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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
late but apc got banned again? lmao, how long until nool gets jealous again and starts unbanning people again from this forum?
It's really beyond me why anybody would trust a known scam artist like Gonzola Lira, let alone do favors for them.
because they hodl coachcoin
Even PPP and Godwinson know this
as a fair bunch of what you usually post, this is factually incorrect, Godwinson was a huge fan of Gonzalo Lira, and used memes as a way to cope when he eventually found out what some of us already knew from the get go.

Because josh is the male version of the fat girl that falls for pua tricks
absolutely nobody falls for PUA tricks
You're powerleveling hard, as you admit that you have tried these scams for scammers, if a fat girl falls for some scammed scammer is because she wants to fuck you regardless of how socially dumb you are
congrats dude, i'd rather fap for the rest of my existence on Earth than touch those bitches with a 6 feet long stick.
because they hodl coachcoin

as a fair bunch of what you usually post, this is factually incorrect, Godwinson was a huge fan of Gonzalo Lira, and used memes as a way to cope when he eventually found out what some of us already knew from the get go.

absolutely nobody falls for PUA tricks
You're powerleveling hard, as you admit that you have tried these scams for scammers, if a fat girl falls for some scammed scammer is because she wants to fuck you regardless of how socially dumb you are
congrats dude, i'd rather fap for the rest of my existence on Earth than touch those bitches with a 6 feet long stick.
Godwinson wasn't a fan he was a detractor and a funny one at that.
Godwinson wasn't a fan he was a detractor and a funny one at that.
he outright said what I said in one of his first streams with PPP, that he used to be follower of him and only started mocking him when he realised how much of a retard he was on /cow/ cyclical thread, how long have you been following the guy?
he outright said what I said in one of his first streams with PPP, that he used to be follower of him and only started mocking him when he realised how much of a retard he was on /cow/ cyclical thread, how long have you been following the guy?
Ive never followed coach only Adam, I'm not shocked Adam was an /r9k/ fag for a bit.
The more I think about it, its plausible.
Any obvious differences can be attributed to Josh's very obvious case of fetal alcohol syndrome.

In this story you ARE the big cheese himself and you control the story. Reply to suggest what null does next.

You wake up in your BED inside your APARTMENT to the side is your DIET COKE PILE blocking the WINDOW. You have a DESK by the DOOR where you keep your LAPTOP and the kiwi farms MAIN SERVER. What do you do?