There's a lot of irony in this.
Kiwi Farms is the same community that wants harsh draconian laws to be enacted to "Own the Degenerates" (be it the lolicons, the furries, gooners, or whatever the case may be) but they're either too stupid or too stubborn to see that what the UK is doing now is the logical conclusion of what the Kiwis have been preaching against communities they don't like because the praxis of censorship also leads to you eventually getting censored as well.
Yes the UK is total dogshit when it comes to free speech and they have some of the harshest laws in the developed world when it comes to free speech, the UK hasn't been a free speech zone since the early-2000's (from religious leaders being arrested for saying "Pray the Gay Away", to people being arrested for looking up lolicon doujins, to people being arrested for saying Muhammad from the Islamic faith is a pedophile, and most recently people being arrested for consuming and posting edgy political memes on the Internet that are right-wing in nature).
I agree that the UK is a shithole when it comes to human rights because the UK is suppose to be a developed first-world nation that you expect them to uphold human rights and yet they usually go into the most autocratic direction imaginable when it comes to running a country.
But at the same time I don't feel too sorry for Jersh or the Kiwis because they don't seem to realize them advocating for censorship for communities they don't like most likely will lead to them getting censored as well because censorship is an ouroboros that doesn't just stop at the people or the things they want censored and the person doing the censoring will find themselves getting censored too; the useful idiots for the state get the bullet too when they are no longer useful to a tyrant anymore. Someone will gain power and stay in power but it won't be the useful idiots that advocated for said tyranny in the first place.