• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
How do any of these goals "preserve the internet" exactly? All this shit was there 20 years ago aside from debanking which is a newer phenomena, but even this pet issue of Josh's is completely unrelated to the Internet and more to do with financial institutions. He just calls it the "Internet Preservation Society" to try and attract as many cringe redditors as possible to his cause. Debanking doesn't affect 99.999% of Americans. Why does he expect normies to give a shit?
usips goals.png
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And Jewsh's Mom dated blacks. Lol. That undoubtedly fucked him up mentally. No wonder he hates his Mom and blacks. I don't blame him for that. He had one story about him as a kid sitting in a restaurant with his Mom and a black man she was with. I wished I had clipped it from an old MATI episode. Maybe some super-chatter can bait the story out of him on stream.
This is the first time I have felt bad for Josh, I couldn't imagine being seen in public with my mother and her black boyfriend, my body has such a guttural reaction to women who date African men, I honestly can't help but it.
Now we know what the origins and why he's up his own ass up about Fuentes and the failed fanfiction come true of Dick Masterson!
Also worth noting that although Jersh habitually lies about being le Florida Man, he is originally from Maryland. Anyone who is vaguely familiar with American sociopolitics knows that Maryland is a satanic niggered hellscape, which somewhat explains why Jersh has always been a walking disaster and liability everywhere he goes.

It also puts into perspective Jersh's obsessive a-logging with Chris Chan's homestate of Virginia. Leaving aside your partisan views on CWC, nobody would give a fuck about where Chris is from where it not for Jersh shoehorning "HAHA VIRGINIA AMIRITE" onto every CWC-related topic ever, because evidently Jersh can't go a single second without trying to overcompensate for his inferiority complex.
Josh doesn't understand the phrase "two wrongs don't make a right." Is posting public information legal? Yes. Are companies selling your information legal? Also yes. His retarded logic here is how he justifies hosting revenge porn. "Don't be mad I'm hosting revenge porn... Be mad at the guy who leaked it!" Gee I wonder why credit card processing companies don't want to work with someone who spreads revenge porn...