party, that liked nationalizing things, n shit. This is how bottom of the barrel, the broom has become. This grift market is terminally online "feminists" (ie, broke ass welfare queens who want to blame patriarchy for their kids being cunts.)

btw, isn't Pearl just a chubby Anne Coulter tribute act?

Hmmmm... women who do stuff, aren't really responsible for their actions... cuz men...
Anyone old enough to remember this...?
ah yes, a socialist party that send any socialist to death camps under their regime... lmao
Um. You're obviously a retard. They didn't send ANY socialists, just non Nazis. So, all the non communist socialist that got gulag'd... that mean the USSR wasn't socialist?
Do you know what gleichschaltung means? You might actually want to read the Shitanniaca article you linked, it says "Not really", which is a bit mealy mouthed.
The Nazis abolished private property laws, dude. But I'm guessing, as you are still dumb enough to think that the Nazi party WEREN'T socialist... because other socialists got killed, that you are too stupid to actually know what socialism is.