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June 1, 2024: Donald Trump refers to himself as a political prisoner and blames Biden:
June 1, 2024: Elon Musk plans to hold a livestream event with Donald Trump on
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Movie Night

In the process of being set up

Kiwifarms Gossip Is Kiwifarms Coming Back on the Clearnet?

General gossip about kiwifarms

Kramer is A Man Da

Remarkable Onion
Null is so out of it i hope he gets fucked on the lawsuit, again maybe its because the Rekita arc is the biggest thing on the site this year, but how does someone not realize how bad a lawsuit can fuck you if you don't take the time and logic to make sure you don't fuck yourself with your antics beforehand.

We all know Null will end up picking a shitty lawyer then his stupid statements will be used against him in court and it will cost a shitload he won't ever be able to get back. Even worse he'll end up with a lawyer who ty beard's him and he'll lash out at everyone for laughing at him.

the last 12 months people with Null's mentality have been getting fucked by the courts and somehow Null thinks he's the one that will get that W? Depp at least was smart enough to get the best lawyers and chose the best venue for his antics. Null will somehow end up in a court jurisdiction where the people will already hate him worse than Nick's court does. Like Null will somehow fuck up so hard that the trial will take place in christchurch.