I'm a namefag from soyjak.blog with over 3,500 posts there! Nice to meet you guys, I'm posting here because I wasn't sure where else to post.
>this user is best known for:
>this user is best known for:
- Being very interested in 'toons
- Voicing over various soyblog posts and threads with THE most ESL and incoherent speech impediment voice despite being raised and born in the US of A
- Being a wannabe pooner with autoandrophilia
- Drawing once in a blue moon
- Mostly failing to try coding a "Soyjak.blog Friendship Simulator"
- Coming back from around -600 soyblog karma to almost 1,500
- Successfully LARPing as the permanently banned user terrycrews on the encyclopedia dramatica forums for over 300 posts and even getting the janny Steve to make a thread on it.
- Trying and mostly failing to popularize userboxes in people's about me pages.
- Not having a computer for years due to being emotionally unstable supposedly (I got it back though!)
- Being an ex-gooner who asked soyblog users if they would change their genitals to a blue tentacle only to have the thread deleted and banned by Froot himself for the reason "retarded nigger" for 5 days
- Being 20 years old and still using the name "Soyteen Liker"