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Christory It's Over - Transferred to an Undisclosed Facility

Onion Null

Daddy Null
Chris Chan has been transferred to an undisclosed facility. He is no longer at the Central Virginia Regional Jail. My guess is that he has been transferred to a state mental health facility. It was a nice run but it's over.
stolen from twitter:


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He was arrested in August and was there for 7 months before being transferred to most likely a psychiatric facility. Here is my guess on the plea bargain that was worked out. He will be there until his continuance in July. He will get credit for time served and the lawyer will argue that Chris has taken responsibility by agreeing to participate in intensive inpatient mental health treatment. The judge will be release him on supervised probation into a group home environment with the understanding that he can never again have any contact with Barbara.
Warning: Long Ass post ahead, but hopefully a worthy read. An Onionfarms Exclusive.

I have been getting so sick and tired of seeing so many people talking about what they think Chris is going through at the nuthouse and most of them are talking out their asses. So, I finally got in touch with a relative who's been semi-estranged from family for a number of years. He had a 6 month stint at the local state funny farm (bad reaction to some psych prescription in the late 80's), so I asked him to take a look through some of the recent CWC videos and letters for his testimony on what Chris must be going through right now based on his own personal experiences and seeing other patients coming in, on the condition that I never bring it up with him again so no follow-up questions. I know that most Kiwis and Onions are going to dismiss it as hearsay since there's no hard docs or evidence to back up what I'm about to type. All I can say is what I'm about to post is what my relative described. It's up to the reader if they want to believe it or not.

From what he described, this is most likely what Chris is going through when he arrived at the nuthouse and what his average days are like in there.

The Intake:
You're brought into an intake office that can either be you & the worker talking across the desk or a "confession booth" type room with a plexi partition if the patient may be potentially violent. They take your basic info like your name, SSN, age, and a few other questions like whether you've been having thoughts of suicide. Then they weigh you and check your height & temp. After that, you're told to strip and take a brief shower. If you came there with any clothes in a sack or luggage, they would take it away for a couple of days in order to have little white name tags sewn onto each article. After your shower, they give you a one size fits all pair of flimsy linen pajama bottoms, a flimsier bath robe, and a pair of flipflops. If you only came in with the street clothes on your back, they'll hold them in storage for you for special events like court appearances or field trips, and all you'll get to wear are the above mentioned pajama bottoms/robe/flipflops day in day out.

Welcome To Your New World:
After they hand you a set of papers that detail all the rules you're expected to follow, they take you to the Day Room and just leave you there to fend for yourself. As a noob, you start out with zero privileges. That means you have to ask the nurse for permission to do *anything*. Want to drink from the fountain? You have to ask for permission. Want to take a shit? You have to ask for permission.

Your New BFFs:
Other loonies are gathered there in all sorts of shapes, sizes, and mental afflictions. From the guy who can't be allowed near crayons because he keeps trying to shove them up his pee-hole, the guy with the constantly runny nose but never uses a hankie so that his entire stache & beard is bedding material for one big disgusting beard shaped booger covering his lower face, to the quiet guy who's there because he stabbed his mother and lapped up her blood. You have to choose your friends very carefully there, or things can get wacky damn quick. The more Hannibal Lecter types are kept locked away in their own iso rooms, but even the more manageable ones they allow to shuffle around in the Day Room can be easily riled up.

Dah Rules:
As mentioned you have to ask for permission to do anything there when you're a noob. There's also other rules you have to obey and if you slip up even just the slightest, the punishments will come swift and certain. Most times it's just forcing the patient to stand in the doorway of the ward's "Quiet Room" for an hour if it's not occupied. That may seem trivial, but try to stand perfectly still like a statue for over an hour or else the clock gets reset to 0 and your time starts all over again. You'd be crawling inside your own skin.

For any of the more flagrant rule violations, you'd be put into the Quiet Room and locked in there alone until the next morning or next week to think about what you'd done. It is literal solitary confinement in a room where everything is stark white. If you had done something really violent like fighting, you'd have to spend that time strapped down to the bed with restraints and a bonus Thorazine injection into your asscheek to mellow you out.

His guess is that since Chris always wants to do his own thing and he never listens to authority, he's no doubt already had a few run-ins with staff that resulted in stays in the Quiet Room by now. And since Chris never learns, he's certain to get into trouble with the staff very often in the future, preventing him from ever earning any new privileges. This can make him a target of the more predatory patients in there, who will make it their hobby to rile Chris up on purpose as often as they can just to get him sent off to the Quiet Room.

Med Time:
State nuthouses don't have budgets large enough to carry an assortment of psych drugs, so the usual one-size-fits-all Thorazine is handed out in liquid form in tiny dosage cups mixed with some generic name Tang drink for a mixer (no pills to hide under your tongue). Doesn't matter what your major malfunction is, it's nothing but Thorazine for you and you and you unless you have an actual violent sort of adverse reaction to the stuff. These meds aren't there to make you better. They're there to make you into a shuffling chemo-zombie that won't be a bother to the nursing staff. From the time they roust you out of bed at 6:30AM to the time they send you back to your bunks at 10PM, you're so heavily sedated that all you want to do throughout the day is sleep but you're not allowed to so until it's bedtime. Even being caught trying to rest your head in your arms at a table will get a crackdown on you. It's a form of sleep deprivation torture.

Don't expect even basic cable. It's whatever channels the antenna on the roof can pick up. Other than that, it's just a bunch of ancient books from the 1930's-50's that the local library threw out and board games that are unusable because most of the pieces are missing (swallow hazard). If you're lucky you might find a complete deck of cards. Definitely no MLP episodes or Wii hooked up to the vidya.

The Food:
Imagine how awful jail food is, and then realize that nuthouse food is even worse. No pizza or cheeseburgers. It's usually the most mushy, bland, disgusting stuff from the cow that even prison grade foodservice won't accept. Think of stuff like a pile of mushy, scalding-hot servings of squash, some broccoli with the occasional dead boiled grasshopper still inside the pile, and a mushy, greasy scoop of congealed "meat" that's often served with green & fuzzy bits. There is a canteen where you might be able to get human food like a small can of soup or soda, but you only get access to those places maybe once a week and you're only allowed to spend a small predetermined amount of money per visit no matter how much or how little is in your canteen fund.

This is the part where I know that Chris is having the most Hell on Earth imaginable right now! In the evenings after dinner, everyone is herded into the gym to perform daily exercises. No Exceptions! Even if your legs are too weak they'll still tip you out of the wheelchair onto the gym floor and order you to do situps. Make a fuss and you get punished. Do not complete the required number of pullups/situps/pushups and you get punished. Chris will hang there on the pullup bar like he did in that video but this time he won't be allowed to give up. The lead of the group (a male orderly) will be screaming at him like a drill sergeant and will not allow Chris to fuss his way out of it this time. When Chris obviously fails to do even one pullup, he'll be punished by being ordered to run an extra 50 laps around the gym after all the other gimps have been herded back into their ward to line up for their showers.

Then it's sitting around bored AF in the Day Room till 10PM and it's everyone in their beds and lights out for bedtime. At 6:30am all the room lights are turned back on by the nurses and everyone is ordered out of bed, and the whole thing happens all over again, day after day after day.

Chris is in the worst hell he could have ever imagined. Trapped 24/7 with a herd of slow in the minds, being told "no!", and every time he acts up or refuses to follow orders the punishment comes down swift & certain. And there's fuck all he can do about.
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it'll be interesting to see if his roommates will have any effect on canon, or on his state of mind for that matter.
The jail letters struck me of Chris at his most hypocritical and the most smug. He has a lot of nerve telling people that they failed his "tests".

Chris was on the threshold of actually monetizing his weirdness. He was getting an all-expense paid vacation in Washington. Hell, he was even going to have his own concubine for the weekend. All he had to do was avoid doing anything stupid or at least avoid doing anything illegal. Chris then not only raped Barb, but bragged about it to total strangers.

Chris failed that test.

And even after all that, Null was still willing to help him get through this storm and get him the $5000 early so he'd have some funds in order to survive on his own till after the no-contact order had expired and he could return home. All he had to do was avoid doing anything stupid. Chris then stole money out of Barb's bank account and went on a shopping spree instead.

Again, Chris failed that test.
The jail letters struck me of Chris at his most hypocritical and the most smug. He has a lot of nerve telling people that they failed his "tests".

Chris was on the threshold of actually monetizing his weirdness. He was getting an all-expense paid vacation in Washington. Hell, he was even going to have his own concubine for the weekend. All he had to do was avoid doing anything stupid or at least avoid doing anything illegal. Chris then not only raped Barb, but bragged about it to total strangers.

Chris failed that test.

And even after all that, Null was still willing to help him get through this storm and get him the $5000 early so he'd have some funds in order to survive on his own till after the no-contact order had expired and he could return home. All he had to do was avoid doing anything stupid. Chris then stole money out of Barb's bank account and went on a shopping spree instead.

Again, Chris failed that test.
hi totemsonic!