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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
I'm fucking crying with laughter Josh really told his userbase to spam Cogent with hatemail and now he's wondering why they're spamming slurs and how it could possibly be reflecting badly on him. Holy fucking shit
He's such a baby in the literal sense. He makes no connection to anything he does and the inevitable consequences. If he stepped in shit he would wonder why his shoe smelled, the world is just one big confusing mess that he has no ability to change. How pathetic.
People try and make suggestions and Null just cries and says its all pointless. Absolutely hilarious seeing him whine, bitch and cry like this. If there's no point why not give up Null?
He's such a baby in the literal sense. He makes no connection to anything he does and the inevitable consequences. If he stepped in shit he would wonder why his shoe smelled, the world is just one big confusing mess that he has no ability to change. How pathetic.

"There's already a dozen politically correct gossip sites, the most popular is Lipstick Alley."

Maybe the Alley isn't popular because they're PC, Josh, but because they're not run by a ban-hungry fuckwit like yourself.

"I'm not going to change the character of the site."

What character? Josh, all KF has anymore are dumb fuck spergs posting cuck/BBC fantasies in every thread just like 4chan in the current year. There is literally nothing KF offers that you can't get anywhere else outside of copious uses of words like "nigger" as per mutt's law. The only reason you even maintain the site is because you are desperate to avoid getting a job. You are Lucas Werner on steroids, Josh, but people actually seem to believe you. I've even been told he has had "crazy women" on his dick and that there's even rumors of a secret daughter somewhere. I get it, Josh and you align in some way politically, so you need to "own the libs" by making up bullshit, but come on. Don't be so obvious. There is no way even the most hardcore hybristophiliac would fuck someone like Josh unless they reek of "own the libs" energy like Lidl's boysauce post.

People try and make suggestions and Null just cries and says its all pointless. Absolutely hilarious seeing him whine, bitch and cry like this. If there's no point why not give up Null?

"It is literally impossible to accomplish this. You cannot reprogram the minds of people without media assistance."

Cope as fuck.

"Nobody is on our side."

Because you've scared them all away, you dumb fat fuck.

"Nobody cares what we have to say."

Because all you have to say is the same shit they can get from any website dumb enough to allow deadbeats like yourself to post on it: "life sucks and it's everyone else's fault."

"i'm not going to make any real suggestions or actually doing anything myself, you do it."

Is this faggot serious? Josh, everything you do is waiting for someone else to do the work for you. Also, a real suggestion? Here's one: give it up already. Pass KF to someone else or just shut it down and stop whining like a bitch.

What character?
You know weirdly the best thing about KF used to be that you could go into ten different threads and get ten different takes. The admins and mods might have been lame but you could find some interesting and funny discussion there.

I will say over the last few years it has developed a character but that has also made it worse. The character it has developed is to act exactly like Josh and agree with everything Josh has to say and to defend Josh at all costs. KF certainly has a character but that's what makes it unusable because that character is Josh.
You know weirdly the best thing about KF used to be that you could go into ten different threads and get ten different takes. The admins and mods might have been lame but you could find some interesting and funny discussion there.

I will say over the last few years it has developed a character but that has also made it worse. The character it has developed is to act exactly like Josh and agree with everything Josh has to say and to defend Josh at all costs. KF certainly has a character but that's what makes it unusable because that character is Josh.

And you still could find some of that, to be fair. Problem is, you're posting on eggshells, and who wants to deal with that? At least here, for example, I can post freely. People will disagree with me, call me a retard, etc, etc but at least I know I don't need to worry Ken will lash out at me because I disagree with him or catch him on a bad day or whatever.
Knee deep in cope. "If i can just get back on the clearweb everything will be good and mommy will love me again." He's trying to bail out his boat on the bottom of the ocean.
ANd the Kwiffar keep on pissing into it. They simply can't be sensible and compose an email that politely puts forward the case for the hugbox, but no... they have to re-enforce the MSM trope of "Commie Farms is racist troonphobic hate site. Sun Tzu has been mentioned, so I'll remind everyone of this quote "When the General was asked "What is the best way to wage war?" he replied "By not fighting at all".
People try and make suggestions and Null just cries and says its all pointless.
Suicide rates shoot up like prices at Christmas, to bastardize a Hawkwind lyric. Yes, it is a Hawkwind song...
"I'm not going to change the character of the site."
What character? KF has anymore are dumb fuck spergs posting cuck/BBC fantasies in every thread just like 4chan in the current year.
I think you just answered your own question there, buddy. The hugbox joshy gets, is the hugbox he deserves.
I don't need to worry Ken will lash out at me because I disagree with him or catch him on a bad day or whatever.
Yeah its a nice change from KF where at any moment Null will run into a thread completely change the narrative and bring his simps in behind him to defend whatever harebrained idea he had that day. Even on this alone the freeze peach aspect is clearly fake since anyone who actually wanted to encourage free speech wouldn't micro manage discussion like Null does.
I think you just answered your own question there, buddy. The hugbox joshy gets, is the hugbox he deserves.

That's what I meant, yeah. He's talking about "the character of the site" and acting like KF is this place above it all, but it's nothing special nor different from the rest. And let's all remember he only has these problems because he was so desperate, he thought inviting in spergs too spergy for /pol/ was a good idea.

We're a far cry from the days of pretending to cut wrasslin promos for fun. You know who Josh reminds me of? The Smarkbusters. Speaking of wrasslin, the Smarkbusters were these tryhard edgelords who insisted "wrestling really is still real to us" and basically took KF tropes like "trannies are the real problem bro" and BBC/cuck fantasies to YouTube. Righty, in particular, is a Josh-tier autist because he gets just as angry as Josh does when people tell him to chill out over dudes in underwear fake fighting. I bring them up because not that long ago, they closed their Discord because they had a Josh Moon moment: suddenly the fanbase they themselves not only cultivated but encouraged to send fucked up shit to people (you can still find videos of theirs where they prod their fans to do so) was so bad, they had to clamp down to feel better about themselves. They hit every note Josh did. Sad. Many such cases. I've begun to call this sorta thing Josh Moon Syndrome at this point.
"There's already a dozen politically correct gossip sites, the most popular is Lipstick Alley."

Maybe the Alley isn't popular because they're PC, Josh, but because they're not run by a ban-hungry fuckwit like yourself.

"I'm not going to change the character of the site."

What character? Josh, all KF has anymore are dumb fuck spergs posting cuck/BBC fantasies in every thread just like 4chan in the current year. There is literally nothing KF offers that you can't get anywhere else outside of copious uses of words like "nigger" as per mutt's law. The only reason you even maintain the site is because you are desperate to avoid getting a job. You are Lucas Werner on steroids, Josh, but people actually seem to believe you. I've even been told he has had "crazy women" on his dick and that there's even rumors of a secret daughter somewhere. I get it, Josh and you align in some way politically, so you need to "own the libs" by making up bullshit, but come on. Don't be so obvious. There is no way even the most hardcore hybristophiliac would fuck someone like Josh unless they reek of "own the libs" energy like Lidl's boysauce post.

"It is literally impossible to accomplish this. You cannot reprogram the minds of people without media assistance."

Cope as fuck.

"Nobody is on our side."

Because you've scared them all away, you dumb fat fuck.

"Nobody cares what we have to say."

Because all you have to say is the same shit they can get from any website dumb enough to allow deadbeats like yourself to post on it: "life sucks and it's everyone else's fault."

"i'm not going to make any real suggestions or actually doing anything myself, you do it."

Is this faggot serious? Josh, everything you do is waiting for someone else to do the work for you. Also, a real suggestion? Here's one: give it up already. Pass KF to someone else or just shut it down and stop whining like a bitch.

He can't. Given he's a drifter currently in Serbia, he's not likely to get a work permit from the authorities. Kiwifarms is all he has. He is just as much a captive to Kiwifarms as Chris Chan is to Sonichu.
He can't. Given he's a drifter currently in Serbia, he's not likely to get a work permit from the authorities. Kiwifarms is all he has. He is just as much a captive to Kiwifarms as Chris Chan is to Sonichu.

You don't actually believe he's in Serbia, do you? Where's the evidence he hasn't just been slumming in Florida the entire time?
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People try and make suggestions and Null just cries and says its all pointless. Absolutely hilarious seeing him whine, bitch and cry like this. If there's no point why not give up Null?

And this is why faggots like Null can't win shit and can't convince anyone to join them or agree with them. They're petulant little brats who aren't even particularly smart and everyone is repulsed by them.
I believe Null is in the US, but not necessarily Florida. West Virginia is my guess because the laws are a little more lax there and the cost of living/the availability of services that allow him to not leave the house is more favorable in WV than somewhere like Wyoming.

But that's speculation.
Welper Helper has always been a complete retard desperate for attention but this is a whole other level of delusion and desperation. The loser is spending the christmas holidays pulling some gay PR campaign for free. In the second part of the post Welp explains his motives saying that KF is on it's last legs and desperate action is called for or else he will lose the positive affirmation he gets for being Null's milkfed gimp.