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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
It's the lolcow private citizens who are the most affected. Celebrity lolcows such as Donald Trump or Kayne West don't give a crap about a KF thread. Josh has never been a true supporter of freedom. What he wants is the freedom for people to agree with him and the hell with anyone else.
Unlike most places you can at least disagree with people on KF like what used to be normal. No one is going to start an unprovoked witch hunt like its reddit or discord unless you're some kind of major POS and don't practice any OPsec. It seems like most of the powertripping glowniggers got locked out of their accounts with the password reset. There are definitely a few quieter mods on there that abuse their privileges and since the bans dont tell you who issued them, its likely them instead of some of the more known ones like Trombonista.

Though it will never not be funny to tell josh to shut up whenever he goes on one of those self pity "last free website" arcs of his.
Last edited:

Joshua Moon Drop 3.0 Josh & Singapore, Fancy Bear, Cock.li

This is the most packed drop so far so it will be split into parts for clarity.

I have taken some of your posts here into consideration and combined them with my own lore to expand on the leads I can hopefully provide. Thx

There are many more of these to come and I really appreciate the feedback.

I will talk about things in my previous drop so if you haven’t seen that please see: https://www.onionfarms.com/threads/joshua-moon-2tsuki-sneed-king-of-cows-null.3338/page-2#post-52624

Part 1 Fancy Bear

There have been big discussions around Kiwi Farms User Fancy Bear.

Profile Archive: https://archive.ph/KGy7Q
The writing in the orange box next to True & Honest Fan (Проверенный Медведь) Google translates to: “Verified Bear” and where he’s from (Ca-Петербург) Google translates to: “St Petersburg”.

The debate around Fancy Bear is about whether or not the user is an actual member of Russian Government affiliated hacking and spy organization Fancy Bear
Archive: https://archive.ph/J2B0w
or if the username is just being used for the lulz.

Last night the Kiwi Farms 2019 Database Leak was posted in one of many chats.

Here is his account information and the email he signed up with:
Looking at Fancy Bear’s breached conversations (the leak only grabbed participants and subject titles) some parts stood out to me in relation to the question of if Fancy Bear really is a hacker. I have highlighted usernames & conversation titles. Users that start the conversation appear above those who are participants:
Full Account Dump:
(You have to refresh the links as soon as you click on them)

In these caps you can see that Fancy Bear has moderator roles “### Moderator tools”.

Fancy Bear Account Info: (interesting)

Fancy Bear Contributed: (really fucking boring don’t even bother)

Fancy Bear Conversations: (super interesting)

Fancy Bear Hp: (boring)

Fancy Bear Proving: (boring)

Fancy Bear Started: (boring)

Fancy Bear Tts: (boring)

Previously in this thread someone provided the link to a post made here originally about Josh, Fancy Bear and Flow Chemical Pty Ltd:

The user since posting this information disappeared completely and deleted all of his accounts and claimed he was being stalked by underground groups.

The post referenced https://hungrybear.cooking as one of the websites who also used the 16 Nobby Beach PO Box alongside Flow Chemical Pty Ltd, Vincent Zhen and Joshua Moon.

Website Whois Info:

YouTube: (contains one suspicious web usage tutorial explained by an Australian, and someone heavy breathing while recording)
Archive: https://archive.ph/7gpVf

Video Archive: https://streamable.com/9i7k6k

Website: https://hungrybear.cooking
Archive: https://archive.ph/trgK4

Terms and Conditions: https://hungrybear.cooking/about/terms-and-conditions
Archive: https://archive.ph/UGWQJ

Privacy Policy: https://hungrybear.cooking/about/privacy-policy
Archive: https://archive.ph/5yLPE

Contact Us: https://hungrybear.cooking/about/contact-us
Archive: https://archive.ph/vDi6Z

Get Started Meal Planning: https://hungrybear.cooking/how/get-started-meal-plan
Archive: https://archive.ph/45Nuz

Get Started with My Cookbook: https://hungrybear.cooking/how/get-started
Archive: https://archive.ph/eUXsN

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hungrybear.cooking

Instagram: https://instagram.com/hungrybear.cooking?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


+61 (0)7 3157 1633

Address: Hungry Bear Cooking Pty Ltd (19738)
PO Box 16
Nobby Beach Qld 4218, Australia

Company Page:
Hungry Bear Cooking Pty Ltd ACN 604 026 557
Archive: https://archive.ph/6faPN


Pay attention to the Terms & Conditions and Privacy sections of Hungrybear.cooking compared to what they used to be on Flowchemical.com.au (Home Page Archive:
Terms & Conditions:
Acceptable Use Policy:

Comparison of certain parts: (I’ve highlighted phrases and words and labeled Flow vs Hungry Bear for further clarity.)
Parts of the wording are almost identical.

There was a news articles about 16 Nobby Beach (Flow & Hungry Bear’s PO Box).

This article links 16 Nobby Beach directly to Russian cyber spies.
Archive: https://archive.ph/hpnld

I have reverse searched images of food Hungry Bear claims to have made and posted on their Instagram:

As well as the image of children they use as their Facebook background:
Fancy Bear’s website (which appears in one of the caps of his account breach linked)
https://fancybear.net is coincidentally currently barely loading after suffering a series of DDOS attacks. Deep Thunk.

Take from this what you will.

Part 2 Cock.li

This has been spoken about by a few people recently.

What led me to finding this was typing the email ending Fancy Bear signed up with (kek@rape.lol) into the URL bar.
I typed in rape.lol which automatically redirects to cock.li, yet this domain and email option isn’t listed anywhere on their site.

Hosting Records for rape.lol show that it is owned by cock.li:

Source: https://myip.ms/info/whois/
Archive: https://archive.ph/2Rl3u

Enigma Software found @rape.lol emails as being encrypted with malware that usually follows extortion and makes victims files inaccessible:

Article: https://www.enigmasoftware.com/evolutionrapelolransomware-removal/
Archive: https://archive.ph/v7pi6

“The 'evolution@rape.lol' Ransomware is designed to make the victim's files inaccessible and then demand a ransom payment from the victim in exchange for returning access to the compromised data. Typically, the 'evolution@rape.lol' Ransomware is delivered to the victim via spam emails in the form of a file attachment that downloads and installs this threat onto the victim's computer.”

This probably means anyone who visits cock.li or rape.lol is being actively injected with malware and Trojans.

Cock.li’s listed email address options:
Archive: https://archive.ph/8JAId
Report Abuse: https://cock.li/abuse
Archive: https://archive.ph/U0Kit
Terms of Service: https://cock.li/tos
Archive: https://archive.ph/Rhi7G
Privacy Policy: https://cock.li/privacy
Archive: https://archive.ph/znOFa
OvO Systems Ltd: https://ovo.sc
Archive: https://archive.ph/5Ij0F
Donate: https://cock.li/donate
Archive: https://archive.ph/Uv0ui
Help: https://cock.li/help
Archive: https://archive.ph/oLbOp
Mailing List: https://cock.li/mailinglist
Archive: https://archive.ph/ufss8
Contact: https://cock.li/contact
Archive: https://archive.ph/nb1wr
Webmail: https://mail.cock.li
Archive: https://archive.ph/HrNBB
Login: https://cock.li/login
Archive: https://archive.ph/2uG1r
Register: https://cock.li/register
Archive: https://archive.ph/W7ue6
Server: https://cock.li/server
Archive: https://archive.ph/djn5F
File: https://vc.gg/files/otr.txt
Archive: https://archive.ph/llW6R

This email service has been promoted an innumerable amount of times by Joshua Moon who refers to its owner Vincent Canfield, as “a great guy”.
Is Vincent a great guy?

Turns out Vincent has been sending users of Cock.li’s services’ information to the FBI as well as being in deals with them regarding freezing people’s accounts, sending around information and assisting in federal investigations.

It is hard to tell from the email exchanges and subpoenas how much Vincent tells the police, but in comparison to most of these types of hosting services owners who would have a meltdown if asked to give out user information, Vincent seems almost a little too willing. Here are a series of oddly friendly email exchanges with law enforcement and Vincent, whether it’s him wishing them a good weekend, them giving him a personal point of contact, them telling them to ring their personal phone numbers, them addressing emails to Vincent with “Hello Folks” as if he’s included Vincent in group exchanges with police multiple times, something about these email exchanges rings alarm bells.
Cock.li has been subpoenaed multiple times, including for child exploitation material.
Vincent seemingly flits between claiming the feds are harassing him and also giving them anything they ask for at the drop of a hat and more. He has gone from willingly handing things over to telling the feds he seems to have regular contact with to subpoena him as protocol and cease just asking for data.
He made a jokey April fools post about being arrested in Romania:
Archive: https://archive.ph/nnDeL

Although he is transparent about these emails, some of them even contain parts that state he shouldn’t be sharing them:
This transparency should not leave people assuming Vincent is trustworthy and here’s why:

The transparency page is not linked on the home page and let’s be real, most users won’t think to search for /transparency
  • Him posting some of his exchanges with the feds still doesn’t make him not someone handing over user data to glowies
  • There are almost no transparency posts since 2018. There is no way the police just randomly stopped being aware of cock.li
  • There is no evidence that these are ALL the emails he’s received from the feds and not just the ones that are the least “problematic” in terms of if users found them.
  • No explanation for ceasing transparency logs.
(This transparency archive is almost identical to what the kf.net/archive looked like before Josh removed it from public view.)

He also said he isn’t surprised that Russian intelligence use his site:
Archive: https://archive.ph/DGfpR

Still want to use Cock.li?

Vincent Canfield
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gexcolo?s=21&t=4cEEJAZuIHckWurH2Y1Vkw
Archive: https://archive.ph/oFxRg

Phone Numbers:
+1 (662) 625-6266
+1 (206) 203-6677
+49 375 5092 517

JDGlazock vc@cock.li

Fediverse: vc@shitposter.club
Archive: https://archive.ph/6B9FS

Gab: https://gab.com/vc
Archive: https://archive.ph/qLdqv

18 Monroe Street
Augusta, ME 04330

(Vincent Canfield doesn’t seem to exist on white pages anywhere and there seem to be 4 random people living at this address.
+1 (207) 242-8662 is one of their numbers and the voicemail is the automated “leave a voicemail for” and then a man’s voice saying something inaudible followed by “forums”. His name is according to Whitepages is Jacob J Forbes also associated with a Chinese email address: zhue.xie@msn.com will look further into this.)

Another site of his: https://vc.gg
Archive: https://archive.ph/YxSFe
Another: http://horsefucker.org
Archive: https://archive.ph/AWlk4

Never trust Vincents.

Part 3 Josh’s International not-so-private Private Companies

I along with other posters here wondered if Flow existed somewhere in the world as well as Australia.

I finally have found something very convincing.

Both Flow Chemical Pty Ltd and Hungry Bear Cooking Pty Ltd exist in an almost mirrored way in Singapore under the names Flow Chemicals Pte Ltd (previously named Flow Chemical Pte Ltd) and Hungry Bear Pte Ltd.

Flow Chemical Pte Ltd: https://www.sgpbusiness.com/company/Flow-Chemicals-Pte-Ltd
Archive: https://archive.ph/Xs29W

Hungry Bear Pte Ltd: https://www.sgpbusiness.com/company/Hungry-Bear-Pte-Ltd
Archive: https://archive.ph/VwcWb

Another company that exists in Singapore is Chris Chandler Consulting which is currently in the process of cancellation. This could be unrelated, I just thought it was funny.

Chris Chandler Consulting: https://www.sgpbusiness.com/company/Chris-Chandler-Consulting
Archive: https://archive.ph/op0bf

Flow Chemicals Pte Ltd and Hungry Bear Pte Ltd are the only companies in Singapore who use that name. There are almost no other companies with a similar name.

Flow Chemicals Pte Ltd seems to be in the fields of chemical and gas and oil production and its previous name was Flow Chemical Pte Ltd and was registered in 2013 and struck off in 2017.
This needs further research.

This drop was more focused around info, the next one will be more funny and drama related. I was trying to continue on from things being posted about in this thread and hopefully provide people with some leads

I am considering posting a mini drop before the next one containing a list of KF accounts who use Cock.li emails and could potentially be compromised by law enforcement or hackers injecting them with malware to extort them. I feel it’s important to let people know.
As always, you can contact me via email
2022Odysseus@proton.me with any non public info regarding Josh or Kiwi Farms that you don’t want to post yourself. Everyone will be kept anonymous.

Stay safe & God bless
Last edited by a moderator:
Unlike most places you can at least disagree with people on KF like what used to be normal. No one is going to start an unprovoked witch hunt like its reddit or discord unless you're some kind of major POS and don't practice any OPsec. It seems like most of the powertripping glowniggers got locked out of their accounts with the password reset. There are definitely a few quieter mods on there that abuse their privileges and since the bans dont tell you who issued them, its likely them instead of some of the more known ones like Trombonista.

Though it will never not be funny to tell josh to shut up whenever he goes on one of those self pity "last free website" arcs of his.
I dunno man. I recall an instance of some tranny going on there to complain about people, specifically other trannies, and somehow said tranny was like a speedrun lolcow thread record or some autismo shit. Granted this was like half a decade ago by this point, I'm sure with how nutso KF is nowadays if such an event were to repeat it would somehow all be much faster. Think of a flame that burns brighter and more intensely but doesn't last as long.

Anyway, you can't take anything Josh says at face value because at the end of the day this is all for his own self interests and validation. He only cares about the diehard KF users as much as he needs to to keep his "passion project" afloat.
Mind sharing the comments? Can’t hit us with that and not share..
he deleted them after calling his bluff about most of them...one of them was on a mod I made for Skyrim that recreates one of the P2W items from Elder Scrolls Online, making fun of the name, and then deleted it once I mentioned that the name was chosen by bethesda and not me

one of his comments did mention doxxing and some of the stuff on my KF thread, but I don't remember what exactly it was. I know some of it was furry related. But like it's 2023 if you are against furries you're the problem not them

you can see some of his content here

steamid.uk is also pretty good

he deleted them after calling his bluff about most of them...one of them was on a mod I made for Skyrim that recreates one of the P2W items from Elder Scrolls Online, making fun of the name, and then deleted it once I mentioned that the name was chosen by bethesda and not me

one of his comments did mention doxxing and some of the stuff on my KF thread, but I don't remember what exactly it was. I know some of it was furry related. But like it's 2023 if you are against furries you're the problem not them

you can see some of his content here

steamid.uk is also pretty good

You’re Etrius aren’t you lol?
How did Josh even find you, and how did you even know it was him? This is wild lol.
he deleted them after calling his bluff about most of them...one of them was on a mod I made for Skyrim that recreates one of the P2W items from Elder Scrolls Online, making fun of the name, and then deleted it once I mentioned that the name was chosen by bethesda and not me

one of his comments did mention doxxing and some of the stuff on my KF thread, but I don't remember what exactly it was. I know some of it was furry related. But like it's 2023 if you are against furries you're the problem not them

you can see some of his content here

steamid.uk is also pretty good

Double posting, np if you want to stay Anon, but did you archive anything? You could always post screenshots and crop your own shit out, were there any DMs? What made you think it was Josh?
You’re Etrius aren’t you lol?
Not like I'm trying to hide, heh. "green eyes white tiger" isn't exactly anon.

aspergers rant about my experience:

some pedo faggot already copypasted my KF thread thingy here, not a big deal, once i got over the initial anxiety i realised that these attention whores just want a rise...I'm still working on bettering myself, nobody's perfect, and these clowns aren't even serious. I had some spam sent to a deleted email address and a single fake craigslist ad posted, and that's it...no threats, no violence, nothing, mostly just because I'm a random nobody and an average at best furry, they got bored really quickly. I think they signed me up for some magazine subscriptions too but a couple calls to the mag companies and I had peace of mind.

My Asperger's makes it impossible for me to tell a joke so I'm pretty easy to troll, but my dedication, persistence, and seriousness makes arguing with me or trolling me tiring, even on reddit where there are 'professional' trolls, threads with me rarely go for long.

I don't even really care at this point, someone wants to come at me, Georgia has stand your ground laws, and if these asshats were bold enough to try anything as a result of a dox they'd come to regret it...I'm friends with half of the Atlanta police force and aquaintences with the rest and got PGS at my back to boot.

Double posting, np if you want to stay Anon, but did you archive anything?

I'm not really 'into' the whole doxxing thing unless it's self-serving, dirt on people I don't like, stuff I can use to 'win' arguments, feel superior vs someone, etc, I literally have just been living my best life as a sex addicted high functioning alcoholic, working, meeting new people, trying new things

Enough about me tho...

You could always post screenshots and crop your own shit out, were there any DMs?

no DMs, he wouldn't accept my friend request like the faggot coward he is

What made you think it was Josh?

the way he spoke, when he tries to be semi-polite and professional, trying not to act like a spergy faggot on the Internet, the speech pattern was definitely his, I remember it from the time I tried to have my KF thread taken down with a short email correspondence

Another thing is the user icon/avatar, that one really isn't common, it's a character from the simpsons and an infrequent one at that, and someone would either have to be a complete retard to use it, or it was entirely intentional...

The last thing, was that there was mention of stuff he'd only know if he was part of KF...

but that's all I got
Reason: spelling
Not like I'm trying to hide, heh. "green eyes white tiger" isn't exactly anon.

aspergers rant about my experience:

some pedo faggot already copypasted my KF thread thingy here, not a big deal, once i got over the initial anxiety i realised that these attention whores just want a rise...I'm still working on bettering myself, nobody's perfect, and these clowns aren't even serious. I had some spam sent to a deleted email address and a single fake craigslist ad posted, and that's it...no threats, no violence, nothing, mostly just because I'm a random nobody and an average at best furry, they got bored really quickly. I think they signed me up for some magazine subscriptions too but a couple calls to the mag companies and I had peace of mind.

My Asperger's makes it impossible for me to tell a joke so I'm pretty easy to troll, but my dedication, persistence, and seriousness makes arguing with me or trolling me tiring, even on reddit where there are 'professional' trolls, threads with me rarely go for long.

I don't even really care at this point, someone wants to come at me, Georgia has stand your ground laws, and if these asshats were bold enough to try anything as a result of a dox they'd come to regret it...I'm friends with half of the Atlanta police force and aquaintences with the rest and got PGS at my back to boot.

I'm not really 'into' the whole doxxing thing unless it's self-serving, dirt on people I don't like, stuff I can use to 'win' arguments, feel superior vs someone, etc, I literally have just been living my best life as a sex addicted high functioning alcoholic, working, meeting new people, trying new things

Enough about me tho...

no DMs, he wouldn't accept my friend request like the faggot coward he is

the way he spoke, when he tries to be semi-polite and professional, trying not to act like a spergy faggot on the Internet, the speech pattern was definitely his, I remember it from the time I tried to have my KF thread taken down with a short email correspondence

Another thing is the user icon/avatar, that one really isn't common, it's a character from the simpsons and an infrequent one at that, and someone would either have to be a complete retard to use it, or it was entirely intentional...

The last thing, was that there was mention of stuff he'd only know if he was part of KF...

but that's all I got
talking about professionalism in relation to lolcows forums is retarded but I find it v strange that Josh regularly (he was commenting on your shit in November 2022) goes off-site to lookup cows personal accounts and start interacting with them. He claims to be anti-gayops but in my OP I have posted screenshots of him doing this shit with Tom Preston in like 2009 and he hasn’t changed an iota. Tries to harass cows in private and then goes on his site and spergs out about how no one should touch the poo or participate in off-site gayops. I’ll be doing further research regarding the account you listed. Any idea how he found you, what was the first thing he said? I’m interested in how he explained randomly turning up one day to slap fight you.
Any idea how he found you,

My Steam at the time was literally Etrius vanRandr, I'm a bit of an egotist/narcissist and like to show myself off, part of what got me in trouble in the first place. I've changed it to just Etrius in the meantime, but everything else remains the same. Not hard to find me, at all. I don't hide. I have a blog where I do creative writing, I have my own Wikifur entry that I wrote mostly myself, and I have my own Wikipedia but it's private because I'm not done writing it.

what was the first thing he said?

First thing he said was that dumb shit about my Skyrim mod. Like bro I'm sorry Zenimax has a fetish with being edgy but naming it Bloodshadow Wraithsteed wasn't my idea 🤣

All of my interactions with this account occurred in the comments of my workshop files or on my screenshots. He deleted them very shortly afterwards, and I didn't bother to archive them because I didn't make the connection until I saw the discord icon you posted. I just thought it was a random troll who saw my KF thread or something.

My memory really isn't the greatest because of my ADHD (unmedicated for it), but I vaguely remember him also mentioning he was "laughing at the name with his friends in discord" or something like that. I'll think about it some more and see if i can accurately remember anything else.